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Dvader's PC adventure!
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Thu, 18 Feb 2016 15:58:42

Anyone buying hitman? You get two beta codes if you do, I want one please.

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Fri, 19 Feb 2016 03:06:35

So I tried Tomb Raider, the first thing that happened was it wouldn't run. I don't know why, after like 4 tries it worked. Very strange, I was very close to coming here and ranting like mad.

I set up the game to very high settings and OMG ITS CRAZY!!!!! I took video, pictures, it's gorgeous. It moves at such a smooth perfect frame rate with loads of crazy effects. The graphics were blowing my mind. The intro is a poor mans uncharted, I didn't get to play much.

Things are taking forever to downloads so my game tour is going slow. I have tomorrow off, I will really get to try stuff then.

Oh and I got into the Hitman beta so I have that to look forward too as well. I have an extra code by the way.

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Fri, 19 Feb 2016 06:37:02
Dvader said:

I set up the game to very high settings and OMG ITS CRAZY!!!!! I took video, pictures, it's gorgeous. It moves at such a smooth perfect frame rate with loads of crazy effects. The graphics were blowing my mind. The intro is a poor mans uncharted, I didn't get to play much.

Now you know why I used to get annoyed when I'd come here posting about how incredible some games looked on PC and I'd post a pic and you guys would go "meh it looks the same on my ps360".

Sucks you've had so many problems though. Hopefully it gets easier for you.


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Fri, 19 Feb 2016 19:39:06

So I got some quality time in with my PC, its still downloading a million games and taking forever. Everything seems to be working fine, I now know how to use the nvidia experience program to easily record and track performance. Tomb Raider optimized runs at a constant 60FPS on mostly the highest settings, its stunning. I tried The Divsion beta, I put it on ultra settings, I get a solid 40FPS outside with 55-60 inside during missions. That game I can compare directly to PS4, yes its nicer. The game looks more crisp, the frame rate is obviously way better. Effects and lighting look slightly better. Overall the quality is better. But it cant change the look of the game, thats on the artists and how the models look and I still dont think the division has great models. Its super nice to have it on PC, easily the perferable way to play but its not some major difference from the PS4 version.

The PS4 conrtoller is working great with most games. There are some issues where some games need it to be recognized as an xbox controller to work and others can see it as a PS controller so i have to always set that on the ps controller program, not bad. Im trying out this MS edge browser, really nice, I may stick with it. BK gave me a link to get Doom 64, they recreated it for PC, pretty damn cool. I really need to start exploring the mod scene and user projects like that for other games.

If there is anything I should be checking out please let me know. Videos coming soon.

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Sat, 20 Feb 2016 02:18:39

You should try out the superior mouse and keyboard. Nyaa

Welcome to the master race etc.

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Sat, 20 Feb 2016 11:39:20

No Xcom 2 yet? The fuck!


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Sat, 20 Feb 2016 15:03:58
Foolz said:

You should try out the superior mouse and keyboard. Nyaa

Welcome to the master race etc.

It disgusts me. So no.

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Sat, 20 Feb 2016 15:04:18
edgecrusher said:

No Xcom 2 yet? The fuck!

When I start that I may not stop.

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Sat, 20 Feb 2016 15:08:19
Dvader said:

It disgusts me. So no.

You have no choice once you play Xcom 2. It has no controller support for some reason.


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Sat, 20 Feb 2016 15:17:09

So yesterday I got to play some cities skyline which has a free weekend. Straight up Sim City clone, it has been so long since I played SC so this is a bit overwhelming. Still enough of it is familiar enough that I know what to do. That said I think I am past the part where a game like this is what I want to play.

I tried the Hitman beta, its not a looker, thats some average graphics. It gives you a mission to mess around with where you need to assassinate a guy on a yaght during a party. It feels like Hitman of old, you walk around explore and find ways to kill your target. I went the disguse route to be able to follow him to restricted areas then took him out. Guards react as they should when they see you do suspicious activity. When in a disguse you should get near other workers of the same uniform cause they will know you are not an employee. I really need to try more but it seems good.

Then there is the bad, Star Citizen. I understand its not a finished product but sections of it are playable and woah its rough. This is the clear difference between a major studio making a game and some start up team trying to do way more than they are capable of. The game feels like its going to break with every step I take. The movement while on foot is all wonky, animations are god awful, the controls are overly complicated. I went to one of the hub worlds and nothing worked, I could not interact with any store owners or anything, did they just release that so you can walk around? I bought a flight stick for this game but this hotas thrustmaster is not really supported natively. So most of the buttons dont work. There are ways to remap shit by getting files from people that have done so but even that I cant seem to get to work either. The whole thing just seemed like a mess. I will keep trying until I can fly around.

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Sat, 20 Feb 2016 15:17:54
edgecrusher said:

You have no choice once you play Xcom 2. It has no controller support for some reason.

For that game yeah, thats fine. I mean anything where twitch actions ar required, cant do it with KBM

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Sat, 20 Feb 2016 19:32:20

So Crysis is no longer impressive. It runs like shit, screen tearing everywhere, just did not look right.

The Hitman beta is a blast. It gives you two missions to mess around with, each one has at least 10 unique ways to kill the target. This feels like Hitman 2 except being seen is brutal, you die fast. Fans of hitman should be keeping an eye out.

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Sun, 21 Feb 2016 18:13:45

I went back into Star Citizen and I am slowly getting it. I found a control scheme that kind of work, it still needs tweaking. I have no clue what half the things on my hud means. The tutorial mission is fucked, it freezes constantly, it is a known issue, so there goes learning it that way. There are drone matches so I messed with that. I am getting a good feel for the ship, which I have a super shitty one right now, no missles. I will really need to research this game more before I feel comfortable going online. I will say flying with those sticks man, feels so good. When this baby gets VR its going to be glorious.

Here are some videos, first I bug one, this game is clearly still in alpha.

And this one is a bit of a dog fight.

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Mon, 22 Feb 2016 02:20:29

^That a tutorial mission? Combat looks incredibly lethargic.

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Mon, 22 Feb 2016 03:44:40
Foolz said:

^That a tutorial mission? Combat looks incredibly lethargic.

No thats basically a drone survival mode. Yes combat was pretty boring.

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Mon, 22 Feb 2016 10:24:53

Hitman looks strangely generic.

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Thu, 10 Mar 2016 09:20:49

If you want to be blown away by a PC game's graphics I would recommend The Witcher III downsampled to 4K.

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Thu, 10 Mar 2016 14:37:46
Punk Rebel Ecks said:

If you want to be blown away by a PC game's graphics I would recommend The Witcher III downsampled to 4K.

I'm not paying for that game again.

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Sat, 12 Mar 2016 19:08:45

Make sure you buy both of these games.

Also download this client if you want to broaden your horizon's past Steam.

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Sun, 13 Mar 2016 19:03:38
Punk Rebel Ecks said:

Make sure you buy both of these games.

Also download this client if you want to broaden your horizon's past Steam.

I know gog is good but everything is for steam. All the sales and humble stuff.

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