So I woke up today to a bit of shitty news at home, and thought having a place to mull over the little things that make your life miserable would be awesome (as in, NOT awesome). But I'll let GG do the honors:
Extra sympathy? How about this? My gaming consoles have been lying in a pile of dust, I cannot even set them up, the floorboards are not fixed, there is a pipe coming out of the walls, they hung the shelves lopsided, they hung the blind lopsided, they covered all my electronics with plaster dust, they scratched my chest of drawers etc.
They smashed down a wall they shouldn't have, they ripped up my carpet doing it, they smashed up my bed. I haven't been able to use my bedroom for 6 weeks or so. Now the bed is delayed by a week and a half more. I will be close to 2 months living like a hobo.
And E3 sucked monkey ass through a straw.
Oh and Rhythm Heaven Wii is still not out for another month.
I woke up last night at 2 am in the morning or so, thought I heard some faint noises, but couldn't say exactly where, or even if they were near my house or not. More over, the house dog wasn't barking like she usually does at even the faintest sound or twinkling star in space. Still, I strolled groggily around the house a bit in hopes of finding the weird sound again but no luck. Went back to sleep only to find out in the morning that we had no water. Our house has a roof water deposit, so even if water supply gets cut for maintenance we are usually covered for some time, so not having ANY water stroke me as odd.
Up the roof I went at like 6 in the morning, to find a scene out of a black comedy movie. THIEVES had cut out during the night a piece of the piping connecting the roof tank with the proper house water pipes, most likely to sell it as scrap metal. Water wasn't spilling since at least they had the decency of shutting down the water valve, other houses weren't so lucky. Yes, those assholes sawed and stole pipes from all houses in my street. A couple of them didn't have valves and had water spilling merrily.
Had to call a plumber to fix that shit during the morning, and it's finally taken care of now.
Also, on thursday I took out my garbage for the truck to pick it up as usual, early morning, before taking my daughter to school. When I got back I found a fucking stray dog chewing on my garbage bag with a gargantuan sized old lady sitting on the sidewalk besides the dog. I had to shoo the dog while enduring the old lady's evil stare. Then she got up and left.
My foot kinda hurt this morning, but it went away after a bit.
You have my sympathies, but that is quite amusing.
Yeah, I'm laughing now to be honest, mainly because I got it fixed immediately and it wasn't an expensive job. I wasn't laughing this morning, I'll tell you.
It is a global phenomenon right now.
You should have killed that witch though.
Not yesterday but day before the neighbours house burglar alarm went off in the middle of the night for two hours. That was fun.
GG you need to move your ass to a safer place... like Detroit.
At least it couldn't have woken you up give your sleeping arrangements.