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Leo's 360 Topic -- Six Months Later...
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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 04:44:36

Mrs. Aspro is about 7 hours into Deadly Premonition, I've had a lot of fun watching, as she plays very different than I.  So right now she's at Becky's house near the lake (Quint's girlfriend).  Where are you in the game Leo?

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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 11:36:18

It's weird how they break this game into chapters. I believe I am in 1-6 now. I sped through 1-1 through 1-5 and then thought to myself: "I have this whole town to explore and I have a whole bunch of little side-quests I could be doing!"

After the Lumber Mill scene, I went on a massive Bone hunt (for a change), went to a dart bar -AND-- found out the hard way you DON'T want to be stuck in town after midnight. After barely making it back to the hotel, being chased by elephant-sized dobermans and running down shadow people the whole way, making it back on fumes alone, I finally went to bed.

Next morning into the afternoon, I went looking for random trading cards, did a side-mission to find 'Arnold' for George and a Dress for Anna's (Ahhhh-Nah) mother, visited the Milk Barn and did a little part-time job mission (a-la Boxxle) there and interrogated some people in a Diner.

I saved behind the Community Center (or whatever it is) at 14:00 hours where I am just about to go and introduce myself to all of the town's people. I am early, but plan on having a quick cigarette before that whole scene!

*Have I ever mentioned that I had NO IDEA the game had a whole Sand-Box structure to it? After Crackdown and Red Dead, I wasn't looking forward to another one for a while, but so far, so good, it hasn't bothered me at all yet! It actually reminds me a lot of some places I love to visit in Upstate New York... and home... Sad  *

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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 19:34:07

The town is based on a real place in Washington state (which has many of those businesses, including the A&G Dinner and the Milk Barn).  It was the same town that many of the exterior shots of Twin Peaks were shot in. (Though when asked SWERY denies that the game has any specific inspiration).

If it's dragging for you remember that the side missions are entirely optional, as the game is a decent enough length without them (though they do felsh out the characters quite well, which makes for even more enjoyment of the story).

If you are just now at the part at the community center, well, the story has not even really begun yet.

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 04:22:54

Mrs. Aspro beat Deadly Premonition today. Holy cow. The end boss is easier than I remember, but be sure to go into the last chapter with plenty of health packs and ammo.

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 05:35:18

Mrs. Aspro>Aspro. At least when it comes to gaming!

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 05:41:12

No. I still beat over more than 10 times the number of games she beat this year. But yeah, she can play all the Mario's to completion effortlessly, so maybe you have a point.

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 05:42:44

Quality over quantity my friend!

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 11:12:56
aspro said:

Mrs. Aspro beat Deadly Premonition today. Holy cow. The end boss is easier than I remember, but be sure to go into the last chapter with plenty of health packs and ammo.

I'm taking my time and enjoying the sights and side missions. I just got the Infinite Magnum, for example. I figure it would make the game a bit easier!

Edited: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 00:38:29
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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 13:36:02

The way you two are talking about Deadly Premonition makes me want to get it sometime down the road.

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 14:57:16
travo said:

The way you two are talking about Deadly Premonition makes me want to get it sometime down the road.

Totally worth it!

aspro said:

Mrs. Aspro beat Deadly Premonition today. Holy cow. The end boss is easier than I remember, but be sure to go into the last chapter with plenty of health packs and ammo.

I have beaten 18 out of the 50 Side-Missions and now have the previously mentioned Infinite Magnum --BUT-- I now --ALSO-- have an Infinite Machine Gun --AND-- an Infinite Flame Thrower!

I CANNOT wait to try them in combat!

Plot progress wise, I just visited the Gallery and am awaiting nightfall to interrogate Nick at the Diner!

I feel like I have done SOOO much, yet I have barely even TOUCHED the story!

(Although you learn quite a bit through the Side-Missions too!)

