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The Movie Hype Thread - what films you should be looking forward to, Young Grasshopper
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Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:36:54

This is becoming a movie!!!

Hell yeah! Also Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, lol. I didn't know these awesome books existed.

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Tue, 05 Oct 2010 03:39:02

^Awesome books? You mean you didn't know Pride and Prejudice existed? Nyaa

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Tue, 05 Oct 2010 10:17:38
Dvader said:

This is becoming a movie!!!

Hell yeah! Also Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, lol. I didn't know these awesome books existed.

I heard about this. Might be cool.

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Tue, 05 Oct 2010 11:38:31

Zack Snyder directing the new Superman movie.

More X-men first class photos

Looks like Hello magazine pics.

     Tony Gilroy To Direct THE BOURNE LEGACY!

But Matt Damon wont be back?

Edited: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 11:40:44

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Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:07:07

What???  Oh jesus what a terrible idea. Super-man will officially suck. For some reason they just can't get away from the Richard Donner Super-man movies.  They were great and I do love them, but when you're trying to re-invent a franchise you have to forget about the older movies.  Bryan Singer clearly went so far as to basically make Brandon Routh be Christopher Reeve instead of Super-man. And now Zack Snyder is doing it by bringing back Zod. He's a great bad guy but there are a lot more who have been much more prominantly featured in the comics over the years. To me all this says is, "it worked once before, so we're doing it again."  And that kind of attitude pretty much dooms you.

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Tue, 05 Oct 2010 21:57:12
robio said:

Bryan Singer clearly went so far as to basically make Brandon Routh be Christopher Reeve instead of Super-man.

My friend loved it because of this and I was like: it's like watching a Christopher Reeve impersonator.

I don't see the point of all this rebooting nonsense. There are hundreds of issues of Superman to choose. Pick a good story and make it, hell the comic books can even act as storyboards.

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Wed, 06 Oct 2010 15:56:44


For fans of the 60s Mitr Chaibancha version of the film, Red Eagle will almost definitely be a must-watch to see how one of the most inventive filmmakers in Thailand today works in a treatment to reboot the film franchise. Wisit Sasanatieng followers will be in for a surprise at how he tackles a commercial action film based on a masked crusader, which seems to be in complete departure from his earlier works.

Fantastic Fest 2010: Legend of the Fist review

This is glossy, slick looking, hyper realistic super hero fantasy, with hot women, Donnie Yen's firm butt and fast and furious action that some people have called racist because of the depiction of the Japanese in the film. In every telling of this story they have been portrayed as heartless bastards with no redeeming values what so ever and it isn't very different in this one as well.

The film is pretty entertaining if you are looking for a slick but simple action movie with terrific action sequences. Donnie Yen shows again that he is the man when dropping bodies. It's hard to imagine that the dude is pushing fifty and is still one of the fastest guys around. The predictable over the top melodrama is in place as well and it's all fine and dandy, something you'd come to expect in a film like this.

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Thu, 07 Oct 2010 13:58:35

Action Packed New Trailer For Gao Qunshu’s Wind Blast

“Wind Blast” is all about the action. Bullets, blood, car crashes, stampedes, and a dash of sex thrown in for good measure. Sounds like a successful recipe.

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Fri, 08 Oct 2010 12:04:38

Legend of the Fist: Return of Chen Zhen BHollywood review

Part superhero movie and part flag-waving war film, “Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen” marks another successful outing for Donnie Yen as an International action star. “Return” is a fine addition to his growing catalog, and fans of martial arts and asskicking filmmaking would be wise to pick it up.

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Sun, 10 Oct 2010 20:13:59

Twitch - Fire of Conscience review

In summary, it's a very good example of what we learned to love about Hong Kong action cinema. As a long time fan of the genre, I must say it's been some time since I enjoyed a film like this. It has all the right ingredients for a good old Hong Kong chrime thriller, and the overall result is really great. Fans may rest assured that the cinema from the ex-British colony still has a bright and promising future ahead.

Trailer for the next Chronicles of Narnia movie

Arriety the Borrower (Studio Ghibli) first look

Bourne 4 aka Legacy Will Not Star Matt Damon, or Even Star Bourne

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Mon, 11 Oct 2010 15:13:51

Filming underway for Tsui Hark's 'Flying Swords of Dragon Gate' (龍門飛甲)

It's worth mentioning again for three reasons.
One, Tsui's recent film Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame really made a lot of his fans who were spurned by his recent output sit up and take notice. Two, Jet Li is on the cast and anything that combines Jet Li with swords is a very good thing. Three, Tsui is shooting Flying Swords of Dragon Gate in 3D. He's not going back to the film after shooting it and rendering it in post [sorry True Legend]. We've known that he has invested a lot of time into understanding 3D technology and that fact is not lost on Jet Li either, "I was very interested to work again with Tsui Hark, in whom I have complete confidence," said Li in a statement. "I also took the [project] because this is a full 3-D film and the first 3-D film in the martial arts world."
And I guess if there was a bonus to all of this when we first reported about the new film production wasn't scheduled until 2011, then Al reported it was to begin in September, but it's starting now damnit and that makes us happy.

