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Switch Presentation thread!!!!
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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 18:49:16
SupremeAC said:

I've followed everything.  Don't think me a fool.  My point was merely that Splatoon and mario kart are mechanically very similar to their WiiU installments.  This rings true for most sequels, but usually people will gloss over that because the graphics are much improved.  Which isn't the case here.  That was the point I was tryig to make.

Having watched the trailers for Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey and Zelda Switch in HD on youtube (60 FPS vers) -and looking at some of the images- I can say they are way better looking then their Wii U counterparts. As someone who has played 600 hours of Splatoon, Splatoon on Wii U does not look like that trailer.

The image quality alone, is richer, crisper, more detailed and looks like it runs smoother too in the sequel. It looks better than the bullshots of Splatoon 1.

Splatoon on Wii U on a 1080p tv is sharp but jaggy and on a 720p has a smoother jaggy free image but is softer to the point where I find it hard to play.

Mario Odyssey looks better than 3DWorld, especially considering that it's not a fixed camera angle. Some of the detail you can see on Mario close up is awesome. The forest section alone. And it's not coming out till the end of the year. Remember the visual boost 3D World got vs its original reveal?

The Mario Kart 8 images look bad in comparison. And the Zelda trailer on Switch is smooth as fuck and the image quality and AA is above what you see on Wii U. Most U games don't even have AA. These games look way better, and Zelda is a port.

Both MK8 and FRN are 1080p on Switch, 720p on U. Zelda is supposedly 900p on Switch. So the system is very obviously more powerful than U when docked and the games do look better. I still haven't watched the presentation so I don't know how they were displayed there.  

SupremeAC said:

I thnk you are underestimating the importance of the pricepoint.  3DS's are bought for kids, with one family owning multiple 3DS's.  I don't see this happening with the Switch, ever.  Look how the 3DS came down in price to €100 for a 2DS.  Now look at the WiiU, it's still as expensive as it was on release.  I also doubt that the Switch will receive as broad and diverce a library of games as the 3DS did, and Nintendo hardware will be all the poorer for it.

I agree, the price is too high. The problem is that its launching mid-gen when the other consoles have all come down in price due to economies of sale. The tech inside Switch is actually more advanced than what is in PS4 and XB1. It's a 2015 design while the older consoles are older tech and don't have to worry about thermal constraints or die shrinks. But we equate lower graphics with lower price. I thought that if they wanted to position Switch as peoples 2nd console they would have to make it cheap enough.

Instead they loaded up the controllers with all sorts of more expensive tech. It's still £20 cheaper here than the Wii U Black Deluxe was, so while I wanted a sub £250 and even closer to £200 - it compares favourably with U launch pricing, here at least. The Basic Wii U was £250 at launch.

EDIT: IMO they should have gutted it of features like the touch screen to get the price down low. Like £200 low.

Edited: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 18:56:41

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 19:18:41

They have sullied my beloved Mario Kart with Splatoon content.



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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 00:23:09

Admittedly, I'm probably going to swear a lot so I apologize in advance.

After the choices made by hardware makers this generation, I'm seriosly thinking that after this generation I'll be exclusively a PC gamer.  I know I'll probably miss out on certain exclusives, but I'll deal with it.  Paying to play online, mid cycle console upgrades, and now....the switch.  What the fuck happened here???  Despite what the company have been doing for the past 5 years, I actually had some hope for what the Switch could provide.  Now?  I watched the conference and in the middle of it I startled my wife by yelling "What the fuck are they doing???" at the screen.  Paid online service from a company who has, at BEST, had a mediocre online service to begin with.  Voice chat through smart devices?  Oh fuck you, Nintendo.  Who is this aimed at?  The free game for a month thing, I'm REALLY hoping was just an error in communication.  If not, then it's a slap in the face to paying customers.  Accesory cost? Are you kidding me?  Paying $50-60 for a controller is bad enough, but now you making the joy cons cost more than some special/deluxe edition game titles? 1 2 Switch should be a pack in.  Finally what is going to be there at launch from a game standpoint?  I know one game that'd be interested in, but that's not enough for me to drop $300 on it.  Will I get it?  I've purchased every nintendo console at or near launch, but for the first time I'll probably wait a year before picking it up and even then it's still a maybe.  Like I said I've had it with how console makers are handling themselves and treating their customers.  When it comes to Nintendo I might just buy a NES Classic(when they become available) and call it a day.

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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 02:24:30
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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 02:31:28
gamingeek said:

Super Mario Oddyssey looks good.

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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 02:34:21
gemini_red said:

Admittedly, I'm probably going to swear a lot so I apologize in advance.

