SteelAttack said:I am here, yet I am not orgasming.
Maybe if you take the cock ring off?
Time for some real life pics
Are these groupers?
This is in game:
Gamedaily Endless Ocean 2 review "gorgeous presentation, a strong co-op multiplayer component and lots of discovery"
:Endless Ocean: Blue World benefits from having multiple places to swim. Each location is different from the next, with numerous types of sea life to point out and tranquil, gorgeous locations to swim through. The water effects are impressive, even without high-definition. The fish also swim realistically, each accurately portrayed like their real life counterparts; you won't see a huge tortoise suddenly dart away. However, the game loses some luster once it goes on land. The beaches don't look nearly as impressive as the underwater stages. Furthermore, the human models could've used some touching up. (We're not sure why the captain wears a plastered-on beard.)
As for the music, you'll either love it or hate it. Blue World relies heavily on slow tunes by Celtic Woman, including renditions of "Carrickfergus", "One World" and "The Last Rose of Summer". She's certainly not bad, but there's no alternative station, nor any option of using your own MP3s via SD card. Finally, the sound effects are authentic, from breathing through your air tank to the bubbles that pop up on the ocean surface.
If you never got into the first game, then you'll probably skip this Ocean in favor of faster-moving waters. However, if you don't mind playing something with a laid-back pace, a gorgeous presentation, a strong co-op multiplayer component and lots of discovery, strap on the diving gear and enjoy this brand new world.
Couple of these pics are spoilers I guess. Damn, this is getting maddening.
Endless Ocean Blue World Gamespot review This underwater adventure is beautiful, enchanting, and a big improvement over the original.
This impressive sequel is loaded with many small but truly effective improvements and a few major additions that give it some sturdy sea legs. It also strikes a much stronger balance between experimentation and structure to deliver a tighter, more focused underwater adventure without dampening the fun.
It's really striking how beautiful all of the game's environments and creatures are. There's a lot of extra detail worked into the visual elements to enhance the adventure's realism. You'll find few areas that are lacking in majestic scenery to soak in. From the tiniest critters to the hulking behemoths that inhabit these aquatic habitats, there's no shortage of wondrous sights to experience. The variety found in the many locations you explore is also very refreshing. Beyond some of the standard oceanic environments you'd expect to find, you swim amongst giant icebergs in the Antarctic, skirt the murky freshwater riverbanks of Brazil, dive into several pitch-black abysses, and navigate ancient ruins filled with intricate underwater passageways.
Even with all of the refinements that improve and beef up the gameplay in Blue World, it's still going to be a shock to the system if you're used a steady stream of action. The slower pace certainly isn't for everyone. But once you get accustomed to the deliberate and explorative nature of this underwater journey, it yields an extremely enjoyable, almost meditative, experience.
More pics from my dives
Zahab still amazes me.
This thing freaked me the f*** out. Its animation is changed drastically in the sequel and it moves in ways that freak you out.
This thing is so cool, a giant tadpole which gets smaller when it turns into a frog.
I got the kiss shot
Sunset in Antartica.
There's some nice detail in the man made environments.
Just a landscape that looked nice at the time.
Spoiler pic:

Mekere said:Ohhh yeah, the sun cavern. I thought it was funny the first time I saw it. Then I had the quest with the sea turtles and it almost made me cry
Good to see you
That Sea Turtle mission was rough, what with all the sharks.
I'm still looking for this treasure with the many hands hint.
(highlight to see)
The many hand treasure? I thought you were looking for the one in the central area! Well anyway, I found both yesterday, the many hand one is not difficult to find if you remember a certain meeting. I was quite disappointed it was not guarded by a legendary creature though >_>
I wont say more as I can't find the spoiler tag <_<
Mekere said:*blushes*
The many hand treasure? I thought you were looking for the one in the central area! Well anyway, I found both yesterday, the many hand one is not difficult to find if you remember a certain meeting. I was quite disappointed it was not guarded by a legendary creature though >_>
I wont say more as I can't find the spoiler tag <_<
I'm looking for both. One thing that is annoying me is this looking through the telescope on the morning after a full moon? I tried it and nothing happened.

oh well, let's see:
The many hand treasure:
It's an easy one. If it has many hands, it has many arms. If it has many arms and is big enough to keep a treasure, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. You just have to remember where you first met it.
Second hint:
It's not exactly where you met it first, but the room after it. It's a very special place especially for Océane and her grand father.
The full moon thing:
Frankly, I'm not even sure how I managed to get it. I remember seeing the moon in the sky it was not full at all. Maybe that's the trick? Looking in the telescope when the moon has lost one quarter.
Mekere said:Grumph.. still can't find some spoiler tag and it's not mentioned in the FAQ
oh well, let's see:
The many hand treasure:
It's an easy one. If it has many hands, it has many arms. If it has many arms and is big enough to keep a treasure, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. You just have to remember where you first met it.
Second hint:
It's not exactly where you met it first, but the room after it. It's a very special place especially for Océane and her grand father.
The full moon thing:
Frankly, I'm not even sure how I managed to get it. I remember seeing the moon in the sky it was not full at all. Maybe that's the trick? Looking in the telescope when the moon has lost one quarter.
I think we have tags, that's weird, some of what you posted is spoiler covered, some parts not, yet when I quote you the spoiler tags all seem to work.
I think I'm going to have to resign myself to looking in the telescope just whenever I can. I tend to only be on 9 ball island in the mornings though and I dont really want to fast forward time in case I shorten the time I have for photos/guides/salvages.
Have you got the million P yet to unlock you know what at the end? I'm at about 643'000.
Damn, it's a slog. When you do enough salvage requests for GG he gives you this salvage request with no location, just a chart and I thought that you'd get a few more of these for big bucks. No such luck
The "you have a chart but no location" salvaging was fun though. Too bad it was too easy to know where the location was and too bad if there's only one.
Mekere said:I'm far from the 1000000 unfortunately. I'm also around 600k but I've been lazy recently. I should do more salvaging session but I always ends up doing something else >_>
The "you have a chart but no location" salvaging was fun though. Too bad it was too easy to know where the location was and too bad if there's only one.
I think this is a game that could really benefit from having DLC. They could use existing locations and creatures, perhaps drop a couple of new character models and add a new story, its all text anyway.
I love the costumes too, compared to the first game. I'm decked out in the couture outfit

I wear the cyborg(?) outfit with the wyvern wings, technical fins and ok.. the couture jacket but only because it's small and suits the wyvern wings better. I don't really like the bikinis either, but that's because I can't imagine myself diving in a bikini made for sun bathing! Especially in the poles ocean

But maybe I could have some better tips during diving requests with that ^^
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Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile