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Darksiders Game Club - Spoiler Free
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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 19:34:07
aspro said:

I don't think I can get back to weapons dealer from where I am at.

I'm taking 3 days off to beat Enslaved, then I'll come back.  I got sick of sitting there playing for 40 minutes at a time doing the same battle (and I'm not even at that Tiara chick y'all were talking about last week).

What battle? There shouldn't be anything that hard. Every fight can be won by dodging constantly and hitting square.

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 19:51:05

The third sword room, where they give you 4 (or 5) waves of enemies.  I usually get weakened by the bloody yellow gas guy, and then finished off by two big white armored dudes.  This must be the last thing you do before fighting the bad-ass dragon that everyone else got stuck with for a while.

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 19:53:08
aspro said:

The third sword room, where they give you 4 (or 5) waves of enemies.  I usually get weakened by the bloody yellow gas guy, and then finished off by two big white armored dudes.  This must be the last thing you do before fighting the bad-ass dragon that everyone else got stuck with for a while.

The gas guys need to be shut off with the boomerang, focus on them first. Hit them with the boomerang then attack and dodge when it attacks. When the gas comes back just hit it again. Before it dies it goes crazy and tries to kill you, boomerang it.

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 19:57:43

Okay, I'll try that again.  That was my old strategy b4 you said to not use the boomerang in combat.  I'd charge it up, send it in there and while he was getting gibbed I'd whack him with the sword and repeat.

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:10:35
aspro said:

Okay, I'll try that again.  That was my old strategy b4 you said to not use the boomerang in combat.  I'd charge it up, send it in there and while he was getting gibbed I'd whack him with the sword and repeat.

In general against must bad guys the boomerang is rather useless, that is a bad guy that specifically is weak to the boomerang. Of course use the boomerang on flying enemies and such.

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:24:01

This thread has really opened my eyes to how different some of us are with various gaming "skills". To me this game was very standard action game stuff, on the hardest setting it had its tough moments but nothing I have seen before. For some of you a room of enemies provides a near gaming stopping moment and that is surprising to me. I am not trying to say that I am so much better than you or anything, its just amazing to see how different we are even though we all play games. I bet if you put me on some strategy games I will get stuck early on and quit playing as well. Fighting games, I generally suck at them, the computer is a challenge.

I have been playing action/adventure games all my life, I am not sure if that is reason as to why I can breeze through a game like this. Is it just expereince? Is it the way we approach a game, I look forward to challenges in action games or head scratching puzzles, some of you might not. Lets go even deeper, in terms of an action game we are using our reflexes and pattern recognition to know when to attack and dodge incoming attacks, are some of us just better than others at this. Or can we all be of equal skill if we tried hard enough? I have seen Steel complain about what I consider simple games before and yet he plays Demon's Souls and succeeds at it, probably cause it engaged him in such a way that we wanted to get better at it.

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:33:16

It's not rewarding game, so I've not put in the effort to play it properly.

In this case, I was doing what you suggested, it was obvious to use the rang on the dude emitting gas, but the weapon was so clearly weak that I assumed I was doing something wrong. Mashing two buttons for 3 minutes isn't a solution, it's a problem.  One I have solved by playing another game for a couple of days.

I'll finish it, but it is in the category of "game I have to play for education purposes" rather than one that can be enjoyed.

Edited: Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:36:37

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:37:40

I think it probably what engages us, but frustration can play a factor.  I can't stand fighting games either and I do like some action oriented games.  The fighting games I like are ones with crazy action like SSB. I can't stand simulation racing games.  Mario Kart and Burnout for me.

I really don't care for action games like GoW or DMC.  I loved Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox because of it's incredible level design.  I also played it on Ninja Dog, so I completed it.  I loved GoW as well, but have yet to touch 2 and 3.  This game engages me because of the puzzle and adventure aspects.  That breaks up the action and makes it bearable.  It's similar to Metroid Prime and Zelda in those respects.

I would love to play Demon's Souls because of the love you guys give that game, but I'm afraid it would be a waste.

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:39:08

BTW, I consider myself one of the worst when it comes to actual skill in videogames.

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:51:41

Yeah, it's the interests thing.

Some people like to cook -- it's their hobby.  To some people it is a chore, a requirement.

No matter the level of passion and expertise of a chef, they are not going to be able to get through to someone who exclusively "cooks" ramen noodles that it is quicker and better to just throw a couple of ingredients together in the same time and come up with a better result.  The non-cook will always say "but it's easier if I just thrown this hot water on some dried noodle".

Wow. Labored analogy.

But yeah, interest level helps get you through a lot.  In this case my lack of interest did not outweigh the poor setup of the leveling mechanisms.  They are not very well explained at all.  So looks like I blew all my upgrade credits on things that are completley useless at this point in the game and have painted myself into a corner (on the basis of my lack of understanding of the upgrade systems).

Edited: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 00:05:07

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:55:33

What did you buy?

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 00:01:25

I'll finally get back to the game tonight.

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 00:03:17


SQUARE PAUSE SQUARE which executes a wider range slash. (Which is not effective as you rarely have time to execute it before you get hit).

Wrath Abilities:

I have Blade Geyser and Stone Skin (neither of which I know what they are or how to use).


I've bought some health along the way.



Edited: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 00:03:44

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 00:09:50

Okay, so I just played for a second. Figured out how to assign the Wrath abilities (and now know what yellow skulls are for).

So I've used Stone Skin now, and that makes a big difference.

EDIT: Just got through that battle and onto the next level (Tiamat) without depleting any health at all.

I guess this is what the gameclub is all about.

Edited: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 00:25:41

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 00:10:06

I long ago realized that my skills as a gamer barely exist when it comes to action games. I like a lot of things about them, but inevitably I struggle my ass off.   In the case of Darksiders, I really like the story and characters. But I'm not really digging the dungeons and the linear nature of the game. I'm at a crossroads at the moment on deciding what I'll do as far as proceeding on the game. I like playing with you guys, but I'm not sure I want to play this game anymore. I think I'll come back to it at some point, but there's so many other games I want to play right now. I'm not sure I want to keep having just an okay time with this game. We'll see. I'm goiing to give it one more good push and get to the 10 hour mark and make the decision there.

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 00:33:49

I really think I'll be finished in a week, which is a decent time.  Two more dungeons, the fetch quest and the finale to go.  I really want to move on...Dead Space 2 is calling me, but I'm determined to see this thing through.  Once I slogged through the desert and the sandworm, I knew I was in it till completion.

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 01:56:45

Mm, noodles...

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 02:18:07

Holy HELL!  The Stygian is so FUCKING EPIC!!  Best boss battle yet!!

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 05:37:07

This game is so good it even makes me stomach its stupid-ass puzzles. Another day, another chapter down. Just kicked the Griever's ass. It was a nice, varied level that had a bit of everything.

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 05:45:03

I just read a faq on Tiamat, I think my time with this game is closing.  I'll give it a quick try before playing Enslaved tonight.

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