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Minecraft 360
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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:08:11

It's not fair! I have my Castle in the West in my snow filled lands. I have built a great wall to fend off Zombies... If I can't have my wolves, it just WON'T WORK!  Argh!

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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:25:06

Damn Leo, I want to create Westeros!

I tried the demo and it is really cool. I love the graphics, I love the look of the world. But damn if there was only a point to this game. I dont like building stuff that much, I rather explore others places. Price is too steep to get now.

So were you steel and angel playing in the same world. You should create a giant cock monument.

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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:25:55


I stumbled my way through narrow tunnels and underground caves. Found strange things such as monster generators and hidden chests, as well as underwater lakes and currents. Eventually I felt like going up again...but ended up opening my upway tunnel right in the middle of the fucking ocean. Had to swim like a madman before I drowned, then camped on the beach to sleep away the night. Upon sunrise I started trekking back home again, almost halfway across the map. Good times.

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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:28:33
SteelAttack said:


I stumbled my way through narrow tunnels and underground caves. Found strange things such as monster generators and hidden chests, as well as underwater lakes and currents. Eventually I felt like going up again...but ended up opening my upway tunnel right in the middle of the fucking ocean. Had to swim like a madman before I drowned, then camped on the beach to sleep away the night. Upon sunrise I started trekking back home again, almost halfway across the map. Good times.

Stuff like this sounds awesome.

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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:31:15

This is my humble joint. It's a work in progress (lol, like everything everywhere anybody ever does in this beautiful game). I brought with me a couple buckets of lava and will think of neat shit to do with them.

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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:31:20

We weren't actually playing together... I was doing my hypnotized, cult-like: "Join us..." when you messaged me! Steel only visited my world once. We were both immediately killed by zombies and I haven't seen him since! me, I will never have a Westeros! I have a cute little symmetrical Castle, a little worker's shack, and a Great Wall **only 1 Cobblestone High** ...Not exactly befitting the "King in the West."  Nyaa

The beauty of the game is: You --HAVE TO-- explore (and MINE) if you want to build better... anything! There's just something about being given one HUGE landmass, a map and NOTHING else, and CREATING your whole WORLD from there!

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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:33:45
I invite everyone to check out the Tower of Travo!
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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:34:52
SteelAttack said:

This is my humble joint. It's a work in progress (lol, like everything everywhere anybody ever does in this beautiful game). I brought with me a couple buckets of lava and will think of neat shit to do with them.



**Goes back to playing Minecraft!**

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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:36:02

Yeah... well I bet you don't have a glass enclosed, tree-top Shrine overlooking your lands... Now DO YA'?!


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Sun, 13 May 2012 20:42:43

I'm going to visit your places today if I manage to find you online. Right now I'm playing offline since my kids accounts don't have Live.

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Sun, 13 May 2012 21:19:46
I'll be on this evening.  My tower is made of sandstone and mud.  LOL  something I seem to have anabundance of.
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Sun, 13 May 2012 23:02:44
LOL All I have right now is a cave built in near the top of a mountain. I've just been exploring my world and testing out using different words as seeds for building worlds. I haven't found anything of note yet.


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Sun, 13 May 2012 23:09:20
I wish I could post my tower pics.  Maybe we should have a Minecraft pic thread.
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Mon, 14 May 2012 01:51:36

Let this one be the Minecraft pic thread. Sadly the thing asks you for a FB account, so I made a dummy account to get my captures ready.

I visited Leo's world and we had a great time...dying. LOL

His place is awesome, but when we tried to sleep I had skellies spawning next to me all time, maybe because the room wasn't well lit enough. Before that, though, I had the chance to have my way with leo:


Afterwards, we died. Or at least I did. Then we lost connection, so I got back to my place from where I sent an invite to Leo. He came in right away.

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Mon, 14 May 2012 01:54:22

I am officially adding this to the Minecraft Wiki:

"Where Steel Attack goes, HORDES of Skeletons, Spiders, Zombies and Creepers will follow!"  Argh!


I swear, both times Steel visited, it was like a re-creation of Dawn of the Dead! Of course, then I visited his world and it was much more sedated. Once night fell, Steel quickly built a shelter for both of us. If you didn't get what I was trying to tell you in that shack, Steel, I was hopping up and down, staring out the window at the Creepers that were circling us. Yeah, the ones that blew up the shack the moment I ran for it!

I like the two EXTREMELY LARGE phallic towers you have at either side of your Castle. In case you didn't notice, THAT was where I immediately headed once we approached your grounds. I just HAD TO explore around the rest of your terrain after that. You saw what I got... Mountains, LOTS of MOUNTAINS and snow... I've got practically NO greenery whatsoever! EVERYTHING that you saw that was green or level was by my hand! I definitely got the shaft in my world!

I'm kinda wondering what they are going to do with the updates... Some sort of focused, multiplayer mode would be GREAT! As it is, what are you supposed to do when you visit someone else's world, other than just look around? You can't leave with anything. I guess if someone wants help building or gathering stuff you could do that, but at the moment, there's almost no point. Still it was very cool seeing you work!


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Mon, 14 May 2012 02:01:56

After entering my place like a burglar, jumping over a wall instead of using a door, he started snooping around my admittedly scarce belongings while wearing his 80's tennis outfit.

Then he set off to explore my world. Stopping by from time to time to enjoy the natural scenery.

Eventually he felt like swimming, so he went for it, regardless of being fully clothed at the time.

We wandered off too much, so we had to stop by on a beach. I had to build a makeshift shack in order not to get killed out there, and we camped for the night inside. Here Leo peeks outside to see if there was any creeper lurking in the shadows.

Turns out there was one, who stalked Leo until he went outside again and almost kills him with a mighty blast.

After our little adventure, Leo decided it was time to go back, so he left...swimming again like a boss, and completely oblivious to the zombie trying to munch his brains, like a badass boss.


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Mon, 14 May 2012 02:04:15

LOL ! ! !

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Mon, 14 May 2012 02:33:09

You can't even imagine how much work it took to get to even THIS little area! Notice the wall starting off to the side?

Here's my little castle:

It seems to be well lit, but the Skeletons keep coming anyway! Look! There's one patrolling my grounds looking for me!

Finally, this is what happens when you invite Steel over. Instant MONSTER HORDE!

Not pictured: The lake behind me filled with frolicking Creepers and Zombies!

Edited: Sun, 27 May 2012 22:08:00
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Mon, 14 May 2012 03:30:21

OMG that Steel picture show. You guys are going to convince me to get the game. Well I am away almost all week so if I get it it will be later in the week.

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Mon, 14 May 2012 03:34:56
I figured it had to do with Facebook.  I'll create an account tomorrow. I tried to visit Leo, but he had already left.
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