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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Official Thread.
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Wed, 14 Dec 2011 18:02:03

Time to blow some minds

Lumpy Pumpkin = Telma's bar

The mystery of the mask sales man solved at last

And to finally blow your minds.
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Wed, 14 Dec 2011 18:26:14

More proof that MM is the greatest game ever.

That is awesome. That neogaf thread is full of crazy SS references. The game is packed with them.

Edited: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 18:26:26
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Wed, 14 Dec 2011 19:11:34

Finished Dungeon 5 in Hero mode, again stop reading if you do not want to be spoiled

The whole pre-dungeon 5 area is just awesome. One of the best Zelda moments ever. After you do the Silent Realm you get to use a freaking boat. And it controls much better than that failure in Windwaker. You can actually move and shoot and the same time. The areas you visit are all great. First one is a clawshot oriented climb. It reminds me a little of City in the Sky of Twilight Princess, but only simpler. You cannot rappel down with a clawshot anymore. It seems that some of the functionality of the double clawshots can be found in the whip. Maybe in the next Zelda they could combine those two items. The area after that was a minecart mini-game area again fun and the one after that was a mini-dungeon that was awesome.

Then you actually had to track down a fucking dungeon that is an invisible ship that is on the move, how cool is that? Dungeon 5 is one of the best dungeons in any Zelda game. I actually finished that dungeon out of order. The normal order is to go to the crew in the brink and they will tel you to activate the engine room. I activated the engine room before going there. For some reason I failed twice at the boss, but the third time I defeated the cute rastafarian bastard with ease.

Some things I did notice was the complete lack of new enemy types. In each area before the pre-dungeon 5 and dungeon 5 area new enemy types were introduced. Even the second visit to Faron you get new enemies like Moblins, those fish that look like a retarded inbred hill billy's and those firebirds in dungeon 4. In this part, the only new type of enemy is a new variant of the Moblin, but now with an iron shield and new variant of those spitting creatures, now a water version instead of an electric or a lava version. Also disappointed that the story was about pirates, but all the pirates were normal bokoblins you fought thousand times before. The only real pirate was the Captain. Shame I wanted to fight the whole robotic pirate crew.

The music in those section is great though, so is the boss music. The part before you fight the boss is also fun.

Again let's talk about Fi. She yet again pops out and talks about the boss door. Yes, I know, it is the fifth time you mention it. Also there was a complaint that she spoils a puzzle in that dungeon. Well, I checked it out and she does flash a bit, but if you do not call her out, she keeps her mouth shut. So far she has spoiled only on puzzle, maybe two. Again she is not so bad. She is not so good either. Please Nintendo no more sidekicks.

Next up is pre-dungeon 6 and dungeon 6 itself. I look forward to finishing that and try to see if I can get that game ending glitch to work.

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Thu, 15 Dec 2011 01:31:23

Nintendo is Disney?

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Thu, 15 Dec 2011 05:41:56

Today I got up to the second dunegon in Hero. So far nothing to hard but it was tense as I had to finish most of the first dungeon with no health items. I am flying through the game skipping all cutscenes and most sidequests. Eldin is so much fun, I think finding the key pieces was a load of fun, I especially like how that whole area is laid out. After this the game will take off, cant wait. I just hope the challenge grows, I want potions to feel like herbs in a RE game.

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Thu, 15 Dec 2011 10:13:11

Whoa, that picture of the characters in the bars blows my mind.

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Sat, 17 Dec 2011 16:42:04

I did dungeon 6 and some stuff after that in Hero mode. Do not read unless you want to be spoilered.

The third silent realm trial was fun and then you get the varia suit, I mean earrings, so you can explore further. The new area is pretty short and that is a shame. There is a puzzle there to put out some flames and there is a hint tablet, like in any other Zelda game and if you want to solve that by yourself you do not read it. After that you need to solve another puzzle that blocks the entry to the sixth dungeon and you get a hint. If you do not answer Fi you can actually solve it yourself. If you call Fi, she just tells you straight up.

Well solving the puzzle leads to an escort mission. I read some impression that some people hated it and had trouble finishing it. I do not know why. You can kill pretty much anything with your bow before it even comes close to the thing you must escort. Some flaws are really blown out of proportion. The sixth dungeon is good, but there are few things that are dissapointing. First the theme is again fire, the second dungeon had the same theme. It would be better if the 2nd and 6th dungeon were put together in a single bigger dungeon. Second the 3th, 4th and especially the 5th dungeon are some of the best Zelda dungeons ever and the 6th is a bit anti-climatic to be honest. Still is a good dungeon and the dungeon item is cool and the boss fight is awesome.

The enemy variety went down pretty hard after the fourth dungeon. The predungeon 5 area, dungeon 5 area, predungeon 6 area and dungeon 6 have just one new enemy type. The rest are variations on the same enemies you fought before. These areas would be perfect to introduce enemies like Darknuts that are missing in the game, or even using Stalfos and Lizardfos as regular enemies. Why not fight a room full of Stalfos?