Edited: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 00:37:52
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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 15:18:05

The List as of 01/01/11:


Disk Based

  • Alan Wake
  • Bayonetta
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Culdcept Saga
  • Deadly Premonition
  • Dead Rising 2
  • DeathSmiles
  • Fable 3
  • Gears of War 2
  • Halo: Reach
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Nier
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Virtua Fighter 5 Online
  • The Orange Box



  • Alien Hominid
  • CastleVania: HD
  • Dead Rising: Case Zero
  • Geometry Wars Evolved 2
  • Guwange
  • Ikaruga
  • Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
  • Pinball FX 2
  • Plants vs. Zombies
  • Rez HD
  • Shadow Complex
  • Super Meat Boy
  • Trials HD



  • Call of Duty: Back Ops
  • CrackDown
  • Fable 2
  • Gears of War
  • Mass Effect
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Splinter Cell: Conviction



  • Nier



  • Fable 2
  • Mass Effect
  • Ninja Gaiden II


Coming Soon:

  • Nothing!


**Brown Denotes: On the Endangered "If I don't get into these, they are going to be deleted" list.

**Red Denotes: Completed Game! Yay!

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 15:35:30

I'll talk about AC Brotherhood in here.   So far, it's really good and I haven't touched the single player that much.  The mp isn't really deep, but like any other mp experience, you level up, gain access to more modes, more weapons etc.   Wanted is really fun as you're given a new target to assassinate.  The only thing to tell you where they are is as signal that get stronger as you get closer.  You can disguise yourself, throw smoke bombs to elude your assassin, stay hidden or outrun them.  I hate playing with strangers, but a mic isn't necessary, which kind of adds to the suspense.

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 16:17:20

...AAANNNDDD... Deadly Premonition has just become Dead Rising 2.5!

I just got an Indestructible Electric Guitar to use as a Short Range weapon!


(Still have yet to use any of the Infinites or Indestructibles in combat yet!)

Edited: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 00:36:48
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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 19:09:57

You know, after thinking about it long and hard...

...sorry Steel, I'm not talking about you this time...

I have HIGHER expectations for 360 games than I do for PS3 games, and I have yet to be disappointed. This is true DESPITE the 360 being older and supposedly "inferior" hardware. It suddenly dawned on me today what it must be: It HAS TO be 360's similarity to PCs and developer's ability to make games for it more easily. For all the power and calculation abilities of PS3's Cell, the games look NO BETTER and often times WORSE on the PS3! I know part of this is due to 360 leading in sales versus PS3, and a larger percentage of games being developed for it, rather than PS3, but that can't be the ONLY factor. I'm not trying to knock PS3 here at all, but there's CERTAINLY something to be said for simplicity and catering to developers rather than trying to impress people with specs and mips. Seems like Microsoft and Nintendo had the right idea this generation and Sony can almost be accused of being out of touch!

Edited: Sat, 01 Jan 2011 19:11:54
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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 01:20:34

Talk about BOOM! HEAD SHOT!

ONE Head Shot from the Infinite Magnum puts down the Shadow/Clown People! Two body shots put them down as well!

Makes the game sooo much more manageable! Enemies go down easier and there's NO NEED to manage your inventory for different bullet types!

The Infinite Flame Thrower is cool too, but doesn't kill them fast enough. The Inf. Machine Gun is good for immobilizing 'em as you kill 'em.

The trip through Becky's abode was a snap with my newly earned weapons! Hopefully the game will be a quicker, but still enjoyable romp, from here on out!

Murder scenes are grisly, cheesy, chilling and cool, as is the rest of the game!

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 01:35:16


Snippet from the Destructoid Review:


"Much of the game is simply too bizarre to adequately describe, and one definitely needs a twisted sense of humor in order to "get" what Deadly Premonition is all about. However, if you truly understand this game (well, as best as one can understand such a monstrous creation) then you will be struck dumb by one of the most memorable and truly unique titles ever crafted. Yes, Deadly Premonition is bad. By most standards it's terrible. And yet I wouldn't change a thing. Deadly Premonition is almost perfect at what it does -- it throughly, confusingly, entertains from start to finish. There is nothing about this beautiful disaster I would like to have seen done differently, apart from maybe lowered the HP on the really annoying wall-crawling zombies.

From start to finish, this game consistently delights with its refreshingly offbeat sense of humor and its almost deliberately awful cutscenes. The fantastically cheesy soundtrack and the horrible B-movie quality acting only helps to seal the deal. Deadly Premonition is a masterpiece of atrocious, a veritable triumph of terrible. It takes everything we've come to accept as bad in videogames and somehow makes it work in the most ironic of senses. If the game was of high quality in any one area, it might run the risk of making the other sections look bad. However, the balance of rubbish is so well-maintained that it can only charm and endear itself to any player with a heart and a capacity for inappropriate laughter.

