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Are we too Nintendo centric?
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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 11:14:36
I've pretty much always known that without the numbers, this place can feel stagnant at times. I drift off to GAF sometimes, where else can I find a 5 page thread on Soul bubbles?

I think that maybe you gamespotters could do some exclusive stuff here and link it to gamespot. "Here are my beta impressions of...." etc
Edited: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 16:17:05

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 14:50:10
Yes. We are a little Nintendo centric here.

See my PS3 Home topic for examples why that is so... and I am not the typical fanboy to post things like that regularly...

Nintendo doesn't have catastrophic failures like Sony, though, so it's easy to see where the bias comes from...

Oh... except for Wii Music and Animal Crossing...

D'oh! Did I just say that out loud...?

*bolts out of topic*

Edited: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 14:51:36
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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 15:26:54
*pokes head back in topic*

...but I am playing Soul Bubbles again, btw...


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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 16:14:34

Maybe we could have a VG Press Exclusive month. Where you post for one month exclusively here and make it known on your Gamespot blogs where you can be found for the month of Febuary for example?

Or if there are specialist threads or impressions which aren't found on gamespot for instance a thread about Disaster Day of Crisis, you could link to the thread and post the impressions there?

Or once a month post a what's been happening on VGPress blog at gamespot: This month, Iga posted nekkid lady pics, Steel talked about asses, there was an epic discussion on "........."

Meanwhile, etc etc and put links, or use photos or whatever.

Why not put the link to the site on your Gamespot sigs? Why not do exclusive content, different blogs for different sites instead of copy/pasting stuff across?

But lets face it, how commited are you? Probably not that interested and I can understand that. On the one hand people probably think, it would be cool if there was more "......." here on this site. But to acheive that you have to put in more effort than people can be bothered to?

In reality we just have a small number of active posters and it's rare that any of us are playing the same games at the same times.  


Another option is to end GGWeekly and just have people posting new news here. I could easily do mega threads for a litany of games instead of stuffing  a link in GGWeekly. That way it could be like a thread in that you would have a boatload of pics and preview text and impressions.

Edited: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 16:42:26

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 16:16:36

phantom_leo said:
Yes. We are a little Nintendo centric here.

See my PS3 Home topic for examples why that is so... and I am not the typical fanboy to post things like that regularly...

Nintendo doesn't have catastrophic failures like Sony, though, so it's easy to see where the bias comes from...

Oh... except for Wii Music and Animal Crossing...

D'oh! Did I just say that out loud...?

*bolts out of topic*

I think there could easily be a Wii Music sucks thread here and there would be no objections. The concept had potential but the sound quality and song choice is abominable.

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 16:27:14

gamingeek said:

phantom_leo said:
Yes. We are a little Nintendo centric here.

See my PS3 Home topic for examples why that is so... and I am not the typical fanboy to post things like that regularly...

Nintendo doesn't have catastrophic failures like Sony, though, so it's easy to see where the bias comes from...

Oh... except for Wii Music and Animal Crossing...

D'oh! Did I just say that out loud...?

*bolts out of topic*

I think there could easily be a Wii Music sucks thread here and there would be no objections. The concept had potential but the sound quality and song choice is abominable.

 But for that someone would be required to actually buy the game. No one is willing I think!

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 16:39:24

Iga_Bobovic said:

But for that someone would be required to actually buy the game. No one is willing I think!

We could just post all the reviews and lame videos and point and laugh.

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 16:41:38

gamingeek said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

But for that someone would be required to actually buy the game. No one is willing I think!

We could just post all the reviews and lame videos and point and laugh.

But Wii music had anything from 90% to anything down. What would we be laughing at! We should ask Skylock for impressions, he has the game! 

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 17:10:07

gamingeek said:

Why not put the link to the site on your Gamespot sigs?.

