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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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Sun, 01 Jul 2012 19:55:19

Since learning the harsh realities of life in Tamriel (Belethor), I have become something of a rebel. I am finding I don't like Stormcloak's philosophies sometimes and the Imperials are mostly wusses for putting up with the Dominion. I have decided to become an Anarchist, injecting a bit of chaos here and there and causing trouble for BOTH sides! To that end, I have started to actively do the Thieves Guild quests... I dislike the new politics that pervade the world and am doing my part to bring back the Guilds and the Tamriel of old!


This may not sound like too big a deal, but I normally go the goody-goody route. I haven't murdered anyone (yet) and I will continue to try and do so. Even the 'Discerning the Transmundane' quest, where you have to collect the blood of many different species (and the giver of the quest assumes you are going to 'murder' them to do it)... I managed to finish that quest by collecting the blood of people who attacked ME first! I couldn't resist the 5 level boosts for my Magic Skills that were the reward for that Quest. So? I managed to piss of a Daedra God... Oooo a threatening Purple Cloud! I am DRAGON BORN... I'll deal with the Purple Cloud God later!


Edited: Mon, 02 Jul 2012 00:41:46
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Sun, 01 Jul 2012 21:40:01
I have not killed anyone who has not attacked me first yet. I am about 65% of the way through the main story. Not a single side quest yet!

Hoping to finish by end of tomorrow.

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Sun, 01 Jul 2012 21:45:35

Yeah... I have about 80+ hours in now. When I scroll down the list of my Completed Quests... takes a while!

I haven't really done many of the random, meet people on the street Quests, either! This is just a lot of the Words of Power, 'Guild' and Book Quests!

Edited: Sun, 01 Jul 2012 21:46:26
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Sun, 01 Jul 2012 22:26:08

I am finding myself role-playing less in this one than in Morrowind or Oblivion. I don't really feel invested in the the character. In Morrowind, you spend so much time just surviving at the start of the game that I was able to really feel that the character's burdens and fears were my own.

In Oblivion, I actually got into the role easily. I felt like I was trying to prove myself to The Blades unti lsuch time as I actually started to impress them, and from there I felt like I had to accomplish the missions for the sake of Septim.

In this one though I really don't give a shit about any of it. I am having trouble pinning it down, but it may be because right from the start combat and resources have not been an issue.  I've never felt out of my league in combat, nor in dire need of gold or food etc... like in the other games.

Don't misunderstand, I love this game and I'm going back and forward in my mind about whether this is my GOTY for 2011, I'm just talkiong about character investment.

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Mon, 02 Jul 2012 01:02:55

This is DEFINITELY a "get back what you put into it" game. The more you do quests for people, the more you spend time in your home village, the more curiosities you discover in the world, the more things you WANT or want to accomplish in it, the more storylines you complete (Guilds), the more it gives back to you...

I told myself from the start I wanted to make my own set of Dual-Enchanted Glass Armor (Gauntlets, Helmet, Boots and Armor).  I am now looking for a second Ebony Mace, so I can Enchant one with the medium skills I have now and then have one I can Dual-Enchant later. I found myself scouring dungeons and acquiring as much plunder as I could carry to bring back to Belethor to sell [  Sad  ]... I needed to buy as many Malachite Ingots as I could, as well as Ebony Ingots for my Maces... I wanted to get all three types of Atronochs so I wouldn't have to risk bringing a partner into Dungeons with me, so as not to lose them...

I found myself finishing the sentences of the people around me... "Have you tried Mercenary work? It might suit you!" ...I feel pride as people rush towards me when they witness me kill a dragon and absorb its soul... I walk into Belethor's shop and am disappointed everytime he's NOT there now... (I don't know why I bother checking!) I feel protective now for the people who are defenseless in the towns when a dragon attacks it...

There's just sooo many ways this game makes you feel like you are part of a real, thriving, living environment, I can't help but get invested! Seeing people go about their business at certain hours of the day, watching them returning home after work or going to the local Inn...

The freedom you get in deciding how your character develops and the completely different way the game plays depending on your choices...

Feeling like a bad-ass and leveling an entire Bandit Camp when they DARE attack me as I am out exploring the wilderness...

This is an incredibly realized world with more freedom than any other game I've EVER played before...

You may feel the way you do just because you are powering through it to get to the next game, Aspro, but I hope one day if you have nothing else TO play, you get to go back and get as immersed in it as I am now!

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Tue, 03 Jul 2012 21:58:14

I wish I could be like that. I wanted to stay in Skyrim, but after beating the main campaign of any game I feel like I am wasting my time if I don't move onto the next game to beat.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:42:45
aspro said:

I wish I could be like that. I wanted to stay in Skyrim, but after beating the main campaign of any game I feel like I am wasting my time if I don't move onto the next game to beat.