After the choices made by hardware makers this generation, I'm seriosly thinking that after this generation I'll be exclusively a PC gamer.  I know I'll probably miss out on certain exclusives, but I'll deal with it.  Paying to play online, mid cycle console upgrades, and now....the switch.  What the fuck happened here???  Despite what the company have been doing for the past 5 years, I actually had some hope for what the Switch could provide.  Now?  I watched the conference and in the middle of it I startled my wife by yelling "What the fuck are they doing???" at the screen.  Paid online service from a company who has, at BEST, had a mediocre online service to begin with.  Voice chat through smart devices?  Oh fuck you, Nintendo.  Who is this aimed at?  The free game for a month thing, I'm REALLY hoping was just an error in communication.  If not, then it's a slap in the face to paying customers.  Accesory cost? Are you kidding me?  Paying $50-60 for a controller is bad enough, but now you making the joy cons cost more than some special/deluxe edition game titles? 1 2 Switch should be a pack in.  Finally what is going to be there at launch from a game standpoint?  I know one game that'd be interested in, but that's not enough for me to drop $300 on it.  Will I get it?  I've purchased every nintendo console at or near launch, but for the first time I'll probably wait a year before picking it up and even then it's still a maybe.  Like I said I've had it with how console makers are handling themselves and treating their customers.  When it comes to Nintendo I might just buy a NES Classic(when they become available) and call it a day.

Took the words straight out of my mouth. Consoles have become essentially low end PCs with none of the benefits.

- Over priced revisioned hardware

- Huge patches with snail speed bandwidth

- Mediocre online services THAT I HAVE TO PAY FOR

- Terrible UIs

- Expensive accessories

the list just goes on and on.

Say what you want about Nintendo, but there is a reason why PC gamers tend to have a soft spot for their systems. Because they actually offer a different experience. People can hate on their "gimmicky" games and controls but at least these are things that I can't find on my PC. And even for their more traditional games they tend to be of genres that aren't usually found on PC. There aren't too many PC games like Splatoon, Smash, Bayonetta, Kirby and the Ranbow Curse, and Super Mario 3D World. This goes double for their handhelds with games like Phoenix Wright and Kid Icarus: Uprising. Sure Sony fans can list games like Bloodbourne and Drive Club on their "list wars", but these types of titles aren't rare on the PC and are honestly lacking compared to other games (yes Bloodbourne is lacking). I've defended the Wii and even Wii U because despite their short comings, they still offered plenty of fun experiences that I was not able to get on my PC. And you could laugh at their gimmicks, but they were pretty useful at times.

However, while the Switch seems to keep in line with these unique experiences, it has forgotten everything else. The system is very steep in price after buying the console ($300), and the mandatory accessories (1 extra controller $80, 1 charge unit $30, online play $50?). And while I do like their games, they have gotten ridiculous with the droughts.

Between Nintendo constantly "nintendoing" it up. Sony turning the PS4 to a "not a PC, but it's a PC and we have exclusives" and Microsoft literally turning the Xbox One to a PC as every game is avaliable on both platforms I have zero reason to purchase a console. Truth be told if Xenoblade 2 delivers, I will buy a Switch JUST for that game. Then I'll play No More Heroes 3 and Shin Megami Tensei V. Then I'll sell it.

I find that to be the best way to handle consoles personally. Buy one with all the exclusives you want. Play them for a couple of weeks, then sell everything.

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 08:42:37
Archangel3371 said:

They have sullied my beloved Mario Kart with Splatoon content.


It seems as if Nintendo is on a fued to spite the VG Press.  Online paywall and dodges in Splatoon to twart GG, now this.  What's next?  A bad game based on Shakespear's work to spite Foolz?

For the record, Nintendo, if you, nay, WHEN you read this, there is nothing that would annoy me more than a new F-zero or Waverace game.  It would be the stuff of nightmares I tell you.  Now make it happen.

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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 09:16:02
SupremeAC said:
Archangel3371 said:

They have sullied my beloved Mario Kart with Splatoon content.


It seems as if Nintendo is on a fued to spite the VG Press.  Online paywall and dodges in Splatoon to twart GG, now this.  What's next?  A bad game based on Shakespear's work to spite Foolz?

For the record, Nintendo, if you, nay, WHEN you read this, there is nothing that would annoy me more than a new F-zero or Waverace game.  It would be the stuff of nightmares I tell you.  Now make it happen.

I sure as hell hope to never see a Metroid Prime again.

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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 15:56:54
travo said:
SupremeAC said:
Archangel3371 said:

They have sullied my beloved Mario Kart with Splatoon content.


It seems as if Nintendo is on a fued to spite the VG Press.  Online paywall and dodges in Splatoon to twart GG, now this.  What's next?  A bad game based on Shakespear's work to spite Foolz?

For the record, Nintendo, if you, nay, WHEN you read this, there is nothing that would annoy me more than a new F-zero or Waverace game.  It would be the stuff of nightmares I tell you.  Now make it happen.

I sure as hell hope to never see a Metroid Prime again.

I see what you did there. Nyaa


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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 15:57:44

If I ever see a Star Tropics 3 I will disown Nintendo.


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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 16:28:11
They better not make a Geist 2 or I will forever hate Nintendo.

They probably wouldn't believe me because of my username.


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Sat, 14 Jan 2017 17:05:37

Crap!  I swore I was in the News section.......go Nintendo!

Edited: Sat, 14 Jan 2017 17:07:58
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