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Adventures in VR. My Oculus rift experience.
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Fri, 27 May 2016 17:12:40
Dvader said:

The immersed thing is interesting. This whole idea that your body is tricked into being in a differnt world I have almost never felt. Maybe it's just me, but I am always aware that I am still in my room playing a video game, that might be why I don't get sick at all. When I am on my chair with a controller it's something I have been doing all my life and  just cause the game now fits around my field of view doesn't mean it's different, it's just a really neat effect and who would want to have the game all around them.

I think a lot of people would want the game all around them. On you sitting down and playing, doesn't that bring about the same problem you have with gyro controlled games where you can essentially only turn your head 180 degrees. And to look around fully you have to either stand up and physically turn your whole body around or use artificial means like a stick to do it via normal controls. Which I find irksome. Where have the bounding boxes gone?

Dvader said:

This is why motion control is necessary, also standing and walking. That totally removes the familiarity with playing a game with a new perspective into now interacting with a game in ways you never did, that's true immersion.

So what you are saying is that without the Wiimote, VR wouldn't work properly? Nyaa

So I see, graphics need to perform great most of all, be crisp and smooth?

Now onto the two most important questions:

1. Have you tried porn in VR?

2. When are we getting video of you with the headset on playing - not on the porn app hopefully

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Fri, 27 May 2016 18:06:46

I was trying to say who wouldn't want to have the game all around them. Yes in a chair you have limited movement, I have a spinning chair but the cord still make it hard to turn around. Most games have nothing behind you so it's fine. 360 videos I always stand so I can easily turn around.

Yeah graphics don't matter, it's performance. As long as it runs super well you can be in a blocky world and it feels great. Like old Doom looks awesome.

Of course I tried porn, at the moment it's really nothing more than videos in your face with 3D. You have to download 4K videos in order for it to look nice, steaming is a mess. Yeah it's better than porn on a screen but without any real interaction it's still just porn. There are some programs with really creepy game model women stuck in animation or frozen and you walk around, not good.

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Fri, 27 May 2016 18:07:59

That should get more people in this thread, there is porn talk.

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Fri, 27 May 2016 20:27:07
Dvader said:

Of course I tried porn, at the moment it's really nothing more than videos in your face with 3D. You have to download 4K videos in order for it to look nice, steaming is a mess. Yeah it's better than porn on a screen but without any real interaction it's still just porn. There are some programs with really creepy game model women stuck in animation or frozen and you walk around, not good.

It looks like VR isn't quite ready.... to climax yet.

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Sat, 28 May 2016 17:26:36

Fuck porn.

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Sat, 28 May 2016 18:16:30
SteelAttack said:

Fuck porn.

That's my favorite kind of porn!

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Sun, 29 May 2016 17:10:17

Ok another massive post coming. Lets put this in categories for easy reading. First some info on Vorpx which is the device that adjusts non VR games to VR. What it does is take a screen, normally it asks you to put the game in 4:3 to make it taller, widescreen is not needed as you have little peripheral vision. It then takes that imagine and plants your face in the middle of it and wraps the edges around the side. You cant see the edges so you never see the edge of the screen, your head is the camera. Because you cant see the edges that means you cant see most huds so there is a button you can set to do a quick zoom out so you can see your info. It works great for some games, not so much for others and it can make you sick in high motion games if you get sick.


This is an oculus game so its made for VR, imagine RC PRO AM in VR. This is a blast. You see the track right in front of your face and tiny RC cars dueling it out. When they fly off the track toward you and explode it happens with amazing 3D so it looks like its blowing up in your face. There are great weapons, some neat race modes, its just fun. You can play online but almost no one is playing, but when you do get a match its brilliant. This should have local multiplayer play, perfect party game. We need Mario Kart VR immediately.

Eve Valkyrie :

I hooked up my flight sticks and went at this again, oh man its so much better. I totally lost myself in there for a few hours. Eve is mostly an online only space combat game so there isn't much depth but the combat is fast and easy. This is no sim so its great for pick up and play which is what I wanted to do. I was a badass, first place in most my matches, tracking enemies with my head like I would if I was a real pilot. I was gripping those sticks so hard my hands hurt. Great immersive experience and a clear showing of a kind of game that is enhanced in every way, from the play to the look by VR.

