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Aspro's Top 5
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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:42:23

I loved the ending too!

(I do not remember the ending at all I just want to join in on the high fives)

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:46:05

Okay then...

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:58:23

Lol perfect

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:10:52

You can be my wingman any day, Vader.

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:14:59
Foolz said:

You can be my wingman any day, Vader.

Bullshit, you can be mine. Happy

Edited: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:15:27
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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:22:20
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

You can be my wingman any day, Vader.

Bullshit, you can be mine. Happy

I like it when you play bad cop. Happy

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 08:57:53

Rob and Leo, thank sfor listening to the cast. I really appreciate it. Yeah it's 2 hours and 50 minutes, but it goes fast and trust me it could have been longer.  I think we are going to try for 2 hours moving forward, even perhaps putting out the aural reviews as separate content.  I think they will get more listeners that way. Of course, I have not talked to Tom about this yet and since we are partners he can veto this.

Leo, put on your blinders and post here. We love you and need you. Though I do agree it is always better to spend more time gaming than talkng about gaming.

Rob, you were close man, very close.  Leo your comments on Ninja Theory hold true (of course I would say that). God I hope they survive.

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 08:59:21
robio said:

Oh and on a slightly related note, YOU ARE PLAYING FLOWER WRONG!!!!! It's just wrist movement. Anything more than just moving your wrists will screw it up the 6-axis. Gentle movements. You're not fisting a goat here. Be gentle.


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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 09:01:18
phantom_leo said:

Made it through your entire podcast. ... Just hear some intelligent discussion on gaming...

Thank you.

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Mon, 13 Jan 2014 09:56:53
aspro said:

Rob and Leo, thank sfor listening to the cast. I really appreciate it. Yeah it's 2 hours and 50 minutes, but it goes fast and trust me it could have been longer.  I think we are going to try for 2 hours moving forward, even perhaps putting out the aural reviews as separate content.  I think they will get more listeners that way. Of course, I have not talked to Tom about this yet and since we are partners he can veto this.

Leo, put on your blinders and post here. We love you and need you. Though I do agree it is always better to spend more time gaming than talkng about gaming.

Rob, you were close man, very close.  Leo your comments on Ninja Theory hold true (of course I would say that). God I hope they survive.

Careful what you say; I've got gay porn in my avatar.

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Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:11:00

Listen to most of it on my drive today, seriously the best way to drive, I have no clue why I havent done this sooner. Before I get into my thoughts you fucking assholes almost made me drive off the side of the road. Nyaa I am not going to say what part, you should know, I will have to prepare a 1000 word rebuttle to foolz cause he is wrong.

Shit I wish I could take notes while driving cause I wanted to talk about so much but I am coming up blank... ok DmC right. I think someone said its like Enslaved, no its not. Its like DMC, it has the storytelling of a Ninja Theory game but it is definetly DMC. And what is with the Enslaved love, its fine but thats it. There is a reason why so many were shocked with how great DmC was, because Heavenly Sword and Enslaved aren't that great.

GTA talk was excellent, especially the examination of the critics and their reaction to the game. 10 10 10 10 10! GOTY? Nah. It is so stupid. It has gotten to the point where I don't even believe the scores sites are giving out to games because when the year is over you see they actually didn't care for the game. As for Carolyn's review I am with Aspro, I dont think she really deducted points for it because of her thoughts on how the game treats women, I think that was more of a side thought but she still feels its an excellent game in spite of that.

Best gay game is without question Gone Home (spoilers ahead..), its not even close. TLOU just has a character that so happens to be gay (and foolz I have no clue how you missed that, it is spelled out for the player) but Gone Home is about the process of accepting of your sexual orientation and how others react to it. It is a game about that subject and it presents the subject very well. That is the only thing that piece of shit game does well.

Most pretentious game is TLOU cause of the ants... what?! Foolz that is exactly where they got the inspiration for the monsters. What is this!


That was the tease in Uncharted 3, its about the fungus. Its all over the game, they mention that the same fungus that infected the ants mutated and started to infect the humans. No where did anyone from Naughty Dog say the story is based on fungus, that is ridiculous, of course its a zombie survival story. But the design of the monsters and the inspiration to begin to make a game like that absolutely came form someone saying "oh damn what would happen if this fungus infected humans."  You completely get on Naughty Dog for telling the TRUTH.