I have that. Nyaa

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 17:55:43

Iga_Bobovic said:

  • Is our news coverage in GG-weekly to much focussed on the Wii and DS and why?
  • Do we lack coverage on some platforms? (for example PC news, PSP news, etc)
  • Is Nintendo criticism not accepted in this forum?
  • Are the users big Nintendo fanboys that smother any discussion?
  • Do we lack PS3, 360 and PC discussions? (Well d'oh)
  • Why do Sony/PS3 and PC guys not start these discussion themselves?
  • What can we do to increase the number of PS3/360/PC discussions?
  • Why has Hamster such crappy taste in games?
  • How big are Steel's ballz?

I especially want opinions of Angry_Beaver, Edge, Archie, Vader, Homer, Ragnaar (I can still hope) and all the other non-Nintendo fans/Nintendo critcs.

1. Already addressed sufficiently.

2. PC, definitely. Like Archangel, I'm no news hound, so I won't go out and find the stuff. Heck, most of the time I just lurk on any forum I go to, no matter what the content is. However, let me say this: right now, my Wii is for sale. If I don't go ahead and sell it, it'll be because I decide I can live without the games exclusive to the 360, and that I'll be fine with just getting the nonexclusives for the PC instead. As someone who really should be using his gaming PC for newer games and not just older ones, I need to know more about what's going on in the PC gaming world. Right now there's no one here who's sufficiently interested in PC games to go out and get news on them, and I can just go elsewhere to get news, should I be interested.

3. Of course it's accepted.

4. Smother? No. But what comes to mind when I think of this site as of late is people going ape over how awesome Animal Crossing or Mushroom Men are, when I have zero interest in the former and the latter belongs to a genre I'm generally not interested in anymore. Sure, I bought and played through Super Mario Galaxy and it's a superb platformer, but if that's the current pinnacle of the genre, my unwillingness to go back and play it more is telling of my interest level in the genre. Besides, whenever there is discussion of Wii games that do actually interest me, I can either look at them and think "mediocre" or I can look at the PS3 and 360 and think "they're getting the better games in that genre". First person shooters? Why should I be excited about The Conduit when it looks so inferior to, say, Halo 3? Because that's all I can expect to get as a Wii-only owner (with regard to consoles only)? Depressing. That's one fewer high-ish profile game on the system I can look forward to. I could just play all FPSs on the PC, but I really don't mind playing them on consoles. When thinking about the situation this way, 360 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wii as far as FPSs go.

5. Yep, but the reasons why this is have been discussed sufficiently.

6. I'm usually a console guy first, PC guy second, and there are various reasons why I don't start discussions. For one, I simply don't have the money to stay current, really, nor can I rent PC games, so I can't give proper impressions. Second, as I said, I'm more of a lurker and definitely not the type to go out and search for news and things to talk about.

7. Either become more interested ( Nyaa ) or keep recruiting people with different interests (and here we could talk about that catch-22 again).

8. Hamsters don't have opposable thumbs, so they can't handle game controllers properly. Nyaa

9. I've heard that they're no larger than the Windows Vista Start button.

Some of my discontentedness while at this site comes from the fact that I'm in a bad money situation right now and, as I said, just can't stay current. My newest game is Bleach: Dark Souls for the DS. And I believe the last game(s) I bought before that was the MGS Essentials Collection... right before summer, I think. If I have little money, I need more variety in my systems' games, not just token platformers, token FPSs, etc, none of which are of guaranteed quality. I need the opportunity to get the best when I have little to work with, otherwise I'll burn out on console gaming. I'm getting burnt out on console gaming now because the only console I own is a Wii. That's not anyone's fault but my own, but at GameSpot I see people going ape over stuff I can't have because I don't own the required system, and over here I see people going ape over stuff I couldn't care less about, and that frustrates me to no end. So I'll either have to suck it up and spend my valuable money in a risky fashion on games that aren't guaranteed to please me, or I'll have to get another system so I can actually get the content that I know will satisfy me. The only way for me to go with the latter at the moment is to sell my Wii (and some other games I've been meaning to sell). Otherwise I'll be stagnating until at least the summer, probably. Brawl is my favorite Wii game I own (over SMG, MP3, Zelda: TP, and RE4), but not even it can last me that long... heck, I haven't played it in ages now. And of my Wii games that are Wii-exclusive (SMG, MP3, Brawl), it's the only one I would really regret giving up. But even then, I still have Melee, which I like a little better in some areas.