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Wed, 13 Oct 2010 13:09:06
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 12:35:25

The Hobbit Will Finally Shoot in February 2011

The first three “Lord of the Rings” films are legendary, but they might be nothing compared to the behind-the-scenes turmoil that has gone on with the upcoming two “Hobbit” movies. After years of problems (and still more problems left to be resolved), Peter Jackson’s two “Hobbit” movies have now been given the official greenlight, with production set for as early as February of next year.

Jackson will once again direct both films with a combined budget of $400 million, with $30 million of that already sank into pre-production on the film’s New Zealand sets. Of course, whether the films will actually shoot in New Zealand remains to be seen given the labor issues the production is currently still mired in.

Of the cast, only Sir Ian McKellan is officially back as Gandalf, with Martin Freeman rumored to be the frontrunner for the lead, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. With the greenlight given, expect the first part of “The Hobbit” to land in theaters by December 19, 2012, followed by part two in the following year.

That is, unless something else comes up to sabotage the production. You know, like maybe meteorites from outer space, or mole men from the Earth’s core. Hey, this is the “Hobbit”, it could happen.

The Trailer for Ryoo Seung-wan’s The Unjust is Pretty Awesome. Seriously.

I’m a huge fan of “Crying Fist”, “Arahan”, and “City of Violence”, so it would seem only natural that I’m thoroughly interested in checking out talented director Ryoo Seung-wan’s “The Unjust” as soon as humanly possible. The film may seem like yet another South Korean thriller chronicling the complicated relationships between mobsters, cops, and attorneys, but once you put your eyeballs all over the embedded trailer, there’s a very strong possibility that you’ll think otherwise. I offer up no guarantees, mind you, and there’s no accounting for taste, but chances are you’ll like it. Maybe.

Here’s the synopsis, courtesy of 24 Frames per Second:

A serial killer targeting elementary school students is on the loose—and 5 victims means even the president gets involved in the investigation. When the most probable suspect dies in custody and the case looks like it’s reached a dead end, high ranking police brass decide to create a killer—and anyone will do. Though Detective Choi Cheol-gi boasts an incredible number of arrests over his career his rank never showed it. He was framed and demoted for another crime and decides that this is his last chance at professional redemption. He makes a deal with mob boss Jang Seok-gu, who he has been investigating, and together they decide to set up one of the existing suspects as the serial killer. The only hurdle in their plan is public prosecutor Ju Yang, who takes on the case. Ju himself had been involved in a deal with the boss of a rival criminal organization, and President Kim wants Choi dismissed from his position. When the secret deals and back alley agreements start to come to light, it only serves to drag Choi, Ju, Jang, and Kim deeper and deeper into a dark hole of questionable ethics and abuse of the law.

Now that you know what’s going on, feel free to check out the clip.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 14:40:42

"Jackson will once again direct both films with a combined budget of $400 million, with $30 million of that already sank into pre-production on the film’s New Zealand sets."


Actually I think this will be a better fit for him than LOTR. Then again, if he just makes th LOTR again that'll not really make any difference. Nyaa

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 22:06:23

The Hobbit news is so awesome. Jackson was the only guy who could do justice to The Hobbit. I can see the first part before the world ends, yay! Nyaa

Edited: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 22:07:16
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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 22:54:34

that reminds me I still have to pick the BluRay release of LotR. Too bad they weren't the extended versions. Fucking cheapasses, assholes. FUCK YOU WHOEVER DECIDED THAT. Fuck you up the ass with a wild board tusk.

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Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:12:09

Silence Foolz!

So, having Del Torro leave was one of the best things that could have happened, the guy who made the epic LOTR is now making the both Hobbit films. Me happy. Happy

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Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:15:04


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Tue, 19 Oct 2010 14:07:20

     PFF 2010: THE MAN FROM NO WHERE Review
Luckily, a friend randomly stumbled into this during a previous screening and was blown away. I was urged to skip any previously made plans and do everything I could to make its final screening last night. I went into this knowing nothing, and holy shit, am I glad I took that advice. Never underestimate the simple power of word of mouth.

     The Man From No Where is the type of slick, stylish, and gut wrenchingly visceral thriller that will remind you why Korea was kicking so much ass on the festival scene a few years ago.

     Sitges 2010: I SAW THE DEVIL Review
Let me put this straight: this is one of the best thrillers that I've seen in a long time. It sure is one convincing proof that Korean cinema is still amongst the best cinematographies in the world, and a film that firmly establishes Kim Jee-woon as one of its most interesting and gifted filmmakers.

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Tue, 19 Oct 2010 23:36:11
Foolz said:


Foolz of a Tuk!


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