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The Classic Cartoon thread: You can still watch them today!
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Thu, 08 Jan 2009 06:27:58
Anyone else seen Darkwing Duck? That was so awesome back in the day.

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Thu, 08 Jan 2009 10:10:11
I recall this here. I haven't watched it since the 90s.
Foolz said:
Anyone else seen Darkwing Duck? That was so awesome back in the day.


By Miu Watanabe.

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Thu, 08 Jan 2009 10:28:52

Foolz said:
Anyone else seen Darkwing Duck? That was so awesome back in the day.

Of course, love it. But its only availible on US import and a  little too expensive. My next purchase is Gargoyles season 2 part 1 and TMNT volume 3.

Darkwing Duck Episode 1 for you Happy

Thanks Darth below, I will watch that, sure that Punk will enjoy too.

darthhomer said:
So if y'all interested - the Nostalgia Critic just released a video talking about classic Nickeldeon - it's the first of four videos. This one is focusing on Nicktoons. Good stuff.

Check it out at
Edited: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 17:39:17

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Thu, 08 Jan 2009 16:53:33

Transformers the Movie

Three words:




Transformers 80s movie theme Grinning

Original 80s music video Stan Bush "You got the Touch" from the Transformers movie

Acoustic version: You've got the touch, the crowd joins in LOL

Till All are One: Stan Bush from the 80s Transformers movie.

Dare by Stan Bush

Instruments of Descruction

City Under Siege

LOL at this comment on youtube about the Transformers movie, so true:

"I love and hate this movie.,,the decepticons were made way too powerful in this movie.
I wish we older people could sue hasbro.
Imagine if they made a movie of SpongeBob and they ripped him up into pieces and his friends where ripped in pieces.,my child would be traumatized like us are in our 30's.
In 2009 this would never happen.
A kids show for kids, then the movie of that show showing their favorites characters all getting killed.
The 80's an era like no other. "

Edited: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 14:37:07

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Thu, 08 Jan 2009 21:02:22

Thundercats Classic music

Cheetarah's Theme

Theme tune performance by the Rembrants... WTF?

Orchestral Theme

Panthro/Thundertank music


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Fri, 09 Jan 2009 04:05:17

gamingeek said:

Foolz said:
Anyone else seen Darkwing Duck? That was so awesome back in the day.

Of course, love it. But its only availible on US import and a  little too expensive. My next purchase is Gargoyles season 2 part 1 and TMNT volume 3.

Darkwing Duck Episode 1 for you Happy


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Fri, 09 Jan 2009 13:37:51

Where to watch

Episode 1 of the following shows

Darkwing Duck

Transformers Generation one

Gummi Bears

Defenders of the Earth Grinning



King Arthur and the Knights of Justice

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Spiderman 1994 series

Batman The Animated series

Tin Tin in Tibet


Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors

Starcom .... Dic presents? LOL

Ulysses 31

Silver Surfer

X-men 90s series

Galaxy Rangers Phoenix

JEM er...... wut?

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

EXO Squad


Bucky O Hare

Captain Planet

TheReal Ghostbusters, Janine's day off

Edited: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 14:03:01

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Fri, 09 Jan 2009 14:07:48

gamingeek said:

Where to watch

Episode 1 of the following shows

Darkwing Duck

Transformers Generation one

Gummi Bears

Defenders of the Earth Grinning



King Arthur and the Knights of Justice

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Spiderman 1994 series

Batman The Animated series

Tin Tin in Tibet


Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors

Starcom .... Dic presents? LOL

Ulysses 31

Silver Surfer

X-men 90s series

Galaxy Rangers Phoenix

JEM er...... wut?

 Infidel, how dare you to mock Starcom!

Oh, and check this out

Darker than Black episode one

The VG Press
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Fri, 09 Jan 2009 14:18:37

Iga_Bobovic said:

Infidel, how dare you to mock Starcom!

Oh, and check this out

Darker than Black episode one

If Dic doesn't present it and I can't Touch Dic like on DS, than I dont want to know. Nyaa

What is this then?


Back on Transformers, did you guys know that when they finally ressurected Optimus Prime in series 4 and then ended the series, the Japanese continued the series with Prime still alive? It was called Transformers Takara, Headmasters. The problem is that the English dub wasn't by the same team and its pretty atrocious, the writers and musicians are all different. Basically I assume its the same Japanese animation house with different writers behind everything. I'm curious, I have episode 1 on dvd, so I will check it out, but I hear that by mid-season Takara barely resembles the Transformers I grew up with.

This is a review from an Amazon Customer:

Transformers: The Headmasters is the Japanese continuation of the "Transformers: 2010" series (better known as Season 3 of G1 in English speaking countries). This series essentially ignores the three-part Rebirth episodes, opting for a new and more ongoing introduction to the Headmasters, Six shot, and other characters. It also sets up the rest of the Japanese continuity for G1, including Masterforce, Victory, Zone and other TV Magazines and such.

