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Borderlands: The Handsome Collection |OT| -- A Game of Bonerfarts and Butt Stallions!
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Tue, 01 Jan 2013 12:55:31
phantom_leo said:

PS: In Scarlett's DLC: GET. CAPTAIN. BLADES. STUFF! **Do the message in a bottle quests!**

There are REALLY powerful guns and items as rewards and though the descriptions read that they are CURSED, they are NOT!

I think the whole thing is a joke by Gearbox, writing how Blades was cursed, when he really wasn't, believing his gear was cursed, when it really wasn't...

I think his shotgun has an 840% damage bonus, or something ridiculous like that!  surprise

I had a slight problem last night.  I know we were neck deep into one mission, but when I found that bottle, I HAD to find the treasure.  I can't make up my mind which mission to tackle first.
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Tue, 01 Jan 2013 13:04:37

There are five in total, I believe... Whatever you are doing when you find them, stop and FIND. THE. TREASURE! You did the 100% correct thing!

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Tue, 01 Jan 2013 20:58:37

It's the game that keeps giving and giving and giving...

Scarlett gave us a few moments of trouble there and that's the easier of the two DLC's so far!

Torgue is tougher!

They are saying that Hammerlocks is being MADE to be CHALLENGING!

Can you imagine?!


Can't wait 'til they raise the Level Cap too!

I am level and a half away from 50 right now!

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Tue, 01 Jan 2013 21:07:37
I was wondering when  you would ever level up.
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Wed, 02 Jan 2013 13:28:02
I was reading up how to tackle the massive level 52 boss.  There is a way to "cheat."  We'll, not really cheat but the Bee shield provides a massive improvement of your firepower, especially shotguns.  The tip I read said it was best to hug a wall and try not to kill tentacles, but leave them for a second wind.  Of course, 4 players at level 50 is also a must!
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Sat, 05 Jan 2013 11:47:44


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Sat, 05 Jan 2013 22:57:09




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Sat, 05 Jan 2013 23:36:16
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Sat, 05 Jan 2013 23:38:19

I took on the Leviathan by myself, too, no less!


Hyperius the Invincible, however...


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Thu, 10 Jan 2013 11:47:25

Redeem for FIVE Golden Keys!

Xbox 360 Borderlands 2 SHiFT Code: WBWJ3-JHKSK-ZHXT6-CRTJT-BW59W

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Sun, 13 Jan 2013 14:00:32

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Fri, 01 Feb 2013 14:32:15

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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 00:59:56

Borderlands 2.

So I have started it on PS3. Does anyone have it on Vita, and if so... is cross-play online an option (I would think not).

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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 07:01:55
aspro said:

Borderlands 2.

So I have started it on PS3. Does anyone have it on Vita, and if so... is cross-play online an option (I would think not).

Is crossplay with Steam a possibility?  If so I wouldn't mind going through it again.  Great game.

What class will you be playing as?  I played as both Axton and Maya.

Edited: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 07:07:15
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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 11:14:18
SupremeAC said:
aspro said:

Borderlands 2.

So I have started it on PS3. Does anyone have it on Vita, and if so... is cross-play online an option (I would think not).

Is crossplay with Steam a possibility?  If so I wouldn't mind going through it again.  Great game.

What class will you be playing as?  I played as both Axton and Maya.

Salvador the Gunzerker, I am currently level 8 (just).  My PSN is aspro73.

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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 11:59:27

Sadly the internet says that crossplay with Steam is not possible.  Sad  You can always play online with strangers.  I doubt it's the same experience, but it's not like there's a lot of tactics involved in co-oping the game.

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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 20:40:37

^Yeah, I've had some randoms drop in and it's good enough.

He one pet peeve I have (and I totally see where this is comign from) about co-op play is the instinct to revive a fallen comrade.

In my solo playing I 99% of the time strategically leave a severly wounded opponent on the field so I can use them as "second wind"material, but in campaign you are just about to get a second wind shot and your buddy comes along, kills the guy, then dutifully stands there reviving you for 5 seconds. No way aruond it really.

Also, my guns right now suck, I have two overpowered shot guns. After my next goal I intend to take invnetory of what I have and make some changes.

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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 22:29:24

Maybe you and I can purchase the Prequel/Sequel and co-op together.

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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 22:31:57

Shotguns all the way.  You'll happen on shitty weapons sometimes, where you know you need higher level material, but for some reason, you can't seem to find any that match up with your current lower level load-out.  In my experience the best weapons are to be found in single player, although apparently co-op gives better loot.  Also, the benefit of playing with 2 characters near simultaneously is that you can swap weapons between saves, evening things out a bit.

I used to co-op with a friend of mine, and he'd be Zero, sniping everyone from afar, while I'd just go in and make a mess of it.  I had a lot of those situations too, where I'd need a second wind and my friend would just kill him right before I could.

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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 22:32:55
travo said:

Maybe you and I can purchase the Prequel/Sequel and co-op together.

Or you could get BL2 and co-op with Aspro right now!

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