Foolz said:
But I'm not blaming anyone for Nintendo's choice. What was their choice? Make a console that outputs at 480P. I never said gamers chose to release the Wii as a 480P console because I am not quite that stupid.The thing is you cannot blame Nintendo for your own actions. It is your choice to play your Wii on an HDTV instead of an SDTV. You cannot blame Nintendo for how you use their product.
Ok everyone wants this to stop. Final words. I shouldnt have to have to find an old TV to make the games look ok, it was Nintendos faliure of not being HD. I know some of you keep some old TV around just to play it but the majority of people will not nor should they. Why the hell should you keep an old TV, tech moves forward everyone should expect the game systems to move forward as well. The reason why my Wii does not look good on MY TV is Nintendo's fault. not mine. I am not saying I am surprised by this, I know what I was getting into and I am ok with it, its been 5 years of this. When I say damn I wish the Wii looked better I am basically saying why the hell didn't Nintendo make this an HD unit, I am not looking for an SD, even on an SD set its still SD, sure it looks nicer but its not as nice as anything on 360 or PS3. The point is its Nintendo's fault why their games look ugly, not our TVs.
My TV wants the Wii to be HD, it has all sorts of holes just asking the wii to plug in an HD cable, my TV would love to make sweet HD love to it, but the Wii refuses cause its an old whore.
Dvader said:Ok everyone wants this to stop. Final words. I shouldnt have to have to find an old TV to make the games look ok, it was Nintendos faliure of not being HD. I know some of you keep some old TV around just to play it but the majority of people will not nor should they. Why the hell should you keep an old TV, tech moves forward everyone should expect the game systems to move forward as well. The reason why my Wii does not look good on MY TV is Nintendo's fault. not mine. I am not saying I am surprised by this, I know what I was getting into and I am ok with it, its been 5 years of this. When I say damn I wish the Wii looked better I am basically saying why the hell didn't Nintendo make this an HD unit, I am not looking for an SD, even on an SD set its still SD, sure it looks nicer but its not as nice as anything on 360 or PS3. The point is its Nintendo's fault why their games look ugly, not our TVs.
My TV wants the Wii to be HD, it has all sorts of holes just asking the wii to plug in an HD cable, my TV would love to make sweet HD love to it, but the Wii refuses cause its an old whore.
final words:
Btw I tried MGS HD to see how it looked, wow. The trophy list is awesome as well, it won't be easy especially 2 cause if all the extra content. Plus it talks about wigs and crap, I don't recall that in mgs2.
Ravenprose said:travo said:I almost bought that today, couldn't decide between it or MGS Collection.Halo > MGS
I ordered the MGS Collection off of Glyde for $35 and will pick up Halo tomorrow used. BTW, you're wrong, Raven.

travo said:I ordered the MGS Collection off of Glyde for $35 and will pick up Halo tomorrow used. BTW, you're wrong, Raven.
You are purposely buying Halo used, thus helping to destroy the delicate economy of the entire gaming industry, and I'm wrong? I think not.
travo said:I just want to support my delicate economy.
At the expense of mega-corporations whom desperately need our money just to survive? Shame on you, travo! Shame!
Ravenprose said:travo said:I just want to support my delicate economy.At the expense of mega-corporations whom desperately need our money just to survive?
Shame on you, travo! Shame!
Worth banning him for that IMO. try switching back and forth to the old graphics while playing by hitting the back button? Its awesome.
edgecrusher try switching back and forth to the old graphics while playing by hitting the back button? Its awesome.
Yup its one of my favorite things about the game. Played some coop last night, had a lot of fun. But I was reminded about the sucky part of Halo, backtracking and the same rooms over and over and over.
If I see anyone online, I'll send an invite.
Wow, you guys are still arguing over this?