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Celebration V Sith Afterparty pictures
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Sun, 15 Aug 2010 17:14:44

Okay so Celebration V the big official Star Wars convention is in Orlando this weekend. I'm not a real big Star Wars fan so I didn't go to the main convention, but I did have a bunch of friends in town for this so I hung around on the outskirts of the con.  The big thing that I did was go to this Sith themed after-party hosted by one of the big convention groups.  Pretty miserable experience actually. The eye candy was phenominal, but I'm not one for smoky rooms, overpriced drinks, and music so loud you can't hear the person you're speaking to.  That being said I did hang out for a while and then popped into some room parties and snagged a few pics to show off.  

sith cheerleader
There's a group of girls who dress up in red and black Sith Cheerleader costumes and this is one of them.  Her pom-poms were at the bar when the pic was taken though.

Sith Chicks

These were the Sith pole dancers. I'm not sure how else to describe them. They were up on a stage pole dancing, so it's either that or call them Sith Strippers but that doesn't roll off the tongue and technically they weren't stripping.

stilt dancer

She was pretty cool. She was actually dancing and waving the light saber around while standing on 3 feet tall stilts. See the guy in the background?  That's not because he's standing on a lower level, the stilts just mader her that much taller.


Awesome costume here. The pic isn't the greatest because of all the smoke, but she had a cool thing going on.

Sith Leia

This was an interesting idea, but I didn't get a good shot. She was wearing the traditional slave Leia costume, but done in Sith colors.

Leia's in bed

And that brings me to the final picture from one of the room parties. Two Leia's trying to pose and get guys to take pictures of them. Pretty much everything I hate about the costuming scene.  Store bought costumes that show off skin and guarantee attention. I suppose it's helpful for identifying the girls with low self esteem.  I included it though because hey, it's still for to look it. And for the record, Mrs. Robio took this pic. By the time this party was going on I was in bed since I'm old and can't stay awake past 2 AM anymore.


Here's a kicker I just learned about this picture. Apparently the Leia on top is Adrianne Curry.  She's not exactly a household name, but she won the first America's Next Top Model and was on a couple of those VH1 celeb-reality TV shows and is now married to the actor who was Peter Brady on the Brady Bunch.  Damn. . . maybe I should have gone to that party after all.

Edited: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 20:04:37
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Sun, 15 Aug 2010 17:15:38
And for the record if anyone digs these pictures, 3 weeks from now my mega convention takes place so there will be a ton more for me to show off after that with a bit more variety.
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Sun, 15 Aug 2010 21:52:57
I had no clue this was happening, sucks. Anyway the cruise would have interfered. I have always wanted to go to one of the Celebration events but they were never in Florida.
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Sun, 15 Aug 2010 22:21:56
Supposedly by Celebration standards this one ended up being a bit of a disappointment. A lot of the props and set pieces of the movie that they normally would have brought were on tour with some other kind of display.  Still I think most of the Star Wars fans were happy enough.
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Mon, 16 Aug 2010 05:00:48
Sith don't need poll dancers or cheerleaders. Sad

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Mon, 16 Aug 2010 19:59:27
How was the cruise, vader?

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