I also paid special attention to the story and it makes sense. It is not a complicated story, but it makes sense so far. It does not anwer all the questions we had and it does not directly lead to OoT, but it anwers some. Also proves once more that Gods are dicks.

Some things I found out during my replay that I did not know before. If you return to dungeon 5 after you finish it, be prepared for some nice surprises. The Mogma are damn funny and you can talk to all of them in the area underground and they have plenty of new dialog. Sitting on chairs sometimes give you extra dialog, you can even read Zelda's diary. Does not matter what you do with the letter, Cawlin always ends up heart broken. Being an ass to Peatrice (item check girl) is not fun. I feel bad Sad. Peatrice > Zelda.

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Sat, 17 Dec 2011 19:01:52

Seems like you missed a lot on your first playthrough Iga. Nyaa

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Mon, 19 Dec 2011 12:49:00

Yes, I succeeded in getting the game ending bug!

It is actually quite difficult to get this bug, but I managed to get it. The specific steps to get the bugs are: Spoilers.

Okay we all know that after you beat the 6th dungeon and do some other things you get the mission to find the 3 pieces of the song of Hero. Those 3 pieces can be done in any order. The game ending bug happens in Lanaryu and it stops the scipted events that allow you to collect the other two pieces. If you do the Lanaryu section the last you will not encounter the game breaking bug.

In my second playthrough I did Lanaryu the first. To activate the sequence for the game breaking bug you need to land on Lanaryu Mine entrance. This is the area you land in the first time you visit Lanaryu. Golo the goron will be there and if you clawshot up to him he will tell you that he has excavated a hole, but he is too fat to fit through. If you land somewhere else and you go to the area Golo was digging before, he will still be there. If he is there, there is no way you can get the game ending bug. If he is near the mine entrance be careful you can get the bug.

After you finish the section with the mine cart the Thuder Dragon will tell you he is too sick. You need to grab the sapling and plant it somewhere else. Once you have this sapling all the other scripted events will stop. So visiting Eldin will not cause the volcano to erupt. Solve the sapling puzzle and heal the dragon. Once you healed him, don't go back and talk to Golo the Goron! If you do the game still thinks you have the sapling and the scripted event will not happen. If you do not talk to Golo nothing will happen. If Golo is near the quarry where you first found him, nothing will hapen no matter how many times you speak to him.

So in short

  • Land on Lanaryu mine entry and talk to Golo there
  • Go to Lanaryo Quarry and do the mine cart part
  • Get the sapling
  • Solve the puzzle and get the sapling fruit
  • Heal Thunder Dragon
  • Talk to Golo which will cause the game ending bug

Nintendo actually has offered two ways to fix it. You can read about it here.

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Tue, 20 Dec 2011 01:16:51
Iga_Bobovic said:

Yes, I succeeded in getting the game ending bug!


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Tue, 20 Dec 2011 06:35:14
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Yes, I succeeded in getting the game ending bug!


Yes, It was my goal to get it.

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Tue, 20 Dec 2011 07:19:52

You have to break the game to beat the game.

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Tue, 20 Dec 2011 20:17:59
Foolz said:

You have to break the game to beat the game.

Damn straight, I tried to get the game ending glitch in Twilight Princess, but they already fixed it by the time I had the game. Sad

Also I did some more tests. After finishing the second area, I went to the third area. A scripted event took place when I landed there. I quit and reseted the Wii, but now I went to talk with Golo the Goron. Then I went to the third area and the scripted event did not happen. Without the scripted event you can not complete the game. So Golo is definitely the evil doer here. Shame on you Golo.

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Wed, 21 Dec 2011 17:39:56
Iga_Bobovic said:

Damn straight, I tried to get the game ending glitch in Twilight Princess, but they already fixed it by the time I had the game. Sad

Also I did some more tests. After finishing the second area, I went to the third area. A scripted event took place when I landed there. I quit and reseted the Wii, but now I went to talk with Golo the Goron. Then I went to the third area and the scripted event did not happen. Without the scripted event you can not complete the game. So Golo is definitely the evil doer here. Shame on you Golo.

But he's so nice.

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Sun, 25 Dec 2011 18:05:34

Finished the game in Hero mode!

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Sun, 08 Jan 2012 15:03:30

So check this out.

The last boss beating in under 30 seconds. Obviously major spoiler

See it here

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Sun, 08 Jan 2012 18:30:49

Ha, I'll never have to do another lame fetch quest in this game again! I just sold my copy to Entertainmart for $35 cash (and I only paid $38 for it originally!). Grinning

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Sun, 08 Jan 2012 19:15:12

Booo! Nyaa

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Sun, 08 Jan 2012 20:36:04
Ravenprose said:

Ha, I'll never have to do another lame fetch quest in this game again! I just sold my copy to Entertainmart for $35 cash (and I only paid $38 for it originally!). Grinning

How you were able to ever finished Windwaker and Twilight Princess is still a mystery to me!

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Sun, 08 Jan 2012 21:13:23
Iga_Bobovic said:

How you were able to ever finished Windwaker and Twilight Princess is still a mystery to me!

Those were better games.

The VG Press

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