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Official Resident Evil 6 thread of Uh-Oh. Guess I will be playing alone.
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Tue, 02 Oct 2012 16:06:37
Archangel3371 said:
Yes I am a big Micheal Bay movie fan. Nyaa

You dirty bastard.


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Tue, 02 Oct 2012 16:57:25
phantom_leo said:

I don't know if this is going to come out of left-field or not, or if this is indeed the case with RE6, but I have some questions to ask: It seems in the last few years, Japan has begun to panic, not knowing how to regain control of the industry and seeing just what kind of money could be made with certain 'Western' blockbusters. It seems as if they are trying to make their games more 'Western' (with Dragon's Dogma being a good example of how). From what I have gathered, reviewers seem to think 6 has a bit of an identity crisis. Too many set-pieces. Too many quick-time-events. Too much budget without enough soul. Too many hands creating more of a mess than a polished game. Is this the reason it is more of a shooter than a Survival Horror game? Does it try to do TOO much? These weird Japanese/Western hybrids frighten me, as it seems as if Japan is losing its game dev identity altogether. Does it give you a lot of variety in a good way, or does it seem like its throwing as much shit against the wall as possible to see what sticks?

In those two hours I so much insane random stuff happens that yeah it is probably too much, it is a bit zany but I loved it. I am finally playing a game where I can't predict exactly what is going to happen next. But yeah it doesn't feel like RE4/5 where the variety came in the way the levels were laid out and enemy types. Here the actual level design as been pretty straightfoward and its more about what kind of crazy random scripted event is going to happen next. Not sure how that holds up for nearly 30 hours but I will soon find out.

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Tue, 02 Oct 2012 20:15:27

I am about 5 hours in and its been almost non stop solid gameplay, I know the QTE stuff has its moments but it is very spread out. The variety in this game is insane, the second chapter is more puzzle based, I say puzzles loosely as they are pretty simple but RE4 had simple puzzles too. It had nice co-op moments where you had to split up, it should be neat to play through this chapter through Helens point of view. Awesome new monsters and a pretty damn good boss fight.

The camera is the main issue with this game and all gameplay problems stem from it. Many areas are tight quarters and you begin to get surrounded, trying to keep track of everything becomes a mess at times. This leads to melee attacks you miss cause you angled the camera wrong and it can become hard to keep track of enemies. The controls work just fine, everything is super responsive and you have a multitude of attacks and dodges at your disposal its just hard to do it all correctly when you cant see. If you have a low tolerance for bad cameras then I can see you hate the game.

Other than that I don't understand any of the complaints this game is getting. Setpiece by setpiece its been far more interesting than other shooters like Gears to me. Plus its super polished, no glitches, graphics are stunning in certain areas and the voice work and cinematics are top notch. There is not one thing remotely broken or what I would consider medicore in the game.

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Tue, 02 Oct 2012 21:26:38
Awesome impressions Vader. This game looks and sounds like it'll be right up my alley, can't wait to pick it up.


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Tue, 02 Oct 2012 21:27:55
gamingeek said:
Archangel3371 said:
Yes I am a big Micheal Bay movie fan. Nyaa

You dirty bastard.


LOL I can't help mysely, they're just so awesome.


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Tue, 02 Oct 2012 21:29:29
All this stuff should make for an excellent podcast.


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Tue, 02 Oct 2012 22:06:35
Dvader said:

Other than that I don't understand any of the complaints this game is getting. Setpiece by setpiece its been far more interesting than other shooters like Gears to me. Plus its super polished, no glitches, graphics are stunning in certain areas and the voice work and cinematics are top notch. There is not one thing remotely broken or what I would consider medicore in the game.

RoseTintedGlasses.jpg cheeky


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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 01:22:52


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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 01:48:23

This game is ridiculous. I went from sliding down a water filled cavern while fighting a giant mutant shark to  being on a plane where the pilot turns into a giant monster which eventually leads to you having to land the plane (tons of QTEs). I love the insanity of it all.

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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 02:33:37
Dvader said:

This game is ridiculous. I went from sliding down a water filled cavern while fighting a giant mutant shark to  being on a plane where the pilot turns into a giant monster which eventually leads to you having to land the plane (tons of QTEs). I love the insanity of it all.

That sounds so crazy. I love it.


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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 02:47:20

Is it that the demo looks much worse than the rest of the game, or that there are some parts that look really ugly, and some that look great?