Doom 4 - This takes a lot of tweaking because if you are too close to the screen the melee kills are just a mess of movement an crap you cant see. Once I put the screen further back it worked well. This game is a bit too fast to really enjoy in VR, its still immersive but not the best use of vorpx.

Bioshock :

Now this works amazing! Stepping into the first room with the Andrew ryan statue above your head is so woah. The splicers are feaky as hell when they are in front of you. This game is a lot slower paced and made for environment watching so its a great VR experience.

Resident Evil 4 - This works best as a floating screen than being inside it. Its third person so you cant really be as immersed with that kind of screen effect. So hang it back a little and it feels like you are playing on an IMAX 3D screen. The 3D effect is so good, screw 3D tvs this is why 3d was invented. Its RE4 it doesn't matter how you play it its great.

Portal 2 - This is one works great in the slower moments, I loved the intro in VR, one of the better presence games. But when the portal stuff started, damn it was a bit intense. Its the only game to leave me with a strange VR after effect when I took it off. Maybe I need to tweak it more.

Half Life 2 :

This is the one. I got this working last night and did not want to stop. Walking around the city, seeing guards that are right at your eye level push you around it just feels like you are there. But its the action where this shines. With some of these games, like this one, you get to control the aim cursor with your eyes independent of the camera. Its like having a wiimote but your eyes are the pointer. That alone makes shooting so much better. Even though I'm using a pad it felt like I was aiming a gun the normal way, I can only imagine how much more enhanced it will feel when the object you hold feels like a gun. Oh and the crowbar, you look at where you want to swing, again if this had wiimote support and I could swing around it would be the greatest thing ever. Even as it is when thos spinning blade robots fly at your face in full 3D and you are trying to swat them with the crowbar its a feeling of wow this is happening to me. Ravenholm is going to give me a heart attack. Plus the game is a masterpiece, I am in love. I will play this one in VR all the way through.

Reactions - For the fake VR games there isn't many gameplay enhancements to be made, only the aiming. Its more of a perspective enhancement. HDTVs didn't change the way games were played but you never want to go back to old CRTVs now do you. Same kind of effect here. Only the fact that you have a thing strapped to your head and the whole sickness issue is holding it back. True VR needs motion controls for most of the games. The flight stick can be put in that category as it perfectly mimics what you use to do the actions in game and it works. When in true VR being able to move your head in and out tracking you in the VR world, not you pretending to be an in game camera makes a big difference. I cant want for the motion room games.

I got to show some friends, all come out super impressed but they got kind of sick during the vorpx enabled games. I need to mention the dolphin VR because that thing is a wonder. That does real VR with old games, I don't know how. you are not the camera, you can look behind you can see the world all around your head, you can lean in and out and look at characters from different perspectives. Now that comes with huge glitches and most games are unplayable but its still crazy when it works. For some strange reason Sonic adventure games work amazing on this thing and my friends were mesmerized by it. Sonic Adventure 2 VR is a must play.

Edited: Sun, 29 May 2016 17:19:47
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Mon, 30 May 2016 12:25:37

Aren't they too fast for VR?

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Mon, 30 May 2016 15:19:05
gamingeek said:

Aren't they too fast for VR?

Yes, it makes most people sick. I don't get sick but yesterday I got a headache so I didn't play much rift. I hope VR doesn't kill me.

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Mon, 30 May 2016 15:26:58
Dvader said:

I hope VR doesn't kill me.

I'm pretty sure brain tumors caused by mobile phone radiation will get to you first.

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Tue, 31 May 2016 20:19:17
Vader, for immersion why don't you try putting your PC in a back pack while using VR? The added weight would also make you feel super strong.

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Tue, 31 May 2016 21:03:46
gamingeek said:
Vader, for immersion why don't you try putting your PC in a back pack while using VR? The added weight would also make you feel super strong.

Lol, that is so ridiculous. Might as well strap a nuclear device on your back and hunt ghosts.

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Tue, 31 May 2016 22:31:35

I posted my first review for a VR game, Lucky's tale. That should go in depth on a full game rather than these impressions of a chunk of a game here or there.