Thank you Aspro for being there to reel in Foolz's occasional insanity. Nyaa The talk about Uncharted 3, like Aspro I believe I understand where you are coming from Foolz. I understand your argument, what I don't understand is the degree to which those complaints lead to such a drastically different opinion on the Uncharted games. I completely agree that U3 did not have the pacing that U2 did. I think everyone agrees. That is why in general no one says U3 is better than U2. The difference is that negative makes us like the game slightly less cause in the end it is still mostly the same game and a ton of fun. But for you that change goes from being a great game to one of the worst games of the year, it is such a giant gap, I don't get that mentality. U3 is not that different than U2, slighly worse pacing did not mean that the very fabric of what makes the game work fell apart. I still had a ton of fun shooting, jumping, and puzzle solving in U3, just not as much as U2.

Oh I almost crashed the car again reaching for my phone as fast as possible to not have the ending of Deadly Premonition spoiled, I caught it on time. Phew.

Antichamber part was great but in the 20 minutes you spend talking about it I still have no clue what you actually do in that game. Which I think is the point.

In general I find the level of discussion on the games in general to be such a high quality. You guys don't just talk about oh this game is good cause X or Y, you get into not only how the game works but its place in gaming world. Your perspectives on gaming are so interesting.  And THANK YOU for cutting through the bullshit of the gaming press.That depression game, those reviews you read aloud, UGH. I feel that the game press is desperately trying to find any way to show that games can be art so they write the most bullshit reviews. That game sounded horrible.

Great stuff guys.

Edited: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:13:50
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Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:32:37

Thanks Vade, it makes a big difference to our podcast to be able to read such a detailed breakdown. I am glad you guys who comented appreciate our show and perspectives, even if you can disagre with them.

I think the difference in our show, compared to others, is that we do stop and think and challenge each other (and actually listen to each other). We're not just filling a show because our bosses said the site needs a podcast.

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Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:33:58

And DmC is nothing like Enslaved. I was just talking about the insertiion of a strong female character (as in Ninja Theory's other games) and the color pallette.  DmC is awesome because it REALLY understands the source material, perhaps even more than the original creator.

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Tue, 14 Jan 2014 11:33:28

Agreed about Gone Home, but I think Aspro's point was that the gayness is completely irrelevant, thus it's awesome. Ie. you can have a random dude be gay and not need to make it a story about sexual discovery or pom poms as well.

You could say the same thing for the T-Virus (replacing: dude what would happen if fungus started controlling people’s minds with: dude what would happen if a sexy dude in glasses was involved in a pharmaceutical company that was a front for a biological weapons cartel*). Capcom don't, therefore they're not pretentious dicks (maybe they do in Japan?). Beyond that, it's so fucking full of itself and serious that it still gets most pretentious on tone alone. But that's the great thing about Naughty Dog: they are arrogant, and they are pretentious, so they actually try and do things in interesting ways. If they weren’t, TLOU wouldn’t be nearly as interesting. But when they start parading their bullshit out in the open and fuck up, they deserve to be called out on it 100%. I am a pretentious and arrogant dick sometimes (or at least appear to be), too, so I know what I'm talking about. Nyaa

The pacing in Uncharted 3 wasn't just a bit worse, it was way worse. To make matters even worse, the majority of the mechanics were not as good as in 2, with the exception being hand to hand combat and stealth. But the hand to hand combat was uninteresting in and of itself, and only served to mess up the flow and cadence of the combat due to them redesigning the battles so that they could shoehorn in the hand to hand. Due to the general trend towards opulence, the platforming was fucked up too: too much of nothing gameplay that they expanded under the misguided notion that their FULLY REAL TIME WATER and SAND PHYSICS would make boring gameplay interesting. The stealth was more nothing gameplay, and wasn't really used that great in terms of pacing. In fact it would have been better if it was weaker like in 2 so that it was barely used, because with the higher focus on stealth it only helped to highlight that they only had one level of intensity for almost all battles and platforming sections. And what's with the puzzles in the French mansion? Ugh, that level was terrible. The jumping over fire platforming part (or was it QTEs)? Once again: all flash and no substance, which 2 got away with due to how they masterfully put everything together.

Uncharted 2 is like a 6 mechanically. The pacing, and the way they pull the mechanics together is so good that it becomes a genuinely great experience: therefore an 8/10. Even if Uncharted 3's mechanics are about the same, but the pacing and cadence and how they put all the mechanics together are significantly worse, then there's nothing to buffer up the experience. Therefore it being an under 5/10 game isn't much of a stretch at all. You may not agree with it which is fine, but it's not as if what I'm saying is absurd when you know where I'm coming from; unless you're using pacing in a very limited way (and probably more correct way than I am), in which case we're not really referring to the same thing anyway.

*I have no idea what is happening in Resident Evil (and I assume no one else does either for that matter), so that could be completely wrong.

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Tue, 14 Jan 2014 19:00:43

Ok I see where you are at foolz. We are starting at very different. Points as to what level of quality the core of uncharted is. I don't think uncharted 2 is just an 8, I feel it's one of the all time greats. I think Uncharted has one of the most interesting TPS mechanics where it's not just about cover and shooting but actual mobility. There is no TPS on the market that lets you move around the battlefield and makes the act of jumping and climbing be as important as shooting.

