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Street Fighter IV -- The Bugsie Revival
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Sat, 14 Feb 2009 03:54:06

**Read it and weep, ladies and gentlemen, as this story DOES NOT have a happy ending!**

I'm just a little bit excited for Street Fighter IV. Have I got that point across in this topic yet? I played SFII to death back in the 90's and have played and loved every, single Street Fighter since. I have been waiting for the series to reach numeral 4 for what seems like FOREVER.

My anticipation has grown such that I cannot turn on my PS3 without saying to myself: "It's not SFIV, so... meh!" and then turning it off. I can hardly wait a minute more. I've been holding off even playing HD Remix; even though it would have been the PERFECT way to pass the time. Between the FightPads NOT being readily available --PLUS-- my dislike for the Dual Shock for games like this, my motivation to play just wasn't there.

Everything SHOULD have been remedied when I got my Ken FightPad earlier this week. I plugged it in, tried it out and then came here immediately to give a glowing review... Life has been busy for most of this week, so I told myself: "Once the weekend gets here, I'll start playing Remix to hone my skills for 4 and ease my anticipation a bit."

So the stage is set. I got my FightPad. I have the next 9 days off. I settled in this evening for some quality time with HD Remix. I was determined to happily play the next few days away 'til I could waltz into GameStop and pick up my pre-order...

So I start playing. One or two battles. Feels great. Pulling off moves without a hitch. Great button placement, layed out in the same fashion as the arcade buttons. Intuitive; know exactly where Weak, Medium and Fierce are without having to think. Cammy goes down. Ryu goes down. Blanka goes down. Feeling good. T. Hawk throws me... Did I just take a few extra steps after I got up or was that my imagination? Shrug it off and continue playing. Fei Long falls. Chun Li puts up a good fight... but... why are my commands suddenly not registering as well as they were a minute or two ago?

Stop for some dinner.

Go back to play again. Go to Medium Special Kick with Ken; it connects but he definitely takes a few extra steps this time. So, it WASN'T my imagination! Uh-oh. Continue playing, fighting Ryu, jump in deep with a medium kick; it connects and Ken keeps on walking to the right. I let go of the control pad. Ken KEEPS on walking to the right.

Fast forward an hour or so later. Ken is now walking to the LEFT continuously and the controller is not responding to any other buttons or input. I press the home button, it flashes red for a few seconds and fails to connect to the USB dongle. I turn my PS3 off. Turn it back on. I play for less than a minute and the dongle is getting confused once more. I switch to another port. Defective USB port? Nope.

Mad Catz strikes again.

This controller is crap.

In a game that requires utter precision and speed in input, there is ABSOLUTELY NO MARGIN for error. Apparently, I made a grave error in trusting Mad Catz to make a reliable product.

I Googled "Defective FightPad" and found a few entries already. I suspect this is ONLY due to the fact that only a handful of people have been able to locate PS3 pads as of today. There are even some complaints of the 360 pads getting "stuck" or feeling generally "mushy."

Ergonomically, the controller is fine. It's a good weight. The rubber makes it easy to grip and comfortable. The buttons seem fine, the floating D-Pad makes move incredibly easy to pull off... but it all means NOTHING if the signal isn't reaching the PS3 properly!

I would be lying if I said this hasn't lessened my excitement for 4 a bit. There's no way in hell I'll be able to compete with all of you that have sticks now. I mean, I'm not great, but now I am severely handicapped!

Had Mad Catz NOT taken the cheap way out and made this a Bluetooth product, I feel this would not have been an issue. As it stands now, I would bet money that this is going to be a widespread and consistent issue with the PS3 pads. It may not seem apparent at first, but watch for the signs. Whether this was a case of simple interference from another electronic device or the Dongle is just simply cheap and shoddy, I don't know.

What I DO know is GameStop took back all 4 pads of mine without question.

I hope I am wrong about this. I hope you all saved your receipts just in case.

Please report any issues you have --OR-- certainly if you have a positive story --OR-- suggestion as to other control options. Right now I am mostly all ears, with just a bit of a broken heart in there, as well.

Edited: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 05:21:12
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Sat, 14 Feb 2009 03:58:43
Oh, Leo. That's so shitty. Fucking MadCatz.
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Sat, 14 Feb 2009 05:20:34

phantom_leo said:
Have Faith, True Believers! A friend from the distant past may save the day yet!

Ugh. Editor issues.  Sad

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Mon, 16 Feb 2009 00:46:43
Leo is gimped!?

ARGH! I must procure this game before Leo gets a replacement fight pad so I can kick his as..

Oh wait. He'll appear offline. Bastard.

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Mon, 16 Feb 2009 01:29:09
PS3 version confirmed to support custom soundtracks. Also uses the XMB to do so.

Excuse me while I go ahead and rip the entire 3rd Strike soundtrack to my PS3.

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Mon, 16 Feb 2009 03:27:34

Witness your favorite Street Fighters throughout the years in 1Up.Com's Street Fighter Evolution series:

Ryu Evolution

Sagat Evolution

Ken Evolution

M. Bison Evolution

Chun-Li Evolution

**IMO they missed a huge opportunity for nostalgia by NOT including Ken and Sagat in their Street Fighter appearances. Oh well, at least they showed red-headed Ryu!**

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Mon, 16 Feb 2009 03:29:01

darthhomer said:
Leo is gimped!?

ARGH! I must procure this game before Leo gets a replacement fight pad so I can kick his as..

Oh wait. He'll appear offline. Bastard.

Just you wait til I get my Saturn USB Fight Pad. (Even more of a) Bastard!

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Mon, 16 Feb 2009 23:52:15
Apparently, the issues with the Mad Catz FightPads are due to interference with incoming wireless internet signals.

Which are ALL OVER the place no matter what room I am in, in my condo.

I give up!

Where are my USB Pads?!  Sad

Edited: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 23:53:05
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Mon, 16 Feb 2009 23:53:57
Rose's moves montage movie is up in her profile...


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Tue, 17 Feb 2009 04:05:00
Guess who just got their copy, and is installing it as this message is being typed out?

See you in two days Leo.
Edited: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 04:05:42

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Tue, 17 Feb 2009 12:40:06
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Tue, 17 Feb 2009 16:38:28

Check your Retailers!

More than likely, it is coming in today!

As I type this, New York City GameStop Managers are making their way to New Jersey airports to pick up their copies DIRECTLY!

It's been a LONG Wait...






Impressions coming around 2:30PM EST ! ! !

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Tue, 17 Feb 2009 19:04:46

I am so excited for you guys. I love reading this stuff, I love the ethusiasm. I wont be getting it cause I cant fit this game in the budget, also not the biggest fan in the world but I do like SF2 a whole lot. I will be playing it tomorrow at a friends who will be buying it so I will be here with impressions as well.


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Tue, 17 Feb 2009 21:16:48

phantom_leo said:

Check your Retailers!

More than likely, it is coming in today!

As I type this, New York City GameStop Managers are making their way to New Jersey airports to pick up their copies DIRECTLY!

It's been a LONG Wait...






Impressions coming around 2:30PM EST ! ! !

Too late. I'll post them beforehand.

Sucks that we don't get that cover. That's the cover to our manual and disc art.

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Wed, 18 Feb 2009 01:20:19

We'll have to play more when I get a little practice in! You got me 5 minutes after installing the game...

(bastard! Nyaa )

I H-A-T-E playing SF games with a Dual Shock...

Was that what you were using?

Edited: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 01:21:45
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Wed, 18 Feb 2009 01:39:37

phantom_leo said:

We'll have to play more when I get a little practice in! You got me 5 minutes after installing the game...

(bastard! Nyaa )

I H-A-T-E playing SF games with a Dual Shock...

Was that what you were using?

A Dual Shock Nyaa

Should've said something mate. I would've totally understood. You did well for someone who just installed the game.

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Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:48:59

In a bit of news that should please a few and surprise absolutely no one, according to IGN, based on a Weekly Famitsu magazine interview:

"The two major Street Fighter characters missing from Street Fighter IV may not be so missing after all.  In an interview today, SFIV producer said that Capcom managed to put some development time into SFIV renditions of Super Street Fighter II characters Dee Jay and T.Hawk, and may even consider putting them in the game if there's enough of a ruckus amongst the fans."

--Speaking with Japan's Weekly Famitsu, Yoshinori Ono revealed that incomplete 3D models for the two characters have already been created. The development staff even planned out how T.Hawk would fight in the new SFIV world. He did not say why the two were kept out of the final.

** "Why the two were kept out of the final" they ask?! Isn't it obvious? We need DLC other than just Alternate Costumes! Right, Capcom?! **

Edited: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:50:35
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Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:51:41
Silly me! ...and here I was thinking they were going to find T. Hawk buried along with other Street Fighters in a mass grave in the middle of the Amazonian Jungle...  razz.gif
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Wed, 18 Feb 2009 19:23:27
They aren't DLC-ing characters that should have been there in the first place? Oh Capcom.

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Wed, 18 Feb 2009 22:17:53

The two Shotokan Fighters that started it all get their moves montages posted (most appropriately) on the Official Release day of Street Fighter IV.



(Ryu and Ken now up!)

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