The actual series is fairly basic- Galvatron returns to retake Cybertron (obviously the pact with Optimus Prime wore out), and employs the new Headmasters, lead by the mysterious Megazarak/Scorpinok. However, from a far off, distant planet, autobot headmasters come and well.. you can sort of figure it out for yourself. The plot actually goes somewhere, though, something that's been missing from Transformers series before this.

The series was the first Japanese-spearheaded project in the Transformers animated series that acheived a full length production (Scramble City, a one-off that introduced Ultra Magnus, Metroplex and Trypticon into the Japanese G1 toyline, due to the absence of the movie), and as such doesn't stray too far away from the original styles of Generation one (though sadly, the music is not as orchestral or fantastic as the majority of G1's score), including similar designs, characters, and even the scene-changing interludes are still there, which really add to the "alternative nostalgia" thing in the title. It's something you should have watched when you were a child, and it feels like something you should have watched, but due to where you were in the world, you just couldn't.

There's even things for the general Anime fan to enjoy, such as a more flowing contiuity and development of characters, plus a slightly more streamlined-Japanese mecha feel for later characters as they appear in the series. The DVDs also come with the original Japanese audio, and the translations (so I've heard) are still fairly top notch. Hironobu Kageyama, the over-the-top JAM Project singer and performer of three of the original Japanese Dragonball Z credit sequences, among a plenthora of other anime, gives us a fairly fun and if not standard opening to get hooked in to.

Sadly though, as this is a primarily Japanese-Asian series, the treatment wasn't too great as far as it comes to the English track. Gone are Frank Welker and Peter Cullen, since this series was never released to the US public. However, an "Engrish" dub was produced for a SIngapore/Asian English speaking market, who's cast is mostly inappropriate, the scripting and direction is fairly horrible and confusing (The ressurected Billy (Blaster) vs the decepticons, and "I am the ninja consultant for the decepticons!"), and the performances generally subpar. I can see some people watching this, but only for the comedy value really, since it completely removes any merit or serious watching value from the series, assuming you're a native English speaker. It would have been nice to have a faithful redub, and new score cast for this release, but I somewhat doubt you could justify the expense in a realistic way.

So as long as you stick to the subtitled Japanese track, you'll be in store for a somewhat rewarding experience, especially if you've never seen this before. It's like the continuation you've always wanted, only it's really.. not, but at the same time, it's also fairly good. It proves that the Japanese are capable of making a coherant Transformers series without the use of (to most) irritating, silly and pointless power-ups and speed lines. It's not without it's flaws, though. Hopefully we'll get Masterforce and Victory released, since that would be quite nice.

Edited: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 14:20:45

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Sat, 10 Jan 2009 00:17:41

gamingeek said:

Foolz said:
Anyone else seen Darkwing Duck? That was so awesome back in the day.

Of course, love it. But its only availible on US import and a  little too expensive. My next purchase is Gargoyles season 2 part 1 and TMNT volume 3.

Darkwing Duck Episode 1 for you Happy

Thanks Darth below, I will watch that, sure that Punk will enjoy too.

darthhomer said:
So if y'all interested - the Nostalgia Critic just released a video talking about classic Nickeldeon - it's the first of four videos. This one is focusing on Nicktoons. Good stuff.

Check it out at

Whatcha thing GG?

Also, that person has the Aladdin TV series on there. FUCK YES.

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Sun, 11 Jan 2009 19:50:54
Watched that Nicktoons thing. I used to like those cartoons but I can't watch them today, but I can handle Spongebob.

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Mon, 12 Jan 2009 03:33:09
That's because Spongebob is too awesome.

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Mon, 12 Jan 2009 03:42:11
I liked Rocko's Modern Life.
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Mon, 12 Jan 2009 20:28:45

SteelAttack said:
I liked Rocko's Modern Life.

Me too, and Rugrats and Angry Beavers etc.

It's just a little too zany and wacky for its own good to watch now. It's not superhero awesome like cartoons of the 80s. I like watching massive talking, transforming robots kicking the shit out of each other then loading wooly mammoths into trucks and sending them back through time.

I like seeing the Phantom ride in his Skull Copter, Panthro in his Thundertank etc.

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Mon, 12 Jan 2009 21:27:24

This is some cool shit. A page of Transformers artwork and wallpapers:


I just watched an episode of Transformers where they went into this cave and time travelled back to King Arthurs Medievil times. Right let me just say this and get it out of the way.

Starscream punched a horse.

He punched..... a frigging horse. His fist is twice as big as the horse. The Decepticons, thrown back in time think that the armor clad humans are in fact little autobots. Then Starscream wants to rule medievil earth, but there is no electricity, so he builds a little turbine generator and forces the slave humans to turn it for him. The two autobots, also back in time, run out of energy when...

