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Official Destiny thread! I am your density!
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Sat, 27 Sep 2014 21:36:36

The items you find randomly will now include Light attributes. It's pretty much 'Blue' stuff and up.

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Sat, 27 Sep 2014 22:35:04
phantom_leo said:

The items you find randomly will now include Light attributes. It's pretty much 'Blue' stuff and up.

Oh ok...I have a friend's party to go to tonight, but I'll be playing when I get home later. This game gets better it goes on. It really does. Some of the higher up battles and enemies are so awesome. The actual combat is probably beyond any shooter ever made. Like Halo so many years ago, it just feels right.


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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:14:47

I can't get any legendary items, I can't get passed level 23...!

I can't finish any of the Queen's missions...! They're too HARD!! HARDER than me at a German Soccer Match H-A-R-D ! ! !


How do they expect you to beat 'em...? It's IMPOSSIBLE ! ! !

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:23:58
phantom_leo said:

I can't get any legendary items, I can't get passed level 23...!

I can't finish any of the Queen's missions...! They're too HARD!! HARDER than me at a German Soccer Match H-A-R-D ! ! !


How do they expect you to beat 'em...? It's IMPOSSIBLE ! ! !

By asking me to join your game. It is extremely simple.

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:24:44

I thought those missions were single player...!?

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:27:42
phantom_leo said:

I thought those missions were single player...!?

Every mission can have up to 3 players

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:28:08

Well shoot!

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:28:22

Will you be my wingman?

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:29:51

No you can be mine.

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:30:12

Any time?

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:30:58

If you see me on ask, if I am free I will join.

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:31:56

Way to spoil the joke, Maverick...  Hrm

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:34:47
phantom_leo said:

Way to spoil the joke, Maverick...  Hrm

Lol. I failed.

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Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:56:00

Well I finished all the main missions in Destiny. The last few strikes on Mars were fucking epic. Now I'll be collecting Light gear and doing some crucible matches while waiting for the expansion packs.

Does this count as "finishing" the game? I think it does.


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Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:42:54
edgecrusher said:

Well I finished all the main missions in Destiny. The last few strikes on Mars were fucking epic. Now I'll be collecting Light gear and doing some crucible matches while waiting for the expansion packs.

Does this count as "finishing" the game? I think it does.

Of course.

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Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:08:46

Solid and I just did most of the Raid, HOLY SHIT!!!! I have never played anything like that in any shooter in my life. I never did a raid in an MMO so I never have done a coordinated effort like that in any game. This is truly impossible without a mic, the entire team needs to work as one and be split up into smaller teams. If even one person is out of whack the entire squad goes down. We played a good 3 hours and got to the stealth section before the final boss. Yes stealth section, which we got to after a platforming section, THIS IS THE REAL DESTINY.

It is such a shame this mode is hidden and blocked to practically 90% of the people who play this game. There needs to be matchmaking, getting this thing setup was a pain in the ass. Matchmaking can lock anyone out without a mic, as simple as that. Or you can set so that you only join experienced players or something. We had one guy who has done the raid before explain to us what we needed to do. I don’t even know how these people figured it out at first, the game gives so little direction. There is even this captain america like shield that controls like a third person action game one player needs to use, its nuts.

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Sat, 04 Oct 2014 02:48:56

The hub world is interesting.  No time wasted on dialogue bullshit.  Just sell or give me what I want so I can go.

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Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:14:49

The raid is the most interesting coop experience I have ever played in my life. If you are not trying this you are not really playing destiny, the point of the game is raid as far as I am consider.  It takes six people all working perfectly together to complete but having six people perform perfectly in super tough conditions is not easy.

Take the most frustrating part of a game where you are playing alone, think about how pissed off you get. Now imagine that but there are six people that all can potentially be screwing up. So now you are frustrated at others cause you are doing your job but someone else is not. And you have six different people experiencing this all at the same time.

But amazingly the people I have played with so far have been nothing but great nice guys all putting frustration aside to beat the raid. There are those I know and play with and randoms i find on gaf. Everyone on gaf have been a pleasure to play with. It's been nothing but amazing going through that crazy mission with a good group of people. Best coop experience by far.

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Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:25:20
Dvader said:

The raid is the most interesting coop experience I have ever played in my life. If you are not trying this you are not really playing destiny, the point of the game is raid as far as I am consider.  It takes six people all working perfectly together to complete but having six people perform perfectly in super tough conditions is not easy.

Take the most frustrating part of a game where you are playing alone, think about how pissed off you get. Now imagine that but there are six people that all can potentially be screwing up. So now you are frustrated at others cause you are doing your job but someone else is not. And you have six different people experiencing this all at the same time.

But amazingly the people I have played with so far have been nothing but great nice guys all putting frustration aside to beat the raid. There are those I know and play with and randoms i find on gaf. Everyone on gaf have been a pleasure to play with. It's been nothing but amazing going through that crazy mission with a good group of people. Best coop experience by far.

You need to play a MOBA, or an MMO with strategic team-based PvP. Sounds like you would love it.

Edited: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:25:52

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Tue, 07 Oct 2014 04:11:23

I may but I view PvP differently.  Going against another human is not the same as a designed mission that is specifcally created to be defeated using the skills earned while playing, With other humans there will always be someone better than you at something, in shooters there is always someone better at aiming at a moving head than me for instance. No matter how hard I play I just wont be that good. But with a coop vs computer experience it is about defeating a set designed gameplay experience. That is what I love doing.

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