Ugh, sorry for the rant. I know I've mentioned some of that stuff before and some of you might be tired of hearing me whine. To get back on topic, I'd be more interested in this place if there were more discussions about non-Nintendo games and news, even if I don't own a 360 or PS3. Heck, I've been active on GameSpot while not owning any other system, just because I'm interested in the games that get talked about over there.

If this all came off as just me bitching about not being able to stay current with the games, I apologize, because that's no one's issue but mine. But as an indirect reply to the thread title, Nintendo-centricity is killing my interest in this place when the Nintendo games being discussed are ones I'm certain not to buy.
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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:50:56
^^Thanks for coming Beaver!

About PC news, I always post PC news, always! yesterday I posted few! But the real problem is that IGN is usually the source of the news, I really need to find a good PC news site so I can upgrade that part. I will also ask Yoda to make a grey colour for PC exclusive news!

PS3 and 360 news I can't help you there, we are already posting everything we can find, the HD consoles have more high profile games, but much less games in total than the Wii/DS platforms. So in other words we have more Nintendo news, because their is simply more Nintendo news. You could click the 360 button to only view the 360 news. And I will ask Yoda to make a multiplatform button!

And about going ape, no one is going ape about Mushroom Men it was just Vader giving impressions. The reason why people are excited about the Conduit are two fold. First the control, because Wii FPS control >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 360 FPS control. The second reason is that the developers story is quite charming. Here you have a developer know for creating shovelware, that decides to buildt its own game. That decides enough is enough, we want to create something we like. So they founded their own game, that is very respectable. I wish them the best! But with that said, it does look generic.

P.S. Beaver if you want to play 360 games much more than the Wii, you should get a 360. It is as simple as that. I know in the ideal world you would have more money and would probably go Wii60, and you would probably have more Wii games, because you can afford to take the risk, but you do not live in a ideal world. 

Selling your Wii and buying a 360 is an option, but take few thing into account. If you sell you Wii try to get a profit, there will probably be shortages during the Christmas hunt, so you would have desperate parents willing to pay double.

Save all your Brawl info on your SD card, because maybe one day you will have money again. So it would be nice I you do not have to replay the game again!

Maybe you should just upgrade your PC with the money you get from selling your Wii. Games are cheaper on the PC and you will always get the best version!

Also important is to realize is that this will only solve your problem in short term. Yes you will have a 360 with some games, but eventually you will grow tired of them. Quite frankly you need more moniez.

To solve your money problem, here are some suggestions
Become a prostitute
Become a drugs dealer
Sell you kidney you only need one
Sell part of you liver, it regenerates anyways
Once the liver is regenerated, sell it again
Become a ninja assassin
Sell your parents
Become a pornstar

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 19:12:18
I am a porn star!

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 19:19:32
I know I will be sorry, but Steel was is your opinion about this topic?
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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 20:25:26

Iga_Bobovic said:

Selling your Wii and buying a 360 is an option, but take few thing into account. If you sell you Wii try to get a profit, there will probably be shortages during the Christmas hunt, so you would have desperate parents willing to pay double.

Too late. I believe I've created an eBay account, but I don't have enough time now to go see about what it takes to put an item up for sale--too many little intricacies for this window in time. What I did was I advertised it on Facebook only to people on my friends list, who I'd like to give first dibs to. I'm price gouging on the system, but I deliberately priced it and all the games below the lowest prices I saw on Amazon in order to make it all more appealing. The Wii itself I priced below $250. The total for it and nine games (only about five of which are priced at an ok level) is $410. Amazon prices summed to about $537 on the day I totalled it up--that was with $300 as the lowest used Wii price.

