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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
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Mon, 05 Jul 2010 19:47:56
....A primarily single player series/RPG has a bonus, robust multiplayer mode to go with it, and they complain that it doesn't have even more? Meh. Same for the post-story content... Bonus content is bad folks, unless you have to pay $10 a piece for it as DLC!!!!!! Wtf is wrong with them? Only the save issue seems legit really.
Edited: Mon, 05 Jul 2010 20:07:37
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while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:38:05
And just to get back to some non-fallic DQ talk, we are just a mere 5 days away from the game's release.  I'm very surprised that more sites aren't doing early reviews for it. So far only Nintendo Power has done a review, along with RPG fan that reviewed an imported copy last year.  Maybe we'll start seeing a rush of them on Friday.
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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 00:57:40
Probably a embargo until a certain day this week.

You DO know it is coming out on SUNDAY, right?

The 11th is the IN-STORE date!

I am shocked they would release both Sin and Punishment 2 and DQIX on a Sunday (usually reserved for their top-tier titles), but I'll take it!
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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 13:05:22

phantom_leo said:
Probably a embargo until a certain day this week.

You DO know it is coming out on SUNDAY, right?

The 11th is the IN-STORE date!

I am shocked they would release both Sin and Punishment 2 and DQIX on a Sunday (usually reserved for their top-tier titles), but I'll take it!

OH hell yes I know. I've already got my game reserved and paid in full (something I never do). I will be there at noon waiting to get my copy and when I get home I'm either going to lock myself in a room, or lock the rest of my family in a room.  I will not be disturbed once I get this in my hands.

And it looks like one more review has arrived. Edge has given the game 9/10.

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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 13:53:26

I'm going to pass on this. It looks good, I'm just not interested.

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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 13:56:35

I think what you meant to say was, "I'm going to pass on this. It looks good, but I'm a whore so instead I'm just going to bend over and let Leo give me a welcome back rogering."

Okay I think my translator is back up and running.

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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 13:57:57

*Waits in anticipation!*
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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 15:17:05

robio said:

I think what you meant to say was, "I'm going to pass on this. It looks good, but I'm a whore so instead I'm just going to bend over and let Leo give me a welcome back rogering."

Okay I think my translator is back up and running.

Okay that's it. I'm leaving the site.

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 17:41:10
Eurogamer just put out their review and it's another 9/10. The good reviews keep coming in.  
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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 17:45:58

The game has also created a new word that I love. Apparently as you do good deeds you recieive "benevolessence."  I'd rather use it like this though. . .

As I approached climax with the cheap whore I rented 20 minutes earlier I shot my benevolessence all over her back.

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 21:35:41
From 1Up.Com's "A" Review:

"...what DQIX brings to the table -- and to the genre -- is a new way to experience the traditional RPG, along with a number of addictive systems that give its new ideas purpose and focus. Both alchemy and class skills have a powerful "just a little more" appeal, and they somehow manage to stagger their rewards in such a way that you're always just a few minutes from unlocking the next item or ability. The cooperative play has the same function as in any multiplayer RPG, allowing you to help a less-experienced friend, or possibly bootstrap your own hero by teaming up with a seasoned vet. In short, DQIX manages to bring the addictive appeal of MMOs into what is predominantly a solo game, yet it never sacrifices the innate quality the series is known for."
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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 23:08:26
Read the reviews. I'm definitely looking forward to the game but...

...I feel I'm more excited about Dragon Quest VI. I guess it's because DQIX basically is like Monster Hunter: no story and no personality in the characters. I know the DQ games always have mute heroes, but even the supporting characters have no personality in this game. I guess it's kind of a turn-off, in my personal honest opinion.

But the game probably will be awesome IF I had friends to play with. Since it has no online, it's going to be tough to find three other DQIX fanatics like myself.

It's still the best DS game yet and I can't wait until Sunday...but I kind of hoped the single player had more of a story to it with characters I care about.

Oh well. It'll still be great. And DQVI is just around the corner so it'll be all good!


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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 00:14:45
I absolutely HATED the IGN review. No, not because they gave it an 8. It just does that ONE thing that ALWAYS gets on my nerves: Rather than try and relay the emotion of playing the game, the reviewer simply describes it.


It starts from the first sentence:

"It always amazes me when I hear stories about how popular the Dragon Quest series is in Japan." --Uh-Oh.

Then it just goes on to be the blandest, most boring review ever:

"In Dragon Quest IX, you begin your adventure by creating your own hero through a simple but cute creation system. This system allows you to select your character's size, face type, hair style and more through a series of straight-forward menus."

