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The Official Playstation 4 thread of GREATNESS IS HERE.
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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:00:39
Dvader said:


My first uploaded screenshot. I'll upload some videos later.

This will be my gaming facebook account,

Poor quality, what's happening with the upload?

What's this owl device?

This is what I imagine.

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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:14:42
SteelAttack said:

Nothing, except for some douchy characters here and there. But the thing is that there's nothing right with it either. It's just sort of...there. Mediocre action adventure game in an open world setting the likes of which we got a thousand this generation alone. What makes it so special to warrant 2 sequels?

I agree with Steel on Infamous. I honestly couldn't stay interested enough to even finish the 1st bored me. I felt this way about most of the PS3 1st party stuff. Software that was just THERE.

I think that has a big part to do with it being turned into a franchise...the 1st party exclusive thing. Some games seemed almost FORCED into a franchise whether you liked it or not, this generation. But I also think it has a bit to do with maybe the developer not wanting to risk their hand at anything else, or possibly not being able to think of anything else anyway. Like "Ok, THIS is our new franchise & we're gonna ride it as long as we can". Then there's IO Interactive with Kane & Lynch....really guys? You make a sequel to this but not Freedom Fighters?

Dvader said:

What backwards compatability? It plays nothing but PS4.

I was just fucking with you because I'm an asshole.


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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:18:03
edgecrusher said:
Dvader said:

What backwards compatability? It plays nothing but PS4.

I was just fucking with you because I'm an asshole.


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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:23:59


First video.

This will change the way I do impressions. This is a short clip just showing the cool stealth kill and knive through you can do. Another vid is coming soon to show how you can use the owl. Then I will show you some bullshit that is stupid.

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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:31:48
Dvader said:


First video.

This will change the way I do impressions. This is a short clip just showing the cool stealth kill and knive through you can do. Another vid is coming soon to show how you can use the owl. Then I will show you some bullshit that is stupid.

Nice rock textures.


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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:42:00

Loks pretty.  Also looks like Facebook will be getting a few million new junk accounts over the next few months.  I hope they crumble under the wait of the 8th generation.

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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:20:05

Next gen impressions are here. So this shows some random combat in an optional area. You can see how the radar works and how you can use your owl in combat. On hard if you get blindsided by a guy you do go down quick, so while it seems easy to just spam the robot many times enemies come from multiple angles.

This video is another fight, kind of sloppy but I wanted to show you some instant death bullshit. If you want skip to the end and see how i died for simply going to a place I am not supposed to. This has happened in a few areas, hell I will take an invisible wall over this.


Edited: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:29:08
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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:48:46

Is there a limit on how long you can make the video clips, Vader? Also, can they be uploaded directly to Youtube, or is it only Facebook?

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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:58:41

15 minutes max. Only Facebook for now, youtube later.Ps4 browser is nice

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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 22:02:10

And thanks to the PS4 and people making videos of themselves playing, millions and millions of bandwidths were killed, never to be heard from again.

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:03:14

NBA2K is nuts, I cant compare to current gen and I have not played one of these since 2K11, the presentation is amazing!!! It has real life NBA stats and highlights every single night. Load screens show you who is actually playing tonight in the NBA. I did an NBA today game with the Heat and Mavs who play tonight and the announcers said "this is the last game in Heats 4 game home stand", it is the last night of our 4 game home stand, wow!

The faces are crazy good, they nailed almost everyones mannerisms. They got actual audio from the player interviews last year so you hear that in game, lip synching is terrible but it works enough. Oh the game soundtrack is incredible, Daft Punk, hell yes.

Oh and it plays well of course. Here is a video I took showing the halftime presentation and gameplay from two camera angles.

BTW these uploaded videos do not look as good as it does on TV, that should be obvious.

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:04:06
robio said:

And thanks to the PS4 and people making videos of themselves playing, millions and millions of bandwidths were killed, never to be heard from again.

Steam was chuggin last night, wondered if it was the PS4's fault.

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:06:52
aspro said:

Steam was chuggin last night, wondered if it was the PS4's fault.