I can always take the "ad" down, since I never explicitly committed to selling the stuff. It was like "I'm 90% sure I'm going to sell, so who would be interested?"

Save all your Brawl info on your SD card, because maybe one day you will have money again. So it would be nice I you do not have to replay the game again!

Quite so, chap! "Maybe one day you will have money again." LOL. I don't know how to take that. Nyaa

Maybe you should just upgrade your PC with the money you get from selling your Wii. Games are cheaper on the PC and you will always get the best version!

Not always. For example, GTAIV. I've got a dual-core processor, 2GB of RAM, and a decent 512MB DX10 graphics card, though, so I'm ok for most games that are out at the moment, I think. But as another example of a game that isn't necessarily better on PC, look at Dead Space, which you really need a 360 controller for to get the best control.

Also important is to realize is that this will only solve your problem in short term. Yes you will have a 360 with some games, but eventually you will grow tired of them. Quite frankly you need more moniez.

No kidding. It's hard to say what'll end up happening, though, because I'm 22 and will graduate from my university in only 2-3 more semesters; I don't have a car yet; I don't live on my own yet (with the exception of being in the dorms)... there's just so much that I need large amounts of money for, and it'll all come at me way too quickly for comfort. Not too long after graduating, I'll have to start repaying the loans... most likely with money from a low-level job (i.e. whatever undergrads do) because of the transportation issue. I'm not comfortable at all when I think about all this, and sometimes the only way to get more seems to be to give up what I already have. *pulls at Steel's pubes in frustration, takes deep breaths, and then the word "budget" springs to mind*

Am I overreacting at all?

Edited: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 21:05:38
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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 20:35:14

This whole "Nintendo centric" thing seems kinda bogus to me. I do believe that the Nintendo fans on this site tend to be more vocal about their games, but how is that a bad thing?  

People complain the site is geared too much toward Nintendo, but then state that they don't want to contribute to the site in a way that'll change it? I just don't get it. Nobody has to be a newshound, just post a thread in the forum once in a while about a game you're currently interested in or playing.

Angry_Beaver said:

4. Smother? No. But what comes to mind when I think of this site as of late is people going ape over how awesome Animal Crossing or Mushroom Men are, when I have zero interest in the former and the latter belongs to a genre I'm generally not interested in anymore. 

Who's going ape over Animal Crossing? Yes, there's 10 pages in my AC Hype thread, but the vast majority of the posts have only been by two people, GG and me. Steel is just starting the game, so he's now posting more in that thread too. Yarcofin still seems to be on the fence about the game. One thread with three or four people posting would not be considered "going ape" on any other site, so why would that be the case here?

Edited: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 20:50:25

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 21:15:55
Because 3 or 4 people is nearly half of our regular members XD.

I was really interested in Mushroom Men when the concept art and basic idea came out, but I think it looks like crap as a platformer and I probably won't be picking it up. I was really hoping it would be an RTS or something like Pikmin.

I will probably pick up Animal Crossing just for the hell of it next weekend. Hopefully I'll have enough time to get to a point in the game where I get events and such. I'd hate to miss out on Christmas. Although I only have 2 weeks at home and back to university, so the 30 to 40 minutes a day thing probably won't make it worth it. I'd like to sit and play it 2-3 hours at a time for several days in a row.

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 21:23:14

Ravenprose said:

This whole "Nintendo centric" thing seems kinda bogus to me. I do believe that the Nintendo fans on this site tend to be more vocal about their games, but how is that a bad thing?  

People complain the site is geared too much toward Nintendo, but then state that they don't want to contribute to the site in a way that'll change it? I just don't get it. Nobody has to be a newshound, just post a thread in the forum once in a while about a game you're currently interested in or playing.