"Players control a party of up to four characters and journey through towns, dungeons and all the world map forests in between. When you get into a battle, you'll issue orders to all the party members under your command (unless you have an AI pattern assigned to someone) and then the action plays out on the top screen as each combatant takes his or her turn."

"Battles boil down to selecting things off of a menu on the bottom screen (Attack, Magic, Item, etc.) and managing your party's health and status. The most exciting conflicts are obviously the boss fights because your party is in a constant state of danger, but otherwise the battle system in Dragon Quest IX is a little too traditional."

"There are a number of character classes (called "vocations") in Dragon Quest IX, including the Warrior, Mage, Priest, Thief, Martial Artist and Minstrel. The default class for your hero is Minstrel, but later in the game you'll be able to change vocations at Alltrades Abbey. Parties will usually consist of a Warrior who dishes out physical attacks, a Mage for magic-based attacks and a Priest for healing. For my fourth party member I created a Martial Artist, as they use abilities to power-up their attacks, which is handy in a pinch. There are also bonus vocations to unlock along the way." --zZzzZZzzZ... *snort!*

"As I traveled through the world of Dragon Quest IX, I felt like I was working my way down the JRPG checklist. Grassy field? Check. Forest? Check. Desert town? Check." --I'm being paid to rate a JRPG. Check. Do I get excited or sound bored cause WRPGs are popular right now? Bored. Check. So I'll just read the FAQ sheet, describe the game and give it a rating that's not too good or bad. Check.


Unless you're just NOT a fan of this type of game, how can you NOT be excited AT ALL by the premise of DQIX? No more random battles. Character models that are SHOWN on the battle-field, carrying out their attacks. Weapons, Armor and Accessories actually SHOWN on the character models! ON A PORTABLE!? Multi-player... in a DQ game!? Big, detailed environments, a large, colorful, open world ON. A. PORTABLE.

It was obvious from the start the guy doesn't "get" Dragon Quest games... The Best-Selling, Most-Popular, World-Beloved Grand-Daddy of ALL RPG series... WHY give it to this guy to review?!

Yuck. Just. Yuck!
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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 01:12:49

I'm just a little bummed about the game soley because on its on the DS.  DQ VIII was just so epic, and well you can't get that much game into a DS cart. . . or two.

That's still okay though because this is very much going to be like DQ III, which was a stellar game.  I just wish the comparisons to Monster Hunter would go away. I have a feeling that missions and customizable equipment are going to be the only things that actually make that comparison real strong.  There's going to be a lot more story here. Go read that Eurogamer review and the guy who did that absolutely praises the story.  It might not be the epic that DQVIII was but I do think it'll be something along the lines of DQ III which was good enough to launch Roto's legacy.

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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 01:21:35

phantom_leo said:
I absolutely HATED the IGN review. No, not because they gave it an 8. It just does that ONE thing that ALWAYS gets on my nerves: Rather than try and relay the emotion of playing the game, the reviewer simply describes it.


It starts from the first sentence:

"It always amazes me when I hear stories about how popular the Dragon Quest series is in Japan." --Uh-Oh.

Then it just goes on to be the blandest, most boring review ever:

"In Dragon Quest IX, you begin your adventure by creating your own hero through a simple but cute creation system. This system allows you to select your character's size, face type, hair style and more through a series of straight-forward menus."

"Players control a party of up to four characters and journey through towns, dungeons and all the world map forests in between. When you get into a battle, you'll issue orders to all the party members under your command (unless you have an AI pattern assigned to someone) and then the action plays out on the top screen as each combatant takes his or her turn."

"Battles boil down to selecting things off of a menu on the bottom screen (Attack, Magic, Item, etc.) and managing your party's health and status. The most exciting conflicts are obviously the boss fights because your party is in a constant state of danger, but otherwise the battle system in Dragon Quest IX is a little too traditional."

"There are a number of character classes (called "vocations") in Dragon Quest IX, including the Warrior, Mage, Priest, Thief, Martial Artist and Minstrel. The default class for your hero is Minstrel, but later in the game you'll be able to change vocations at Alltrades Abbey. Parties will usually consist of a Warrior who dishes out physical attacks, a Mage for magic-based attacks and a Priest for healing. For my fourth party member I created a Martial Artist, as they use abilities to power-up their attacks, which is handy in a pinch. There are also bonus vocations to unlock along the way." --zZzzZZzzZ... *snort!*

"As I traveled through the world of Dragon Quest IX, I felt like I was working my way down the JRPG checklist. Grassy field? Check. Forest? Check. Desert town? Check." --I'm being paid to rate a JRPG. Check. Do I get excited or sound bored cause WRPGs are popular right now? Bored. Check. So I'll just read the FAQ sheet, describe the game and give it a rating that's not too good or bad. Check.


