Unlocked the Gladiator class. Unfortunately I don't really have anyone who is in a position to start over again so I'll have to wait a while to see how that class pans out. The Armamentalist class is turning out to be worth it, even though I think at this point it's best described as the gay cowboy class (is that redundant?).
Also finally got my first treasure map and the boat. The game is pretty much non-linear at this point and I can go wherever the hell I want. Pretty much like DQ III was once you get the boat. And the first treasure map leads to a dungeon that is completely misleading. Most of the enemies are fairly easy. . . and then you get to a boss whose power level is wildly out of whack with the other monsters. I don't think I've even gotten close to beating him yet.
and i like the Gladiator class for the axe skill set it learns helm splitter that is a great move on bosses
I haven't even unlocked the Class Change ability yet...
...and I've never even looked into the store!
*I'm back in the Observatory now about to talk to Yggy!*
robio said:What happened? Did the DQVC erase your game or something?
no the servers are not being updated for the shop and its happening to everyone and it still isn't fixed yet
eggmiester said:no the servers are not being updated for the shop and its happening to everyone and it still isn't fixed yet
I hate when stuff like that prevents you from enjoying a game.
I haven't utilized the store yet or I'd be grumbling a bit too!
Hope it doesn't turn you off of the game entirely though!

Do want.

Do want.

Do want.

Do want.

Do want.

How the hell did that get in there...?!
...do want.

Do want.

Do want.

Do want.


Do want.

?! Meh!

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies is one of those games that remind you why you became a gamer. Incredibly fun, funny and addictive, it exudes charm from every pore and reintroduces the concept of giddy excitement in games with each new step taken. Finding a new town, buying new weapons, and unlocking new skills provide a simple, innocent thrill that has been missing from Japanese RPGs for the longest time. Probably since Dragon Quest VIII was released, in fact. If you fundamentally hate Dragon Quest, you may not want to pick this up, but for everybody else this is a must buy. It's simply the best DS game of the year and one of the finest RPG experiences you could hope to own.
Only the most jaded of gamers could play this game and not smile.
phantom_leo said:I hate when stuff like that prevents you from enjoying a game.
I haven't utilized the store yet or I'd be grumbling a bit too!
Hope it doesn't turn you off of the game entirely though!
it shouldn't bother me as much as it does but with that and chest drop % i am close to trading the game back in i most likely wont but its amazing on how smallest things piss me off bad.
nice dq toys and stuff i would love them

Anyway, just had a question.
Did any of you guys notice slight slowdown or a slight lag whenever you run around town and sometimes the overworld with all 4 party members? I only notice it when there's a lot of things on the screen.
It's not game breaking or anything but I do notice a slight frame rate slowdown once in a while.
Anyone notice this?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
eggmiester said:it shouldn't bother me as much as it does but with that and chest drop % i am close to trading the game back in i most likely wont but its amazing on how smallest things piss me off bad.
nice dq toys and stuff i would love them
Hmmm... are you typically the kind of gamer that tries to 100% the games you play?
ASK_Story said:I finally got my party members. I spent like an hour trying to figure out who to use and what to name them!
Anyway, just had a question.
Did any of you guys notice slight slowdown or a slight lag whenever you run around town and sometimes the overworld with all 4 party members? I only notice it when there's a lot of things on the screen.
It's not game breaking or anything but I do notice a slight frame rate slowdown once in a while.
Anyone notice this?
Huh. That's funny. I would normally be the FIRST to notice and nitpick about something like that, but I haven't seen one instance of slowdown, anywhere yet!
ASK_Story said:I finally got my party members. I spent like an hour trying to figure out who to use and what to name them!
Anyway, just had a question.
Did any of you guys notice slight slowdown or a slight lag whenever you run around town and sometimes the overworld with all 4 party members? I only notice it when there's a lot of things on the screen.
It's not game breaking or anything but I do notice a slight frame rate slowdown once in a while.
Anyone notice this?
no i haven't had any lag or anything else on the game
phantom_leo said:Huh. That's funny. I would normally be the FIRST to notice and nitpick about something like that, but I haven't seen one instance of slowdown, anywhere yet!
Well, it isn't slow to a slug. But more like a lower frame rate.
It's noticeable but nothing game breaking.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
phantom_leo said:Hmmm... are you typically the kind of gamer that tries to 100% the games you play?
most of the time yes but some games i have no interest in doing that
meh it wont stay it has happened before give it a month or two, yup the raging contagion lives in the quaratomb