Angry_Beaver said:

4. Smother? No. But what comes to mind when I think of this site as of late is people going ape over how awesome Animal Crossing or Mushroom Men are, when I have zero interest in the former and the latter belongs to a genre I'm generally not interested in anymore.

Who's going ape over Animal Crossing? Yes, there's 10 pages in my AC Hype thread, but the vast majority of the posts have only been by two people, GG and me. Steel is just starting the game, so he's now posting more in that thread too. Yarcofin still seems to be on the fence about the game. One thread with three or four people posting would not be considered "going ape" on any other site, so why would that be the case here?

There's nothing bad at all about people being vocal about the games they like, but when I come here and see so much ado about games I have next to no interest in and relatively little about games I am interested in (both relative to the ones I'm not interested in and relative to what I see over at GameSpot), it just doesn't seem as suited to people like me as it otherwise might. I see this place primarily as a place where the jaded and those looking for unique, new experiences go... and I don't fit in with either crowd. Why don't I become more vocal, myself, and be the change I want to see? Because when it comes to gaming, that's just not me. Plus, I don't have much to say about new games because in all likelihood, I don't have them and won't for a while, if even then. I can't get excited enough to go out and hunt for game stuff to talk about when I think I won't be getting the game for whatever reason. It's just not ma thang.

Regarding Animal Crossing, there have been bunches of AC posts scattered all over the place, not just in that thread, which I don't think I've even gone into.

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 21:40:35

Angry_Beaver said:

There's nothing bad at all about people being vocal about the games they like, but when I come here and see so much ado about games I have next to no interest in and relatively little about games I am interested in (both relative to the ones I'm not interested in and relative to what I see over at GameSpot), it just doesn't seem as suited to people like me as it otherwise might. I see this place primarily as a place where the jaded and those looking for unique, new experiences go... and I don't fit in with either crowd. Why don't I become more vocal, myself, and be the change I want to see? Because when it comes to gaming, that's just not me. Plus, I don't have much to say about new games because in all likelihood, I don't have them and won't for a while, if even then. I can't get excited enough to go out and hunt for game stuff to talk about when I think I won't be getting the game for whatever reason. It's just not ma thang.

Regarding Animal Crossing, there have been bunches of AC posts scattered all over the place, not just in that thread, which I don't think I've even gone into. 

True, but it's still only from three or four members posting that stuff; the same ones who've been posting in my AC thread. We need more members to help balance out this stuff, but nobody wants to post here because we are too Nintendo and/or too niche for them. Sad

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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 22:23:57
Update: I... decided not to sell after all. When I looked at the 360 games not on the PC and not likely to go to the PC, and then compared them to my Wii library, I just couldn't stand to get rid of what I have for those. My judgments always seem to be so damned premature, YAR!

Thanks to Iga for having a hand in this. Nyaa  If I'm just patient enough I'll end up fine at the end of this generation, just with more PC games and a 360 controller to play some of them with. And I won't miss out on the next Zelda. It's also conceivable that I'll try one of these more casual games at some point, but they're not priority.
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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 22:54:13

Angry_Beaver said:
Update: I... decided not to sell after all. When I looked at the 360 games not on the PC and not likely to go to the PC, and then compared them to my Wii library, I just couldn't stand to get rid of what I have for those. My judgments always seem to be so damned premature, YAR!

Thanks to Iga for having a hand in this. Nyaa  If I'm just patient enough I'll end up fine at the end of this generation, just with more PC games and a 360 controller to play some of them with. And I won't miss out on the next Zelda. It's also conceivable that I'll try one of these more casual games at some point, but they're not priority.

 What did I do? 

Edit: about your Animal Crossing problem, ask Yoda to make a Hamster filter for you! That should block all Hamster related stuff from your computer, which would have the added benefit of blocking 90 % of the Animal Crossing stuff! Nyaa

Edited: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 23:04:11
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