Do the side quests before finishing. Nyaa

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Sat, 07 Jul 2012 13:28:01

I fucking hate vampires.

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Sun, 24 Mar 2013 05:34:43

I'm over the 120 hour mark in my Skyrim playthrough. I've tried out lots of different shit bar the horny nude mods and the weird ones. I've tried new companions, ENB presets, weather overhauls and more. I think I've finally settled down with a good compromise between looks and performance in my modest system. I'll post later a comprehensive list of my current mods (around 60 I guess).

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Sun, 24 Mar 2013 05:35:50
SteelAttack said:

I'm over the 120 hour mark in my Skyrim playthrough. I've tried out lots of different shit bar the horny nude mods and the weird ones. I've tried new companions, ENB presets, weather overhauls and more. I think I've finally settled down with a good compromise between looks and performance in my modest system. I'll post later a comprehensive list of my current mods (around 60 I guess).

You are getting into Mrs. Aspro territory, and she was limited to the PS3 version. (so sad).

What is it about Skyrim that has you hooked?

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Sun, 24 Mar 2013 05:37:01
Foolz said:
aspro said:

I wish I could be like that. I wanted to stay in Skyrim, but after beating the main campaign of any game I feel like I am wasting my time if I don't move onto the next game to beat.

Do the side quests before finishing. Nyaa

No. Wham Bam Thank You Maam.  That's my style.

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Sun, 24 Mar 2013 05:45:37
aspro said:
Foolz said:
aspro said:

I wish I could be like that. I wanted to stay in Skyrim, but after beating the main campaign of any game I feel like I am wasting my time if I don't move onto the next game to beat.

Do the side quests before finishing. Nyaa

No. Wham Bam Thank You Maam.  That's my style.

It's good to see that you are still defiant (and doing it wrong) even now.

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Sun, 24 Mar 2013 05:54:21
aspro said:

You are getting into Mrs. Aspro territory, and she was limited to the PS3 version. (so sad).

What is it about Skyrim that has you hooked?

Weirdly, it's not even the actual game (the things I find in my playthrough are sometimes interesting, but most of the times they're ancillary). It's the ability to shape up the game the way I want it to be, I guess. I mean, I love the setting (perhaps because I've never seen snow I love prancing around with a blizzard raging around me), but it's the fact that I can end up with something so different while at the same time keeping it lore-friendly what has kept me hooked.

For example, I have installed one mod right now that's called Frostfall. Frostfall adds hypothermia and survival elements to your gameplay. See that fort over there? Thinking of swimming across that half-frozen river to reach there? Nope. In Frostfall, you get progressively harsher penalties when exposed to inclement weather (diminished stamina, health, damage dealt, all the way down until you die), so you need to keep yourself warm and dry when you're frolicking around in freezing temperatures. If the going gets rough you can always set up a campfire, provided you have gathered or are carrying enough firewood to light it up. Of course a campfire will only get you so far when in the middle of a howling blizzard, so you can also craft tents made of different materials to keep yourself dry and warm. Leather tents are great for rainy weather, while fur ones trap heat much better, but aren't so good in the rain. you can even set up tents with two or more bedrolls for your followers.

This is but one example of the kind of stuff you can add to your game, and the possibilities are vast.

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Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:02:35
SteelAttack said:

I'm over the 120 hour mark in my Skyrim playthrough. I've tried out lots of different shit bar the horny nude mods and the weird ones. I've tried new companions, ENB presets, weather overhauls and more. I think I've finally settled down with a good compromise between looks and performance in my modest system. I'll post later a comprehensive list of my current mods (around 60 I guess).

We're still waiting for your list asshole.


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Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:07:35

LOL I guess I forgot.

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Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:09:07
SteelAttack said:

LOL I guess I forgot.

I installed that mod called Realvision that's supposed to make the game look way better, but just from turning the game on quick it doesn't seem any different? Maybe I have other patches or mods that are getting in its way?


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Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:18:37
edgecrusher said:

I installed that mod called Realvision that's supposed to make the game look way better, but just from turning the game on quick it doesn't seem any different? Maybe I have other patches or mods that are getting in its way?

That's an ENB preset.

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Wed, 08 Oct 2014 07:45:17

I definately want to replay Oblivion and Skyrim one day.

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Wed, 08 Oct 2014 14:46:14

I recently reinstalled Morrowind. I do want to play it vanilla, though.

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Wed, 08 Oct 2014 22:26:54
SteelAttack said:

I recently reinstalled Morrowind. I do want to play it vanilla, though.

Why? Isn't there graphics mods for it?


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