I don't know if I can even say it.

When... Merlin calls on the power of the Gods to energise the fallen Autobots. At which point much ass kicking commences. The end LOL

Watch it here.

Edited: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 20:38:08

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Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:00:33

The Real Ghostbusters complete series dvd

set availible at for $180 Sad And only in North America. Trailers and clips

Janine voice actor

Another trailer

Egon voice actor interview

Executive producer speaks

Writer interview

OMG Peter Venkman is same voice actor as Tummi Gummi in Gummi bears. Optimus Prime and Voltron have the same voice actor. And Splinter from TMNT and Mandrake from Defenders of the Earth are the same guy?

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Sun, 18 Jan 2009 21:23:26

Foolz said:
Anyone else seen Darkwing Duck? That was so awesome back in the day.

I just won this off ebay for £10. I think its the first 25 episodes. Success! I also ordered Gargoyles season 2 part 1. That is 26 episodes. I think that they stopped releasing these on dvd, so the second part of season 2 and all of season 3 are missing.

For some reason Gummi Bears only has volumes 1-3 availible, the full 7 disc set on amazon is permanantly unavailible.


Edited: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 21:24:57

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Mon, 19 Jan 2009 03:53:20

gamingeek said:

Foolz said:
Anyone else seen Darkwing Duck? That was so awesome back in the day.

I just won this off ebay for £10. I think its the first 25 episodes. Success! I also ordered Gargoyles season 2 part 1. That is 26 episodes. I think that they stopped releasing these on dvd, so the second part of season 2 and all of season 3 are missing.

For some reason Gummi Bears only has volumes 1-3 availible, the full 7 disc set on amazon is permanantly unavailible.


Omg, bargain!

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Fri, 23 Jan 2009 21:24:28





The Adventure of the Gummi Bears was a frontrunner of Disney's late eighties/ early nineties animated shows. Beginning as a Saturday morning show and later becoming an after school show, it may have been the most successful of the Disney programs not based on previously famous Disney characters. It does, however, feel the most like vintage Disney. Perhaps it's the medieval setting and the pseudo-Robin Hood set up that helped the bouncy little bears from Gummy Glen gain instant acceptance among the army of pre-established Disney favorites. With 47 episodes in the set, it holds almost double the shows of the Tailspin and Ducktales sets, even if they do equal the same total running time.


The basic story line is as simple as you'd expect. The Gummi Bears are six bears who uphold the secret Gummi traditions, potions and spells outside of human eyes until one day Cavin, a young boy from Dunwyn castle, stumbles into their world of magic. Aided by Princess Calla and a seriously potent potion known as Gummiberry Juice, they fight the evil Duke Igthorn and his ogre minions. Some superfluous villains pop up for good measure through out the series, but Igthorn remained the go-to bad guy for the show's run.

Gummi Bears has a noticeably softer edge to its content than the later shows in Disney's catalogue, often focusing whole episodes on the building of friendships and other simple objectives. There are still plenty of adventures to be had even with the gentler slant, and the medieval setting does add harshness to the character's living conditions. While many of the Disney shows focused on families of sorts, the Gummi Bears are the closest thing to a real family the Disney programs of the time came to.


While the show lacks some of the jokes that a show like Rescue Rangers packs in, the heart really does conquer all. Though the show requires a villain for the sake of conflict, there is a real sense that everyone (maybe even Igthorn) is capable of compassion and humanity. All this sap might turn away more hard-nosed viewers, but the show was never made for them anyhow. Younger kids will still find plenty here to enjoy, especially those already familiar with the better known Disney catalogue. For older viewers it's only recommendable for purposes of nostalgia, but it succeeds as such none the less. Ready or not, the Gummi Bears are bouncing back

Score: 8 out of 10

The Video

As with the other Disney TV box sets, the video leaves something to be desired. The shows in this set date back as far as 1985, and the master tapes haven't gotten any clearer over time. The colors are often over and under saturated from one shot to another. While it's doubtful that it will truly stop anyone from buying the set, it's still sad that better materials aren't available (or at least utilized). The show is presented in the original 1.33:1 aspect and the shows offer no chapter stops.

Score: 5 out of 10


The Audio
Don't expect much in this category either. An English Dolby mono track is the only option, though no one will feel left out of the full audio experience.

Score: 5 out of 10

Packaging and Extras

We're not sure why Disney has left out any features on these sets, but any additional content is sorely missed. Surely there are some old promos and station bumpers that could be drudged up from somewhere. More proof that these sets are coming out to quell fans' demand and not because Disney knows how special the show was to a generation.

Score: 1 out of 10


Gamingeek rating! 10 out of 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fri, 23 Jan 2009 23:02:38
Gummi Bears? This thread can die now a quiet death.
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