gamingeek said:
Cel-shaded kids game with on rails train navigation like Spirit tracks.
I will kill myself.
Dvader said:gamingeek said:
Cel-shaded kids game with on rails train navigation like Spirit tracks.I will kill myself.
That's why I'm rooting for it.
Zelda game set entirely underwater in the Zora kingdom?
Just for Leo?
Spirit Tracks was brilliant and cell-shaded Zeldas are all epic.
That being said, no way that happens here. Personally I'd like to see them take the slightly tribal stylized direction they went with Twilight Princess and go further with it.
gamingeek said:
Cel-shaded kids game withon rails train navigation like Spirit tracks.
I called it.
Well its so short that I will post it
Rising out of the
stage, like King Arthur's mythical sword in the stone, Zelda Skyward
Sword units arose from the front of the stage immediately after the Nintendo E3 2010
Press Conference and we were first in line. We're very
relieved to report that the Motion Plus controls work sensationally
accurately with Link's Sword. The in-game sword followed our arm's
movements precisely as we waved it about. Better yet, directional
slashes are recorded accurately on enemies and scenery. For example,
running up to a giant mushroom and slashing at it left a range of cut
marks in precisely the same path our sword passed through it.
We also fought a couple of giant, armoured flowers with jaws that
snapped open and shut. The only way you can kill them is by slashing the
sword so that it cuts through the open mouth, rather than bouncing
harmlessly off the armoured jaws. To mix things up the mouths open
either vertically or horizontally, and you must match your sword swing
We were only allowed to play very
briefly with Zelda Skyward Sword so Link's sword was the only weapon we
got to try out but keep an eye on IGN for in-depth gameplay
impressions very soon. Although the game is in very early shape
we came away really impressed with the precision of the new swordplay.
Having a crazily accurate sword is the sort of thing the Wii was built
for and we couldn't be more excited to play more. Rest assured
Zelda's gameplay absolutely cuts Red Steel 2's swordplay to pieces!
"We're very relieved to report that the Motion Plus controls work sensationally accurately with Link's Sword. The in-game sword followed our arm's movements precisely as we waved it about. Better yet, directional slashes are recorded accurately on enemies and scenery. For example, running up to a giant mushroom and slashing at it left a range of cut marks in precisely the same path our sword passed through it."
Best footage so far.
From the preview:
Then I shot a two-minute video to show you the game in action. Good stuff. Sword controls were superb, and closer to 1:1 than I expected (note the little leans of the sword when I tilt my hand). Bowling bombs feels right.
I'm a little worried that I had no camera control and I didn't like having the map option made inaccessible whenever I had an item in hand.
Otherwise, pretty good. The whip is fun to use and overall you are using the angles of your gestures to fight more effectively. That requires a little more dexterity than I'm used to in a Zelda game, but not in an annoyingly complex way. I felt capable and powerful as Link, not confused.
As you can see the graphics are okay, but not overwhelmingly impressive. This ****of quasi-realism does not look great on the aging Wii hardware.
So no complaints on controls, an almost-perfect button layout and a "decent" for graphics. I enjoyed romping through the game's demo and had the most fun at a boss. This game's probably going to be good. No surprise, it's a Zelda.