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Switch Presentation thread!!!!
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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:07:05

Too few hardware reveals, even less games.  They needed to really hit it hime, in stead they reaffirmed the view of everyone who thought this would just be the WiiU all over again.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:08:10

They didn't even show Mario Kart...  I was hoping I would have felt better about getting up 2 hours early when the event ended.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:08:59

Pretty disappointing event overall though. It'll probably be $400 Canadian or very close too it. Hardly any game footage or launch games announced. Didn't hear any info on the Virtual Console. I'll still get the system though.


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:10:42
SupremeAC said:

They didn't even show Mario Kart...  I was hoping I would have felt better about getting up 2 hours early when the event ended.

Yeah and no Smash either. Sad


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:10:51

Their online service will be free until autumn?  Did they say anything about what this 'service' will entail?  I don't want to pay for online, and I'm guessing most people will feel the same way.  This could very well kill Splatoon.  What will the online be like?  Their netcode is pretty good, but everything else is just cumbersome and borderline acceptible for a free service.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:11:34

I'd say as of now Nintendo will be lucky to hit N64 level sales of like 33 million. But the Gamecube's 22 million wouldn't surprise me either. Outside of trying to catch lightning in a bottle like they did on the OG Wii with some kind of crazy controller or hardware they continue to just not do enough software-wise to attract more than the typical Nintendo fan.


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:13:19

I don't get it.  They announced this presentation 3 months ago, and still they fail to make it any more exciting...

At least I got to wear my Zelda bathrobe while watching.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:13:48

Yeah I don't think they said much at all about what their online service will be like.


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:14:22
SupremeAC said:

I don't get it.  They announced this presentation 3 months ago, and still they fail to make it any more exciting...

At least I got to wear my Zelda bathrobe while watching.

Lucky sob. Nyaa


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:15:24

I want to know how the system will handle storage of dlc, patches, downloadable games, etc.


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:15:55

They must be working on a lot more.  If not, what was the point of merging their devs on one platform?  They better give us F-zero, metroid and waverace.

I'll buy a Switch day one, but it'll be out of habbit more than it will be out of excitement.  If this is the best they can do, they may as well just go third party.  There I said it.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:16:12

Well that's it for me tonight. Until tomorrow guys.


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:17:07

good night.  I'll stay up to spread the holy word of disappointment.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:17:17

I was hoping this would blow me away and force me to buy it at launch...but instead it pushed me away and into the arms of all the killer games coming out on other systems over the next few months. lol


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:19:04

Yeah, quite the screw up.  I think this presentation cost them more sales than it generatad.  How can you build up anticipation for 3 months and then show pracitcally nothing?  Everyone was saying how you should never rule Nintendo out, how they're at their best when cornered, but I didn't see it today.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:25:58
SupremeAC said:

Yeah, quite the screw up.  I think this presentation cost them more sales than it generatad.  How can you build up anticipation for 3 months and then show pracitcally nothing?  Everyone was saying how you should never rule Nintendo out, how they're at their best when cornered, but I didn't see it today.

I don't think they're that company anymore. They still make great games, but I don't think they have the EDGE that they used to, to push back.


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:39:08

Watching the opening bit I missed now.  Their count down is hands down the best bit of the presentation.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:41:00

I will reread this soon. Going to post impressions now:

Big disappointment. This thing felt all over the place the same way the wii U did when it didnt have a clear message. All those joy con configurations, trying to sell it as some party thing, what? No one wants to play 1, 2 switch, no one wants. Arms? Thats the best you can come up with. This is the company that just made Splatoon and you follow that original gem with arms?! I dont see the appeal in any of this. The rumble allows you to feel ice cubes? What? They are trying to get back to the magic of the wii without having the magic of it being something we never seen or did before. Now that kind of stuff is not that crazy.

Then there is the price, too much. I heard my nintendo stock crashing. The prices of these peripherals, what in the fuck, $70 for Pro? $90 for joy con? Paid online?! FUCK YOU. Might as well call it the Splatoon tax.

The games... uhhh what games. We got Mario, Splatoon and Zelda... thats it for this year. They didnt even show the Mario Kart port, is that not ready at launch? How the hell do you not have a port ready for launch? Where is Smash port? These third party games, yay I can play games from 2011! They brought out Yakuza guy and Suda to show nothing. Xenoblade 2 is awesome news, hopefully out sometime soon. That SNES looking square game looked cool but no real info on that. Its Wii U all over again, its a smattering of a few titles here and there with some classics from nintendo.

The graphics, uh oh. Nothing looks current gen, NOTHING. This is barely above Wii U levels. Mario looked jaggie as hell and was basically 3D world. Splatoon 2 is identical to splatoon 1. Xenoblade who knows, it didnt look like real footage at times. Skyrim does not look like the remaster.

I don't see the magic here, its just a continuation of what Nintendo has been doing these last few years. But at least we get Mario and Zelda.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:43:03

Speaking of Mario, WOW! Now I am a huge fan of the Galaxy games so going back to open world is kind of scary but the end of that trailer showed some awesom platforming stuff. Edge must be thrilled. I am kind of off put by the real world locations, that didnt fit so well but I love the other worlds. I have full faith it will be one of the best games this year.

Splatoon 2 has awesome additions. That dodge! Sold! Day one.

And then there is Zelda,  video games can end right there cause thats the best its going to get. Nyaa

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:48:08

So their online plan is an app for smart devices?  Screw them, I know fully well that they will only support Android and Apple.  And they want to charge for that?  I'm sorry, but the only thing I ever played online was Splatoon and a smattering of Mario Kart, I can live without those.  It'd be interesting to see what happens if Splatoon tanks because of their paid online.  Then again, I might get it, play it for free a month or 2 and never look back.

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