It's always Sony's fault. Unless it's Microsoft's fault. And even then I still blame Nolan Bushnell.

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:17:27

I forgot the PS4 launched today; I guess since I didn't plan on purchasing it I wasn't paying attention.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:19:15
Nintyfan17 said:

I forgot the PS4 launched today; I guess since I didn't plan on purchasing it I wasn't paying attention.

I have to agree that it didn't feel like quite as big of a deal as it did last generation. I didn't buy it then, nor did I get one today/last night. Had it not been for a coworker I wouldn't have remembered until yesterday. That either means I'm getting older or that console launches just aren't what they once were.n

Edited: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:20:09
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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 02:07:43
Dvader said:
. Shooting feels fine, more KZ3 than KZ2 though.

Basically this is no longer a cover shooter, I dont even think there was cover anywhere. This is a you figure out how to kill them shooter which I love but so far its a simple one. The layouts were not interesting and I dont seem to have enough options to really make it a stealth mission. So it ends up with you fighting groups of four at a time.

Again I am very very early on so who knows.



Will watch all the videos soon! Thanks for posting them, man. Happy

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 06:09:49

Good videos Vader. It's nice to see someone playing it normally rather than doing some stupid playthrough showing things off or something to that effect. The voice acting of the main, if I didn't know what you sounded like I would have thought it was video commentary at first.

A few questions:

What difficulty are you playing on? Are you using the default controller settings, or have you raised/lowered the sensitivity?

I assume this was near the beginning, thus the constant pop-up as to how to perform simple actions?

Edited: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 06:10:23

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 09:27:22
Foolz said:

Good videos Vader. It's nice to see someone playing it normally rather than doing some stupid playthrough showing things off or something to that effect. The voice acting of the main, if I didn't know what you sounded like I would have thought it was video commentary at first.

A few questions:

What difficulty are you playing on? Are you using the default controller settings, or have you raised/lowered the sensitivity?

I assume this was near the beginning, thus the constant pop-up as to how to perform simple actions?

On hard. Raised sensitivity slightly. Yes its the first level. I only showed my good runs, you die very easily in this game. If there is something in particular you want to see,  like multiplayer let me know.

So speaking of multiplayer, this is the reason to have Killzone, this is the single best reason to own a PS4.  Everything is unlocked from the start, all guns, all skills, you customize how you want to play and go. Its overwhelming at first but you will quickly find what you are best at. They have simplified the classes, only three now but those three have all the skills from the othe games, allowing you to make combos. Say support you can be a healer and a spawn point creator, or a healer and a turret guy. It gets you into an even playing field immediately and lets you have instant fun.

There are no leveling up of any kind, instead you have a TON of challenges to complete. Basically every single action you perform goes twoard completing some kind of challenge. These will unlock some of the side weapons ., upgrades and grenades. What to unlock a better scope for that gun you like, well you need to get like 15 kills with that gun to unlock it. Its a good balance to keep giving you something to play for but its not so essencial.

There are a ton of options in modes, most play the classic warzone. But everything is customizable, I played a user created set where everyone is stealth guy with cloaks, you only get a sniper rifle and you can only die once. Its more MGS than Killzone at that point, really fun. Activating cloak removes you gun completely, you can only use a knife, a little bit different. The best skill is back! Yes you can set spawn points ANYWHERE once again, its just like KZ2.  There is no aim assist at all, its all skill based and runs at a perfect 60 FPS. Its the most smooth online shooter experience I have ever played.

I had a blast playing the online, its everything that was great about KZ2. I will say that the few maps I did try were not that interesting. I dont think I have seen a map that matches the best ones from KZ2.

Edited: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 09:35:40
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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 09:42:41

I tried broadcasting and it worked great. Its not HD quality but works well enough. I will be broadcasting my resogun play tomorrow. I must beat 321.

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 11:00:27

Well, when you described it like that, of course I want to see some multiplayer. Nyaa

It'd be cool if you could get a video of the menu system for multiplayer (selecting what game to join).

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