Unless you're just NOT a fan of this type of game, how can you NOT be excited AT ALL by the premise of DQIX? No more random battles. Character models that are SHOWN on the battle-field, carrying out their attacks. Weapons, Armor and Accessories actually SHOWN on the character models! ON A PORTABLE!? Multi-player... in a DQ game!? Big, detailed environments, a large, colorful, open world ON. A. PORTABLE.

It was obvious from the start the guy doesn't "get" Dragon Quest games... The Best-Selling, Most-Popular, World-Beloved Grand-Daddy of ALL RPG series... WHY give it to this guy to review?!

Yuck. Just. Yuck!

Did you manage to get this game earlier, Leo? If so, impressions please! Grinning


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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 01:31:18
Nope. Getting it Sunday like everyone else...

...or at least Me, You and Robio.
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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 01:38:17

phantom_leo said:
Nope. Getting it Sunday like everyone else...

...or at least Me, You and Robio.

Are you going to the New York launch party? I'm sure you'd get some cool free stuff!

Also, in anticipation to this game, I also picked up Blue Dragon Awakened Shadow. It's interesting because it's like DQIX (probably not as good) but it's in real-time combat which DQIX was going to be before fans complained.

Also, based on reviews they say Blue Dragon Awakened Shadow has a pretty good story and characters, who are the original cast from the first game.

I know I probably wasted money but I love these games, especially when both of them have Akira Toriyama-san's character designs! Grinning


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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 01:46:32
The IGN reviewer faults Dragon Quest for everything that makes Dragon Quest, DRAGON QUEST...!

Which tells me he's either NEVER played one before or he just wasn't enthused about having to do the review.

Yes. It's traditional Role-Playing. It's the FATHER of ALL traditional Role-Playing!

The story-lines have NEVER been all that staggering... You just play the games for what they are: Creative Character Development, Light-Hearted Adventuring and Clever Battles --AND-- to Revisit all the Classic Monsters you've known since your youth!

It "doesn't do anything special" cause they've NEVER HAD TO! Dragon Quest games come along infrequently enough where playing each and every one is a Throw-back reminder of how awesome and free-spirited games USED to be... with lots of colors, tongue-in-cheek, innuendo-filled names, situations and characters...

To be bored by Dragon Quest is like being bored by seeing a Charlie Brown Christmas Special for the umpteenth time!  

How can THIS not make you smile...? Unless you are dead inside!

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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 01:49:05

ASK_Story said:

Are you going to the New York launch party? I'm sure you'd get some cool free stuff!

I'm actually not.  Sad

...and I'm very upset by that...  Sad

I have an event I need to attend and won't be anywhere near Rockefeller Plaza tomorrow...  Sad

I'm just pickin' the game up on Sunday at my local GameStop...  Sad

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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 01:56:10

phantom_leo said:
The IGN reviewer faults Dragon Quest for everything that makes Dragon Quest, DRAGON QUEST...!

Which tells me he's either NEVER played one before or he just wasn't enthused about having to do the review.

Yes. It's traditional Role-Playing. It's the FATHER of ALL traditional Role-Playing!

The story-lines have NEVER been all that staggering... You just play the games for what they are: Creative Character Development, Light-Hearted Adventuring and Clever Battles --AND-- to Revisit all the Classic Monsters you've known since your youth!

It "doesn't do anything special" cause they've NEVER HAD TO! Dragon Quest games come along infrequently enough where playing each and every one is a Throw-back reminder of how awesome and free-spirited games USED to be... with lots of colors, tongue-in-cheek, innuendo-filled names, situations and characters...

To be bored by Dragon Quest is like being bored by seeing a Charlie Brown Christmas Special for the umpteenth time!  

How can THIS not make you smile...? Unless you are dead inside!

Yeah. Screw the IGN review. Even without a strong narrative, the game is still a 9+ on content and production values alone.

I was going by the 1up review. Jeremy Parish still gave it a 10 but he did point out that the story and characters feel like the really old school DQ games like DQIII and that even DQV and IV have stronger narratives.

But that doesn't matter. It's still a fantastic game and one of my most anticipated games this year!


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