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Best Games of the Decade
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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 01:19:13
Oh no, this means Metroid Prime 3 is going to be higher than 2! Nyaa

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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 01:35:08

Foolz said:
Oh no, this means Metroid Prime 3 is going to be higher than 2! Nyaa

Yes that is how this list works, the better games get put higher.

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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 03:28:24

Dvader said:

Foolz said:
Oh no, this means Metroid Prime 3 is going to be higher than 2! Nyaa

Yes that is how this list works, the better games get put higher.

That's weird considering every game listed so far has been far suprerior to the game in question!

Even Eternal Darkness. Nyaa

(Which was awesome, actually.)

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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 04:03:23

Foolz said:

Dvader said:

Foolz said:
Oh no, this means Metroid Prime 3 is going to be higher than 2! Nyaa

Yes that is how this list works, the better games get put higher.

That's weird considering every game listed so far has been far suprerior to the game in question!

Even Eternal Darkness. Nyaa

(Which was awesome, actually.)

So you give MP a 10, what do you give MP3?

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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 04:39:46

Dvader said:

Foolz said:

Dvader said:

Foolz said:
Oh no, this means Metroid Prime 3 is going to be higher than 2! Nyaa

Yes that is how this list works, the better games get put higher.

That's weird considering every game listed so far has been far suprerior to the game in question!

Even Eternal Darkness. Nyaa

(Which was awesome, actually.)

So you give MP a 10, what do you give MP3?

8.5, but in retrospect it probably should've got a 6.5/.7.5 if I ignored the graphics. Nyaa

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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 05:24:00

Foolz said:

Dvader said:

Foolz said:

Dvader said:

Foolz said:
Oh no, this means Metroid Prime 3 is going to be higher than 2! Nyaa

Yes that is how this list works, the better games get put higher.

That's weird considering every game listed so far has been far suprerior to the game in question!

Even Eternal Darkness. Nyaa

(Which was awesome, actually.)

So you give MP a 10, what do you give MP3?

8.5, but in retrospect it probably should've got a 6.5/.7.5 if I ignored the graphics. Nyaa


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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 07:52:39
I'm lurking this thread because I have not got anything to say other than I'm enjoying it (and for christsake get a 360 already -- I'm not a big fan of it, but it is an essential part of any healthy gaming diet).

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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 08:01:57
aspro said:
I'm lurking this thread because I have not got anything to say other than I'm enjoying it (and for christsake get a 360 already -- I'm not a big fan of it, but it is an essential part of any healthy gaming diet).

Both as an idealist and a pragmatist I can't agree with that reasoning.  From an idealist perspective, there's simply no way I can support a product so bereft of quality control.  To justify that would be a blight on gamers to suggest we'll sit here and take it.

In relation to pragmatism, the console, statistically is going to break.  It's almost an assurance.  So while short-term it may be a tolerable evil, looking post-360 era, looking at the off-chance you system fails to break in a 3-year span, you are out of luck.

The only suggestion I would take seriously would be one of a pragmatist stance that as a service -- primarily looking at Xbox Live -- it is a worthwhile endeavour, if only temporary.  That you can enjoy the online community now, and it won't matter when your system breaks because people will have moved on.  So then your enjoyment hinges on the online and community, and that will depend on the person, but it still has an issue with my original, idealist point.

Edited: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 08:04:04


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 12:25:45

I poop on your ideals!

I love how Vader drops Sonic Adventure 2 in there and nonchalently walks away as if nothing has happened. Nyaa


Edited: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 12:28:17

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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:13:15

gamingeek said:

I love how Vader drops Sonic Adventure 2 in there and nonchalently walks away as if nothing has happened. Nyaa



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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 01:16:39

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

I love how Vader drops Sonic Adventure 2 in there and nonchalently walks away as if nothing has happened. Nyaa




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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 05:23:51
Oh no I put an awesome Sonic game on the list, so sue me.

Check Gamerankings. IGN 9.4 Eurogamer 9. GS 8.6. Gamespy 8.5

Suck it. Nyaa
Edited: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 05:24:08
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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:53:31

Getting down to the best, here comes #40-21

40. Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden Boxshot

You are going to hear me talk a lot about pure action games on this part of the list. I consider those to be games where the overall focus is non stop combat, you move stage to stage and fight bosses. Basically the 3D versions of old Castlevania games or games like Ninja Gaiden. This restart to the franchise was a masterpiece. The only reason this iss lower than DMC is simply preference. I do know that this is considered by many to be the best of its kind and in many aspects it is. A fantastic game.

39. Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry Boxshot

Groundbreaking, basically the first of its kind. DMC solved the long asked question of how do you make a pure action game in 3D. Since its release tons of games have borrowed elements from DMC, you feel its influence heavily in Ninja Gaiden and GoW. The combat system is so fast paced and so deep. The game is hard as hell, it makes the player enter that zen like state to complete it.

38. Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Boxshot

Not one but two 2D Zelda games made for the GBC. Weird thing is that it was made by Capcom, one thing is for sure, Capcom can do Zelda. The oracle games were each different games and both some of the finest Zelda experiences around. Loads of dungeons, huge overworlds and fantastic puzzles. Each have their own focus, this one is more action oriented.

37. Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages Boxshot

Read above. Ages is the more puzzle oriented one of the two and that is the strength of this franchise. It has a time mechanic much like Alttp. When you complete both games you get the true ending with another epic battle with Ganon.  I wish they still made 2D Zelda like this. Sad

36. Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4 Boxshot

I don't know what the hell was up with this games reception, all I know is that it is one of the finest action games out there. It has a totally new combat system with Nero, not to forget Dante they add him in there too with all of his DMC3  moves in place and real time style switching for more added depth. Two completely different play stylles and one beautiful game. The major problem is that someone forgot to make a second half so instead they just had you revisiting all the same locations twice.

35. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Boxshot

The best of the Smash games, this one is so huge that you can feel the game bursting at the seems. It has a 8 hour single player campaign that is actually pretty damn good. So many modes to play, so many characters to unlock, so many trophies to earn. I love the smash balls, I thought it added more chaos to the fights and that is when this game is at its best when there are crazy items all over the place. Plus it has Sonic and Snake, how awesome is that. Oh and it has the best collection of music in any game ever. Still it is one of the best party games around and if you can set it up you can get online, its a terrible system but it's there.

34. Bioshock

BioShock Boxshot

From the moment I entered Rapture I knew I was in for something special. As atmospheric as games get, it's unsettling, generally creepy all the time. The city of Rapture feels real, like it was lived in, like it was torn apart by a society gone bad. The combat is better than your average FPS because of the plasmid system allowing you to create some interesting ways to kill enemies. Bioshock is one of those games that is paced so well that it is never boring for the 12+ hours it takes to play. One of the very finest FPSs out there.

33. Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy XII Boxshot

The only game on this list that I never completed thats because my save file was corrupted, I plan to finish it before FFXIII. Doesn't matter, I got 40   hours in and loved every second of it. Gone was the damn linear world of FFX and back was large areas to explore. The battle system is totally new boring elements fromw western games and it worked. Combat was a joy. While playing I wanted to see everything the game offered, I wanted to find all secrets and items, it had me hooked.

32. Demon's Souls

Demon's Souls Boxshot

In a generation where all games were starting to feel too simlar, originality was being lost in favor of polished versions of games we have played. Out of nowhere comes Demon's Souls which feels like a long lost 8-bit era game that just so happens to be in 3D and looks all modern. No tutorials, almost no explination of anything, you just get thrown into the world and you need to figure out what to do. The game is unforgiving, it will kick your ass when you are at your worst. That is part of the beauty, when you succeed you will feel a great sense of accomplishment. This isn't really an RPG, its more of an action adventure game than anything. Hell some of these boss fights can be in a DMC game, some boss fights are as genius as bosses you expect to see in MGS. Love this game.

31. Shadow of the Colossus

Shadow of the Colossus Boxshot

You ain't going to find no Ico on this list, damn tiny 3 hour puzzle game for children. That game is for the whole artsy crowd, meh, give me gameplay, give me something with some meat on it. Thankfully Team Ico did just that giving us one of the most orginal titles on the PS2. It is still beautiful, it still has a story that is deep, it is rather artsy. But it has 16 mega huge freaking awesome boss fights!!! I have never experienced such sense of scale in a game before, I could feel the PS2 was ready to explode as it tried to handle this game. The bosses themselves act like giant platforming puzzles, each one completely different from the next. When you finish it you get a bunch of extras to play for. This is a masterpiece not that Ico crap.

30. Grand Theft Auto 3

Grand Theft Auto III Boxshot

This might be the most important game of the decade, there is no denying that. The reason its this low is cause the sequels are flat out better. I was a fan of the original GTA so when I saw the first few previews I knew something special was going to happen. We have all played this game so I can spare you the details, it's excellent.

29. Gran Turismo 3

Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec Boxshot

I would say this is the best title in this great series. It improved on the first two in every way and it looked incredible. It has like a billion cars and tracks. I can play this for 100 hours and still have a long way to go after that to completing it fully. I am not really a racing fan but this series captivates me. I need to collect the cars as if they were pokemon or something.

28. Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5 Boxshot

One of the best games of this year, RE5 does the RE4 formula well. The same gameplay I loved is back, looking better than ever, but the level design and pacing wasn't all there. The co-op only nature of the game had its setbacks. In terms of extras this game beats RE4 hands down, replay value as well cause of the online nature of the title. But the campaign was not as good. Still better than most action games.

