Archangel3371 said:Oh cats, how awesome you are. Awwwwww kitty Link aren't you just adorably cute. *kitchee kitchee coo*
gamingeek said:
How is it that you play these games are so nice ASK?
Not when I play online!
I don't know why I enjoy them so much. I guess I just love the competition and intensity. I always enjoyed paint-balling, for example, but I suck at it and I can't take the pain when I get hit. Yeah, I'm a wuss.
But on online, I feel like I can compete and have fun doing it. Plus, it's really addictive.
I wasn't always like that though. I was one of those who criticized Modern Warfare for having such a short single player campaign. This was before I got into online multiplayer of course. And after playing Day of Defeat on the PC which introduced me to how fun online shooters can be, I got Modern Warfare and haven't even touched the single player at all!
So my mind has changed now.
I also think good multiplayer adds longevity to a game and let's us get our money's worth instead of selling it after we pass them. Like Uncharted 2. I'm more excited about Uncharted 2's multiplayer than the single player, to be honest. That's how much I enjoy it!
By the way, don't you play CoD Reflex online?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:By the way, don't you play CoD Reflex online?
Whenever I get a shooter with an online mode I put it on after I've completed the single player, check it out for an hour or less and then never return.
I just don't see the point in it, I'm racking up virtual scores for what reason? NO REASON!
And I get my ass kicked because I just dont care
In painball do you have crotch guards or not? What happens if you get hit in the balls?
gamingeek said:
I just don't see the point in it, I'm racking up virtual scores for what reason? NO REASON!
Do you like the competition? That's the only reason I play online, because the 'AI' of real people is so much more challenging.
I try a lot of games online, and stick to a select few. I begin to suck if my selection's too broad. That said, I play and am awesome at these games.
- COD4
- Doom (Skulltag; mostly co-op)
- Left 4 Dead 1&2
I've been playing some Bad Company 2 this week, but it's just a rental. Hopefully the helicopters and Sniper class will be nerfed by the time I actually purchase it.
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom
angrymonkey said:gamingeek said:I just don't see the point in it, I'm racking up virtual scores for what reason? NO REASON!
Do you like the competition? That's the only reason I play online, because the 'AI' of real people is so much more challenging.
The only time I really liked it is when I was facing off with this one guy who was lobbing grenades all over the place trying to kill me and hiding behind corners. Then I did a full pelt run and lobbed a grenade straight down his throat.
Oh how I laughed
Otherwise, no. I dont like when they do weirdo things that make no sense in real life like jerking about in a strange circular movement in a room so you cant get a lock on them. In real life running around in a mini circle in the centre of a room shouldn't guarantee that you will dodge bullets.

gamingeek said:Otherwise, no. I dont like when they do weirdo things that make no sense in real life like jerking about in a strange circular movement in a room so you cant get a lock on them. In real life running around in a mini circle in the centre of a room shouldn't guarantee that you will dodge bullets.
oh yeah, the hopping too. That's why I like the wii, there are still people that aren't doing that shit. I remember one experienced fps guy posting about how he thought playing on the wii was kind of retro fps, because people were moving slow and sitting behind cover a lot. While he was just zipping around. It's like when I was a kid playing laser tag. The newbie people hunted for cover and creeped around but this guy that played it all the time just walked around casually nailing everyone with one shot.
angrymonkey said:gamingeek said:Otherwise, no. I dont like when they do weirdo things that make no sense in real life like jerking about in a strange circular movement in a room so you cant get a lock on them. In real life running around in a mini circle in the centre of a room shouldn't guarantee that you will dodge bullets.
oh yeah, the hopping too. That's why I like the wii, there are still people that aren't doing that shit. I remember one experienced fps guy posting about how he thought playing on the wii was kind of retro fps, because people were moving slow and sitting behind cover a lot. While he was just zipping around. It's like when I was a kid playing laser tag. The newbie people hunted for cover and creeped around but this guy that played it all the time just walked around casually nailing everyone with one shot.
It's not realistic damnit.
Maybe they should have one hit kills. Or realistic damage, so if you are hit in the leg you start limping, hit in the left arm and you cant hold large weapons properly.
And it is fun.