For the first round, we have
Steel vs. Iga
Ravenprose vs. Edge
Foolz vs. aspro
Get your challenges together and post them in the comments!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileObviously the fairest thing for me and Apsro to play would be Killzone 2.
So I have to play Foolz... interesting. What consoles do you have Foolz? And if offline confirmation is needed can you operate a digital camera and get an imag online?
My games listed here:
I can beat you at any of them. Take your pick (not Killzone 2).
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileaspro said:So I have to play Foolz... interesting. What consoles do you have Foolz? And if offline confirmation is needed can you operate a digital camera and get an imag online?
My games listed here:
I can beat you at any of them. Take your pick (not Killzone 2).
Easy access to PC, PS3, PS2, Wii.
I'm terribly out of practice on killzone 2. I can only manage a 1/1 kill ratio playing as Noobgenieer..
But yeah, ET.
I say you play the offline game of: who has got the bigger penis.
Post pics to prove it too.
Travo, any thoughts on what you want to play? We got time, but the sooner we figure it out, the sooner I can find a way to cheat.
Shit I got Iga.
Well, the sooner the better you clanking piece of shit. I think I own enough Wii games for us to agree with one, given that your collection is bigger than mine (unlike your member HAR!).

I was shocked to even be included in this Hobo Cup, but ok then I will do my best.
So me and Raven have to agree on a game.
Let me get this straight, it can be anything from playing an online match of any online game, to seeing who can finish an offline game first (using trophies or achievements as confirmation) to seeing who can get the highest score in an arcade game?
I don't think Raven plays on PC, so I will keep it down to the consoles. I don't have Wii anymore, so that leaves just PS3 and 360.
If you want to play an online match, the games I have available are:
- Uncharted 2
- Uncharted 3
- MGS4
Xbox 360:
- Halo 3
- Halo Reach
- Perfect Dark Zero
- Perfect Dark 64
- Gears Of War 3
- NHL 12
I'm out of practice with all of them, so you should be able to kick my ass.
Or we can agree on a short single-player game to try and finish. Either works for me.
Poor Steel, Iga is only going to want to do some Mario Galaxy speed run challenge.
I am so awesome I get a bye week? Sweet.
Dvader said:Me by default.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFoolz.
A game I pretty much suck at, Katamari Damacy.
You have it? Speed run challenge of first level on PS2.
If not, do you have a list of your games anywhere?
I veto Madworld and HOTD Overkill. Has to be a game we both have not mastered.
aspro said:Foolz.
A game I pretty much suck at, Katamari Damacy.
You have it? Speed run challenge of first level on PS2.
If not, do you have a list of your games anywhere?
I veto Madworld and HOTD Overkill. Has to be a game we both have not mastered.
Note that if you do some sort of offline high score challenge, you need to have a deadline. Like highest score you can post by X date and time or in X number of tries, otherwise it could go on forever.
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The rules: You and your opponent must come to a consensus on a videogame challenge to be played out. This can be an offline event in which you provide evidence of your feat (for example, your score in an arcade game), or an online head-to-head battle. If you cannot choose, a mediator will choose for you based on a list of common games.
You can view the full bracket here:
If you even slightly hinted that you may be a part of it, you were included in the bracket. NO BACKING OUT!
Please post what the challenge chosen is ahead of time.
The storylines are endless. Could we see aspro pull off a Cinderella run as the odds-on favourite to lose? Can Foolz win if the game isn't FIFA or Yakuza? Can I remain unbiased while running this event? FIND OUT IN THE HOBO CUP!
Oh. It's on.
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