Sassed by these guys.
I think I'm going to be sticking with Bethesda WRPGs.
My experience of KOTOR and Mass Effect annoyed me in that they have a good game there, but then force you to do some annoying bullshit with regards to stats or some assey puzzle you cant do unless you have the stats.
I am still getting used to the combat, I have died a few times but each time I come back with a better strategy and win the battle. It is very very Bioware, there is a ton of KOTOR in here, its that same structure to the game.
I would say the biggest strength are the characters, excellent characters. I just met this gay elf, and no its not a stereotypical gay elf, its a badass suave talking gay elf who hits on my character, I kind of flirt back.

I love this line, by the elf Zevran:
"I don't like foreign objects invading my personal space. Well not all the time."

Been playing only this game for a while now. Closing to the 20 hr mark, and still undecided on what to do with the posessed kid at Arl Eamon's house. I left for a while to clear my head and do some side quests.
I am dying far more than I would expect, even in random skirmishes with wolves or hurlocks, and that's getting a bit annoying. It's probably my fault because of my party selection, but I still am baffled at the ease with which I die on a regular basis. Last night I went to find out what happened to a caravan, and a crapload of wolves assaulted me, made me fall and killed me without letting me get up again. This happened twice, lol. My whole party is at Lv 10 or 9. I am probably picking up the wrong skills when leveling up or assigning points badly, because I shouldn't be having this much trouble on normal difficulty.
I am playing with a female human noble warrior, my skills are being allocated towards two-weapon fighting.
gamingeek said:Vader I thought you weren't enjoying this?
It's good don't get me wrong but I know I don't prefer this kind of game. I am trying to get past that and just enjoy it for what it is which is a very well done WRPG. The characters and some of the storylines are flatout fantastic. Combat has its moments.
It's definetely not as good KOTOR, but it is a quality RPG.
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:Vader I thought you weren't enjoying this?
It's good don't get me wrong but I know I don't prefer this kind of game. I am trying to get past that and just enjoy it for what it is which is a very well done WRPG. The characters and some of the storylines are flatout fantastic. Combat has its moments.
It's definetely not as good KOTOR, but it is a quality RPG.
And to think, you could have bought NMH2 or Endless Ocean 2.
Foolz said:Have you been forgetting to take your clothes off before playing?
I own it. I tried to recreate my D&D character and play how he would have played, but Dwarves, in their dumbass universe, are secular and can't use magic, which makes it very hard for my chaotic-good cleric of Kord. He's basically diminished into one of those fictional material atheists who don't believe in morals in the absense of god.
The game is alright. I'm nearly finished it.
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom
I went to that town of haven or whatever it was called to find the urn. I love the setup, you know its a crazy town, you start to find dead bodies and stuff. Then the whole town turns on you. I went through the mountains, great battles all the way through. Then I reached the top and I have my first dragon, which I assume I am not supposed to battle just yet cause it beats my ass. I think I need mages for this but I have one mage.

I stopped at the entrance to the gauntlet, this is giving me such an Indiana Jones feeling. You have the immortal guardian telling you that you will need to pass certain tests in order to find the relic of legend, just like the holy grail.

Oh and out of nowhere Sten fought me over leadership. He just challenged me so I was like "ok big guy you want to fight me, I'll beat your ass" and so I did.
Dvader said:Been playing for 20 hours, did one really cool mission where I made the choice to sacrifice a woman. Alistair then confronted me in my camp, started yelling at me, that was very different for a game.
I am still getting used to the combat, I have died a few times but each time I come back with a better strategy and win the battle. It is very very Bioware, there is a ton of KOTOR in here, its that same structure to the game.
I would say the biggest strength are the characters, excellent characters. I just met this gay elf, and no its not a stereotypical gay elf, its a badass suave talking gay elf who hits on my character, I kind of flirt back.But hey I am making out with Morrigan so it's ok.
That's the thing I really love about the game. I love how characters will call you out on your decisions, and will react because of it. Oh, and the dialogue is fucking awesome.
And it's finally good to see a multi-plat game where the PC is clearly the best version.