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Epic Mickey: Wii exclusive! GameInformer has the scoop!
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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 03:04:06

The lock on SUCKS, that is all.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 03:10:29

The game is a lot of fun, I did all of Trash Mountain last night and am getting started on Tomorrowland. Its not exactly the game I wanted, it doesn't seem to excel at anything and it sort of fails in bringing that OMG I am playing demented versions of the rides style I wanted.

I just hope this game didn't blow the one shot we had for an "epic" mickey game. Imagine this thing on PS3 with crazy Disney quality animation, the theme parks brought to life with stunning detail, actual voice acting and a game that doesn't try to do to many things at once. Instead we get this game that feels like a relic for gamings past. Its still fun and the Disney fan in me loves it but I wanted more. To put it in context, Kingdom Hearts does a much better job of making me feel like I am playing in a Disney world.

Edited: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 03:11:45
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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 03:27:58
Dvader said:

The game is a lot of fun, I did all of Trash Mountain ...

You mean Mickey's Junk Mountain?

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 03:32:25

Mickey's Junk? Ew.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 04:39:41
aspro said:

You mean Mickey's Junk Mountain?


Tomorrowland is so cool! Getting the people mover to move, so awesome. They should have done more with Carosel of Progress.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 17:23:33

So was this game a faliure sales wise. I didnt hear much about its sales. I would have thought a Mickey game for the wii would have been gold.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 17:38:12

Didn't it break a million in the states alone? I'd say it did alright. Was it released in Japan?

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 17:47:00

The game broke 2 millions copies. No failure there. And it still has yet to be released in Japan. Nintendo only recently announced that they will be publishing in there, so once they do that I think it's safe to say it'll do another million.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 17:48:39

2 million+ sounds pretty good to me, although I don't know what the publisher's expectations were. Everybody know Mickey, and everybody has a Wii.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:03:13

Disney announced they were very happy with the sales numbers after the December NPDs came out. THey also made a bunch of announcements about it breaking some sort of Disney game sales records. I got to believe that they're genuinally happy with the sales especially considering the reviews that the game ultimately got.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:04:41
robio said:

The game broke 2 millions copies. No failure there. And it still has yet to be released in Japan. Nintendo only recently announced that they will be publishing in there, so once they do that I think it's safe to say it'll do another million.

I doubt it, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 have not boken or are just at a million sold. Donkey Kong Country Return has not broken a million yet. Epic Mickey is no 2D platformer and it is no Mario game either. I am thinking 500,000.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:27:17
Iga_Bobovic said:
robio said:

The game broke 2 millions copies. No failure there. And it still has yet to be released in Japan. Nintendo only recently announced that they will be publishing in there, so once they do that I think it's safe to say it'll do another million.

I doubt it, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 have not boken or are just at a million sold. Donkey Kong Country Return has not broken a million yet. Epic Mickey is no 2D platformer and it is no Mario game either. I am thinking 500,000.

Where are you getting your data from? Because it looks very very wrong. I've seen reports saying DKCR has sold over 4 million.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:29:39

Oh wait, I understood now. You're referring to Japanese sales. You are sorely underestimating Disney and Mickey's popularity in Japan. The game will be huge there. 1 million sales. Count on it.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:31:03
robio said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
robio said:

The game broke 2 millions copies. No failure there. And it still has yet to be released in Japan. Nintendo only recently announced that they will be publishing in there, so once they do that I think it's safe to say it'll do another million.

I doubt it, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 have not boken or are just at a million sold. Donkey Kong Country Return has not broken a million yet. Epic Mickey is no 2D platformer and it is no Mario game either. I am thinking 500,000.

Where are you getting your data from? Because it looks very very wrong. I've seen reports saying DKCR has sold over 4 million.

That 4 million figure is worldwide. Iga was talking about Japan figures only in regards as to whether Epic Mickey could break a million in Japan alone.

Edit: Oh you realized before I spilled the light of understanding over your confused noggin.

Edited: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:31:56
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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:37:23
robio said:

Oh wait, I understood now. You're referring to Japanese sales. You are sorely underestimating Disney and Mickey's popularity in Japan. The game will be huge there. 1 million sales. Count on it.

Yea, I was talking about Japan. You Robio are underestimating how much 500,000 is. Japan is a smaller market. Also I would say that Mickey is very popular in the States too, but yet it was outsold by both DKCR and the Galaxies. So what makes you think that Mickey will outsell them in Japan if it could not outsell them in America.?

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 18:54:22
Iga_Bobovic said:
robio said:

Oh wait, I understood now. You're referring to Japanese sales. You are sorely underestimating Disney and Mickey's popularity in Japan. The game will be huge there. 1 million sales. Count on it.

Yea, I was talking about Japan. You Robio are underestimating how much 500,000 is. Japan is a smaller market. Also I would say that Mickey is very popular in the States too, but yet it was outsold by both DKCR and the Galaxies. So what makes you think that Mickey will outsell them in Japan if it could not outsell them in America.?

Epic Mickey will sell huge numbers for the same reason that Dragon Quest and Pokemon sell huge numbers in Japan, even when they get outsold by other games in America. There's a level of fanatacism that surrounds the character that is unique to Japan. Yes Mickey is popular in America, but not in the same way as in Japan.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 19:35:54

The sales are ok but I expected more it being one of the most iconic characters ever on the #1 selling console and a game geared toward children which is perfect for wii. This game should have been a monster.

Anyway I am enjoying it more and more. The game is like a giant scavenger hunt where stuff is hidden behind walls you can dissolve or create paths to get to things. The setting is fantastic as well, I cant wait to see what Disney location I see next. Right now I am in Adventure land in the Jungle Cruise area. The game has its issues (it glitched on me recently as well) but still fun. It's totally harmless, its like a nice stroll through a game world, there is no real stress involved with the game.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 19:40:49

Okay I found the exact numbers

Super Mario Galaxy                   1,005,649

Super Mario Galaxy 2                   956,853

New Super Mario Bros Wii        4,220,968

Donkey Kong Country Returns    906,011

Dragon Quest IX                          4,155,274

Sorry Robio, but I am very skeptical of your claim. NSMBWii has outsold Dragon Quest IX even though the DS is a much better seller than the Wii in Japan both in software and hardware. There is no way in hell that you can claim that Mickey is as popular as Mario, but yet you think that Epic Mickey is going to outsell Galaxy 2 and at least match Galaxy 1. If it was a 2D platformer yeah then I could see it happening, but not in 3D.

Also the best selling game in Japan of the DS.

New Super Mario Bros  6,124,170

This is followed by Pokemon Diamon/Pearl with 5,793,340 and then by Pokemon Black/White with 5,176,188.

The there is Animal Crossing, Brain Age 2 and finally DQ IX (which is the biggest selling DQ ever)

In Japan Mario is king

Also I checked the sales number of Kingdom Hearts. This has both the square and disney factor

The best selling one is Kingdom Hearts II with 1,129,196 sold. This is also the only million seller. The second is the original with 838,323 sold followed by Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep 733,248 sold.

Finally I searched for Mickey Mouse titles and the biggest seller of that one was

Mickey's Speedway USA   78,776

So in conclusion Mario is king in Japan bigger than DQ and Pokemon. Mickey Mouse best selling game is Kingdom Hearts II with sold just more than a million and games with only Mickey in the tittle sold badly. Sorry Robio, but I stick with my 500,000 prediction, which I find generous. I don't buy in the Japan is super crazy about Mickey either or at least so much crazier than in the States. I am skeptical and would require proof to change my mind

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 19:43:06

Im with Iga on this one.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 19:45:34

^Be honest, you just agree because you saw all those numbers!

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