So now I understand the big gap with you.

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Wed, 15 Jan 2014 03:54:16

I thought I had an hour to go left on the podcast but it was 5 minutes left, wow those 3 hours flew by. Fantastic job guys. Oh I loved what you guys chose for defining 2013, perfect observation.

Now to get down to the Resident Evil part, since you called me out and I cant respond on the podcast i have to do it here ( I will post it in the comments too.) Resident Evil 5 is one of the best action games of this gen, period.  Fuck all the haters, fuck all the people that are like "uhhh I cant move and shoot" shut the hell up. Ohh the AI sucks, no you suck. RE5 is an action masterpiece, it just has the unfortunate luck of following RE4 which is one of the greatest games ever made.  Where is GME and Angel, I need them in here to back me up.

I am not one of these RE fans that cares if its a good RE game, who cares, what matters is if its a good game. And I so happen to love action so I don't mind the change at all. I played tons of shooters this gen, I would only put Uncharted 2 ahead of RE5.

Revelations on the other hand while a great game has one of the poorest RE campaigns. It tries to find some balance between RE4 style and Old RE but it ends up not having the best parts of either. Why do you think Revelations is better than RE5 when the action is SO MUCH WORSE, they are not even in the same class. Enemies are bullet sponges, boss fights are decent but not to the level of RE5. There are only a few interesting action setpieces where there is one every hour in RE5. So you say the adventure elements help Revelations, they are so much worst than any old RE game from before. Basically no puzzles, the most basic of exploration which is nothing like the mazes of RE of old.

It is still a well made game, especially for a portable. I stand by my statement that Raid mode is the best part of that game. In terms of all main RE games (of which numbers NEVER MATTERED, where the hell did that come from) Revelations would have the worst or tied for the worst with RE0. Raid mode and the fact that this is all done on a portable make the overall game much better than 0 and better than 6, maybe 3 too.

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Wed, 15 Jan 2014 04:12:34

Thanks for explaining, when I asked when I did the review way back you were just like "no u". LOL And I've been wondering ever since.

Yeah, it doesn't do action or adventure as well as the best in the series, but I prefer that mix of both done pretty well to RE5 which was not only a really dull experience as far as adventures go, but in single player I don't think it's a great action game at all, and not just because it followed RE4 (it's still a pretty good action game, though). I'm with you on not moving and shooting: if you could move and shoot it would ruin the flow of the battles. When you say AI, I assume you mean Sheva? Sheva sucked, and it's got nothing to do with me being shit. She shouldn't have been in the game. She added nothing to it. She got me killed maybe 2 or 3 times over the entire campaign, so at first that looks like nitpicking. But you know what? That sucks when she did nothing and added nothing to the game for the rest of it. On top of that the set pieces felt 100% designed for co-op, so were flat and uninteresting in single player. It was just a dull stream of enemies. In co-op I think it's a masterpiece; probably my favourite co-op game of last gen. Everything is perfectly designed for co-op play, and I think that comes through in the single player experience being lacking. You can't design the same game to be good in both because they require different things.

I think that you loved raid mode so much in Revelations shows up our difference in taste: I found Raid Mode really boring in single player. In co-op I think it would have been as fun as RE5, or something like it at least. Raid mode and RE5 campaign both being open, uncontrolled experiences where it's up to you to make the fun for yourself. Which I enjoy in other genres, but for what is a mix between a TPS and an action game I don't dig in single player campaigns usually (unless it's something insane like Vanquish). But I love that in co-op; it's perfect for co-op.

The genius of RE4 was that it did both: you could go batshit insane in what you wanted to and turn the game into something else entirely, or just go along for a rollicking ride. But I didn't really compare it to RE4; honestly, I probably like RE4 less than anyone here (I still loved it don't kill me pls).


You need to listen to the podcasts more so that at the end we can clear this sort of shit up. Nyaa

Edited: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 04:13:38

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Wed, 15 Jan 2014 04:26:05

^ I definetly do need to listen more. I miss being on though. That said I think you two alone make for better discussions, a third person would just slow things down.

BTW my angry post was mostly fake anger. I was hot in the car ride, right now I dont care. But would a boring response to that have been any fun, no.

Edited: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 04:29:08
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Wed, 15 Jan 2014 04:27:43
Dvader said:

^ I definetly do need to listen more. I miss being on though. That said I think you two alone make for better discussions, a third person would just slow things down.

Then get your ass on The Press Room!


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 15 Jan 2014 04:29:24
Yodariquo said:

Then get your ass on The Press Room!


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