27. Deus Ex

Deus Ex
I think this game sometimes gets labeled as a FPS, well it is not. It just so happens to be in first person and you may shoot some people. It offers so much freedom in how you approach any given situation, I was happy just dying to try out different things. It has a great storyline with great gameplay and one hell of a setting. I heard the sequel kind of sucked, that bummed me out. Can't wait for the 3rd one.
26. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution Boxshot
Best fighting game ever? Yeah, for me at least. This is the most technical fighter in the market and yet it's fun to play at a novice level. This game tries to teach you to become better at it, I have never experienced a tutorial mode quite like it. Evolution added two new characters and the best single player mode in all of fighting games, the quest mode. This mode makes it feel like you are fighting players throughout Japan cause in a way you are, it is an AI recreation of the best VF players. Fighting games don't get deeper than this.
25. Devil May Cry 3
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Boxshot
The difficulty maybe a bit unbalanced in this game, I bet most people couldn't get passed the first boss fight and just quit. Well if you didn't you were treated to one of the best action experiences ever. DMC3 builds upon the first game by adding multiple play stylles, 6 in total that change the way you play the game. The combat system allows for cancellation of any move, no getting stuck in animation. It is simply the deepest most rewarding combat system of any action game. DMC3 offers the best bosses in the series and generally is the most challenging, as it should be. Once it all clicked for me there was no going back to those simple action games.
24. God of War 2
God of War II Boxshot
Yeah it doesn't have the best combat system but something happend with this sequel, it stopped feeling like it was trying to hang with the NGs and the DMCs and it became simply a legendary action/adventure title. The opening sequence is one of the best I have ever experienced. The game is far larger in scale, has way more bosses, better puzzles, more variety in situations. It expanded all aspects of the game besides the combat to the point where it didn't matter than it wasn't that deep, there was much more too it than just killing things non stop.
23. Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto IV Boxshot
This game felt like the series started over.  It removed all the awesome side quests and features we gained in VC and SA. Instead it gave us a slightly more realistic, character driven GTA. It has a great story and the gunplay is far superior to all other GTAs but damn it I miss the crazy things you could do in past GTA games. Oh and it had online, that was nice. The formula still works and so here is another great entry to the series.
22. NFL 2K1
NFL 2K1 Boxshot
Yes 2k5 is a better game but at its time this game was in a league of its own. It improved the gameplay from the first and added a plethora of modes. Most importantly this was the first ever online football game. I can not tell you how many hours I logged playing online. I never played a sports game online regularly since, it doesn't hold that same feeling that I was stepping into a brand new frontier in gaming. I dont know if any sports title will ever mean as much to me as 2k1.
21. Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Boxshot
What can't you do in this game. It is huuuuuuuuuge. I put 100 hours into it like nothing, it was like game crack. It doesn't really have that great level design or anything, if you have seen one cave you have basically seen them all. The good thing is that the main story missions were very well done. The main side quests stood out as well. The strength of this title is that feeling that you are a part of this magical world and you can do whatever you want, I love that feeling. One of the best RPGs I have ever played.
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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:54:06
So only 20 to go, I think you guys can start filling in the top 20. Guess.
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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 07:20:55
Dvader said:
So only 20 to go, I think you guys can start filling in the top 20. Guess.


1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
2. Resident Evil 4
3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4. Metal Gear Solid 4
5. Metal Gear Solid 3
6. Metroid Prime
7. LittleBigPlanet
8. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
9. Super Mario Galaxy
10. Phantasy Star Online
11. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
12. Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic
13. Resident Evil Code Veronica
14. Half-Life 2
15. Metal Gear Solid 2
16. Okami
17. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
18. Uncharted 2
19. Metroid Prime 3
20. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Edited: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 07:46:16


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 07:31:10
GTAIV is depressingly high! Nyaa

The thing I hated most about Oblivion was the main quest funnily enough. soo much worse than the one in Morrowind, still worth putting a hundred hours or so into, though.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 10:08:55

Dvader said:


Oh no I put an awesome Sonic game on the list, so sue me.

Check with the Banditos.

Suck it. GASP

*runs for own life*

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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 10:12:51

"Bioshock is one of those games that is paced so well that it is never boring for the 12+ hours it takes to play."


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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 10:15:45

Nice nod to Oblivion, I love that game.

BUT you put GTA IV above GTA 3 and thus deserve to sleep nude with Iga rubbing his robot body against your naked back.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 13:21:28

gamingeek said:

"Bioshock is one of those games that is paced so well that it is never boring for the 12+ hours it takes to play."

It is true. It is a fetch quest, but nicely paced. Facepalm yourself for not liking it, bitch.

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