Do you know about Shin Megami Tensei games?
It has just been brought to my attention that I probably only paid $3 for shipping. So credit goes to Axersia for finding this deal and then setting me straight on Play-Asia's shipping charges.
Nocturne (especially) and Persona 4 are some of the best RPG's ever so you'll be fine.
One of the site's forefathers.
Play fighting games!
LA was this te real one or the re-print? I picked up the re-print.
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gamingeek (5m)
[cool video of me opening my mail]
Oh, look. It's Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.
[cool picture of the game]
I payed out the ass for shipping and customs, but I think I still got it for a pretty good price.
I hope to start playing it after I finish with Persona 4. And I hope to
play it for a few days before I get frustrated, toss the game on my
shelf, and never look at it again. I'm that good at playing games.