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Wed, 01 Jun 2016 11:58:53
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:
Vader, for immersion why don't you try putting your PC in a back pack while using VR? The added weight would also make you feel super strong.

Lol, that is so ridiculous. Might as well strap a nuclear device on your back and hunt ghosts.

PC makers are chasing the VR wave with high-end backpack PCs

That's the secondary function.

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Thu, 02 Jun 2016 11:47:40

Take-Two chief sees 'no market' for room-scale VR right now

Speaking today in New York at the 44th annual Cowen and Company Tech, Media & Telecom conference, Zelnick told an audience of investors and financial analysts that VR is just "way too expensive right now."

"I don't know what people could be thinking," Zelnick said, according to GameSpot. "Maybe some of the people in this room have a room to dedicate to an entertainment activity, but back here in the real world? That's not what we have in America."

He went on to suggest that the lion's share of Americans can't accommodate a dedicated room-scale VR setup and can't afford to spend more than "like $300" on an entertainment device, which would put them outside the market for VR headsets like the $600 Oculus Rift or $800 HTC Vive.

"I'm not unexcited [about VR], I'm just saying it remains to be seen," added Zelnick. "There are impediments."

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Fri, 03 Jun 2016 06:18:05

So I have been playing chronos which is geniunely a great game. The VR is superficial, all the game does is put your view at preset camera angles like an old RE game. Imagine playing old RE in VR, would that change the game, not really. It's not like Luckys tale where I instantly saw the potential of VR, saw how VR enhanced the platforming. So here it's just a neat effect but I could see this as a non VR game.

It's a shame more people won't get to play this. This is part Dark Souls part old RE. You explore old temples and battle enemies methodically like in DS. The combat is way more simple than DS but you can't let your guard down because a few hits kill you. Checkpoints are warp points scattered around the world, few of them. mostly you progress in a level hoping to open a shortcut because when you die all enemies respawn.

The hook of the game is that your character ages every time he dies, every ten years you gain a perk you can choose to help develop your character. You are also gaining exp and leveling up but the older you get the harder it is to raise strength and easier to raise magic. It's a neat system, and you will die a lot.

But the best part of the game is the exploration and puzzles. It's not Zelda quality but I appreciate needing to think. I like finding an item and having no clue where it goes. Or finding an item for some strange device you found hours earlier. There are some crazy secrets, stuff you can totally miss that can alter boss battles in huge ways, all for being observant and using your head. Its just a well designed game, the gives me that old RE feeling of just trying to navigate a maze like world while finding items and needing to use them as keys or part of puzzles.

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Fri, 03 Jun 2016 14:56:58

Where do you hear about and get these games? What is this Occulus store like?

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Fri, 03 Jun 2016 18:55:17
gamingeek said:

Where do you hear about and get these games? What is this Occulus store like?

Chronos was by far the most talked about oculus exclusive, hard to miss. The store automatically pops up when oculus is connected. It looks like a nice modern storefront.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2016 20:35:52

So I bought Edge of Nowhere, the insomniac horror game exclusive. It's supposedly 4 hours long and most likely not worth the $40 it cost, but new systems need games so you settle for crap you normally wouldn't buy.

At first I thought I made a huge mistake. It's a third person action adventure, mostly stealth horror. It takes place in the artic and you fight lovecraftian monsters. But the whole beginning is just the voting uncharted parts, lots of climbing on shit and walking. Lots of it. Then you enter a cave and your head is your light. Soon you find monsters and you get rocks to distract them, an axe for melee and a shotgun with only four ammo capacity as your emergency weapon.

The mix of enemies is cool, you can lure enemies that track by sound toward these plants that blow up like blowfish if you get close then throw a rock at it to kill them. There was a great moment with this building sized monster searching to eat you, looks great in VR. It's not too scary, not many jump scares, it's no silent hill either. It's mostly average, chronos is much better.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2016 21:08:07
Dvader said:

It's supposedly 4 hours long and most likely not worth the $40 it cost, but new systems need games so you settle for crap you normally wouldn't buy.

I'll remember this when you next get a new system. Nyaa

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