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The Book Thread
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Sun, 29 Apr 2012 06:05:25

I heard the third book is the best and the fourth is a disappointment.

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Sun, 29 Apr 2012 06:16:15
Episode 3 of season 1 had some interesting new scenes not in the book, I see how they are trying to fill in the gaps of the story that they are missing from the books. Watching a show after reading the book is so weird, its a totally different dynamic. Instead of "oh I cant wait to see what happens next" it is "I cant wait to see how they handle that scene coming up". I will say it is very faithful to the books, every single character is there and every big moment is represented, there are no major changes at all so far. The only thing that is pretty jarring is how the wolves are almost never shown, those wolves are everywhere the kids go in the book, they are a major part of their lives. Oh and the way Danny got pregnant in the book was way more erotic than on the show.
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Sun, 29 Apr 2012 23:40:17
Up to episode 7 now. There are some new storylines that are popping up, even some new characters. I assume it is stuff that ties into the second book. At least they are giving Renly a reason to take the crown, in the book it was kind of strange that he just ran off and the next you hear of him he took over the south out of nowhere. I guess Theon becomes important at some point cause he was mostly a background character in the first book. I like it all though, they did an excellent job bringing the books to life. Was it hard following the show if you never read the book. The amount of names, houses, locations they throw at you must have been hard to follow in a show. In the book I could always stop and look at the guide in the back if I forgot who someone was or need a quick history lesson.
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Mon, 30 Apr 2012 01:05:46
Ros warms my heart .... Well, just turns me on.
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Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:30:39
travo said:
Ros warms my heart .... Well, just turns me on.

Yeah who the hell is that?

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Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:35:48
Dvader said:
travo said:
Ros warms my heart .... Well, just turns me on.

Yeah who the hell is that?


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Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:50:59
LOL  Greyjoy's ho.
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Mon, 30 Apr 2012 05:43:35
travo said:
LOL  Greyjoy's ho.

I know who she is, she is not in the book.

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Tue, 01 May 2012 07:04:36

Clash of Kings starts off a bit slow, so much set up. I am finally getting to where things are happening. I have never mentioned how awesome the chapter structure is with each being a characters viewpoint. I love finding out who will be next, "No! Not Sansa, damn it!" Or "Woohoo Tyrion!"

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Tue, 01 May 2012 17:54:45
Dvader said:

Clash of Kings starts off a bit slow, so much set up. I am finally getting to where things are happening. I have never mentioned how awesome the chapter structure is with each being a characters viewpoint. I love finding out who will be next, "No! Not Sansa, damn it!" Or "Woohoo Tyrion!"


I just finished reading the third book. Best one in the series easily. You guys reading the series with me are going to shit your pants.

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Wed, 02 May 2012 02:03:21
Lol, at Vader's summary of the chapters, so true.  Sansa chapter, read how she gets humiliated...again.  Tyrion chapter, read how he does something fucking awesome...again.
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Wed, 02 May 2012 22:54:25

About a third of the way through the second book, Tyrion absolutely carries this novel. He is so awesome. Its quite amazing the giant chess game that has been created here. The writing in the book is so sharp, so witty at times especially with Tyrion's dialogue. And it is quite funny, here is one part that had me laughing:

And Cersei began to cry.

Tyrion Lannister could not have been more astonished if Aegon the Conquerer himself came bursting into the room, riding on a dragon and juggling lemon pies.

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Wed, 02 May 2012 23:45:26

I miss Danny's porno adventure.

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Sat, 05 May 2012 21:55:02

YES ! ! !

FINALLY I have a few minutes time to MYSELF ! ! !

I'm going to enjoy a BIG cup of COFFEE and read a CRAP-TON of Clash of Kings ! ! !


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Sat, 05 May 2012 23:16:37
Just finished ACoK and will start book 3in a few.
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Sun, 06 May 2012 00:10:16
Whoa...interesting narrators in this book.
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Sun, 06 May 2012 01:53:07

I am halfway through Clash and finally some crazy shit is going down. I was a bit disappointed by the book so far but it seems like things are really picking up. Season 2 of Game of Thrones must have been a pain in the ass to make cause so much is just political manuevering and it just seems slow to get anywhere. Also you basically hear everything second hand.

BTW I <3 Tyrion.  

So Leo where are you now? Steel did you start book 4?

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Sun, 06 May 2012 02:14:33

I'm reading at a much slower pace than the rest of you due to time constraints. I just finshed the part where Greyjoy meets his sister...  GASP

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Sun, 06 May 2012 02:21:54
Theon has ....quite an adventure.   You can see why they focused on him a bit in the show.   Slight spoilers............Theon Greyjoy has a lot in common with Rodney Dangerfield.
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Sun, 06 May 2012 02:25:46
phantom_leo said:

I'm reading at a much slower pace than the rest of you due to time constraints. I just finshed the part where Greyjoy meets his sister...  GASP

I past that a day or two ago. That was sick porr guy.

Edited: Sun, 06 May 2012 02:26:05
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