Deadly Premonition is like watching two clowns eat each other. It's perverse, it's wrong, and yet it's so fucking funny. There are many who will not understand, or not even want to understand what makes it so compelling and excellent despite its quality. For the twenty dollar price tag, however, there will be no finer experience for survival horror fans with a love for the darkly comic. The game took me just under nineteen hours to complete, and that was with plenty of side missions left to finish. In the budget game sphere, no title has ever been so lengthy, so robust, so varied and so very rewarding. One simply has to factor the price into the judgement for this one, because value for money is through the roof and the evident love put into this game's development is something you never really see from any other game in the same price bracket. Ultimately, Ignition could have charged a bit more for this and it would still be worth it.

When we judge a game like this, how do we do it? Do we judge simply on gameplay? If so, the repetitive combat and long drives around town may very well mark it as a mediocre title. Do we judge it on story quality? If so, then we have a game that makes no sense and frequently makes light of murder and sexual deviancy. I say a game needs to be judged by how often it made you happy, how much you laughed or became excited, and how long you spend thinking about it after it was finished. If we judge it by those standards, then Deadly Premonition, my friends, is simply stunning. No other game has made me laugh so hard, laugh almost to the point of tears, laugh just by thinking about it. Deadly Premonition may well be the first game reviewed almost purely for its comedic value, but for a game so funny, it has to be done.

Deadly Premonition is beautiful. No, not graphically. Graphically it's atrocious. It's a beautiful trainwreck, and it's well aware of the fact. Despite this game being quite like everything ever made, there's nothing quite like the game itself. There is absolutely nothing in this industry that can compare to how weird and wonderful the whole experience is. Judged as a piece of entertainment, as a game that consistently surprises and amazes and leaves jaws hanging, I have no choice but to say that Deadly Premonition goes above and beyond. This game is so bad, it's not just become good. It's pretty close to perfect."


I almost never agree with that Jim guy's reviews. 95% of the time he is absolutely trolling for site hits with them. THIS review however, is dead on! He was probably going for shock value giving the game a '10' out of 10 --BUT-- I completely, totally, utterly agree with the wording of his review! Deadly Premonition is a BEAUTIFUL DISASTER!


Edited: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 01:35:52
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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 02:01:55

Yeah, the pace picks up from here pretty quickly (also because at this point in the game the story gets so interesting you won't want to do any side missions).  I stuck with the Magnum for the entire game.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 15:45:42
aspro said:

Yeah, the pace picks up from here pretty quickly (also because at this point in the game the story gets so interesting you won't want to do any side missions).  I stuck with the Magnum for the entire game.

Speaking of Side-Missions. I read a little on them in GameFaqs and elsewhere, not trying to reveal anything or find out which specific one gave you what... The only one I knew I WANTED to do immediately was the Bone Quest, only because I saw them all over the map and wanted to get it out of the way while I had some spare time... People's comments seemed to suggest there weren't any "missable" side-quests...  Argh!

Lo and behold, I get one involving bringing an Object from "Q's" house to Becky. This was on the same day I was to interrogate Nick. Tried going to "Q's" house all throughout the day and night. It was never "Open" to allow me to go in. I was never able to get whatever it was from there to bring to Becky before her events happened, and of course the game Auto-Saved between episodes making it impossible to go back to it...

This is the one and only thing that most frequently makes me want to quit RPG's and games of this sort. Being told I've failed a mission or not being able to complete one due to sloppy game design, THAT pisses me off to no end!

I REALLY, REALLY hope that wasn't the mission that gave you the Radio... or whatever it is... that allows you to quick travel between locations! I DO like driving around the town and the surrounding areas (at times); I am very pleased that I have become familiar enough with the whole map to know where I am visually and by using the compass, and I am not having to rely on the map that much because of it --BUT-- there ARE times I would like to be able to get where I need to go faster than driving the whooole way there!

Grrr...  Argh!

Edited: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 21:41:37
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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 20:10:20

That's not the radio mission -- and keep away from FAQs DAMMNIT! (for this game).

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 21:42:45

Woo! I just totally trounced Richard's Dart Score and bagged me a... Bag to hold more Weapons!


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