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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 05:21:08

Leon's campaign done, the last half not as good as the first half due to the game becoming a QTE fest. But still some incredible stuff. I'd give Leon's campaign an 8. If you hate QTEs drop the score to a 6.
Let me break it down:
Chapter 1: The Tall Oaks stuff is like a RE2 remake we never got. I love the variety of the enemies, they keep surprising me with new twists. The locations were much more like ORE than the newer games.
Chapter 2: Loved the focus on puzzles and the great boss battles it had. The cemetary felt like the hedge maze of RE4 and of course the outside of the church. The lab stuff was really great.
Chapter 3: Again some neat co-op moments. The bridges provided some intensy moments, especially when a fat zombie starts to change at you on a narrow bridge. The shark was AMAZING.
Chapter 4: The beginning of too much QTE. It starts at the end of Chapter 3 and keeps on going. Gone are the long segments of solid gameplay and now every few moments its some cutscene or QTE, then a big boss battle. Still crazy stuff happening.
Chapters 5: Again its basically QTEs and boss battles. The bosses are pretty great but can be frustrating at times as some of them dont show they are being damaged all that well. The final boss while amazingly epic was too long, especially if you die after like 7 minutes of fighting it, which I did... twice. The story was damn exciting and I loved the Leon and Ada interactions. That said it really does feel like its just a tiny piece of the larger story, in no way can you say this gives you a satisfying feeling in terms of a full story.
Onto Chris which I think will be my favorite.
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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 05:38:38

The skills system is poorly implemented. The first time it comes into play you are already about 2 hours in. Then you only see the skills page after each chapter, these are huge so its not like RE4 or RE5 where you are constantly upgrading. Plus like many said its best to just focus on three of them.

That awesome constant sense of growing as a character is gone in this game. Managing your guns was a pretty big part of both RE4/5 and this skills system is an extremely poor substitute. I think it will work great in Mercs, but it probably should have stayed there.

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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 05:39:42
Foolz said:

Is it that the demo looks much worse than the rest of the game, or that there are some parts that look really ugly, and some that look great?

Some parts look ugly some really great. This game is ALL OVER the place. Its quite fascinating actually.

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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 05:44:42
Dvader said:

Some parts look ugly some really great. This game is ALL OVER the place. Its quite fascinating actually.

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to playing it eventually. I think I'd rather something all over the place, than a polished, but kinda unimaginative experience like RE5. Plus my prediction after the E3 demo was right. Nyaa

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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 07:11:44

I tried Agent Hunt just now and about an 45 minutes later I have to say its a pretty fun mode. Sadly many times you will be thrown into someones game who is almost done with the section you are in, ending your game before you can even do anything. But if you get a player that is at the start of the section, well you can hound them for quite a while.

The controls are sloppy on purpose, trying to move as a monster is very hard. Attacks are very slow to perform so you really have to time you attacks well. For the most part you will die a lot.

So far I can only do Leon's levels, some levels are terrible for it but there is one that is perfect, allows for great hunting. You can be all sorts of monsters, my favorite being the dogs. The best match was me against a Helena that had me chasing her all over the cemetery. I had such close moments where I would chase her down as a dog and just miss a bite. This chase went on and on, then another player joined as Leon so it got much harder. I think they had it on normal or easier cause I hit her a ton of times and she would not go down.

I did successfully kill a few agents, so satisfing to do a scream as those screaming dudes, then have a horde take down the agent while you slowly make your way for the kill. I think the mode is pretty neat and it must be excellent on the flip side as an agent being invaded. i know I made that Helena's game far more interesting.

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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 11:09:20
Dvader said:

Leon's campaign done, the last half not as good as the first half due to the game becoming a QTE fest. But still some incredible stuff. I'd give Leon's campaign an 8. If you hate QTEs drop the score to a 6.


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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 12:24:36

Ugh...this just looks horrible to me. They say Leon's campaign is the worst, yet the Jake campaign looks like broken, boring ass that they are what does it say for Leon?

Resident Evil 6 is the new Devil May Cry 2, no question.


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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 13:23:40
edgecrusher said:

Ugh...this just looks horrible to me. They say Leon's campaign is the worst, yet the Jake campaign looks like broken, boring ass that they are what does it say for Leon?

Resident Evil 6 is the new Devil May Cry 2, no question.

I always banked on Leons being the best. Like you said, Jakes campaign is not my cup of tea so if Leons is worse? And Chris's OTT action will probably piss me off if the camera and controls aren't perfect.

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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 20:12:16

I am two chapters into Chris and I am not liking it like I did Leon's. What a strange twist cause Chris' demo was my favorite. Its just too much shooting at enemies that shoot you. Gone is the up close and personal feel of Leon's campaign. The zombies had very better variety than Chris', even though enemies mutate they all still have guns so the strategy is still the same. There was one area in chapter 2 that is pretty large, largest I have seen in a RE game but the flow of what you are supposed to do is kind of messy. I have heard Chris' gets much better at the end which is the opposite of Leon so we shall see.

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