It's been about 5 and a half years since I did my last Top 100 list. Due to my OCD and compulsion to constantly create lists in my head I think it's time for an all new Top 100.

My first thought was to reevaluate the old top 100, but fuck it, it's easier to pick 100 new games that I didn't have on the list last time. In the past 5 and a half years I've played more than I usually have, largely due to COVID. And in that time I've played a lot of new great games.

Plus, when I made the last list, I avoided adding multiple games from the same franchises. So I can dip back into the Dragon Quest pool and a few others.

Anyway stay tuned. Starting tomorrow we're doing this shit again.
Posted by robio Fri, 15 Mar 2024 01:46:14 (comments: 171)
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Fri, 15 Mar 2024 04:33:55

Has it been that long? Damn. Thanks for making me feel older. Nyaa

I look forward to it nonetheless.

Fri, 15 Mar 2024 08:52:33

Why do you do this to yourself?

And pre-emptively whichever game you select for 100 is demonstrably wrong. The 100th best game ever is Tetris... or Resident Evil 4.

Fri, 15 Mar 2024 12:15:20
aspro said:

Why do you do this to yourself?

And pre-emptively whichever game you select for 100 is demonstrably wrong. The 100th best game ever is Tetris... or Resident Evil 4.

well I've already got a loophole that's going to disappoint you. Both of those games were on the last top 100 list, therefore they are disqualified from being in this one.
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 12:59:32
#100 - Time Killer


When this list is all said and done, there will undoubtedly be a couple games that some people will look a little cross-eyed at. However, while my tastes in gaming may be a little unique, I'm confident that every game on here has some really good points that in one way or another make it a stand out title. Except this one. Time Killers is unquestionably a piece of shit. However, it is a piece of shit that I have some really fun memories of.

Time Killers was in that first generation of Street Fighter clones, and while it wasn't one of the better ones, it was a unique one. Fighters from different eras we're all brought together to fight and kill one another with the winner receiving immortality. So the fighter list includes a Viking, a knight, a Caveman, a punk with a chainsaw, a space warrior, etc. what made it unique was that it was one of the first fighting games to actually include fighters with weapons instead of just fists. More importantly, it included the ability to severe your opponent's limbs, and that ability is what made Time Killers an absolutely acceptable waste of programming.

You'd be fighting an opponent, and after targeting his arm a couple times, you slice it off. And then if you keep fighting you can eventually slice off his other arm. Now you're just fighting a stump with legs and a head. Isn't that fun? It is, right up until you realize the stump still has legs and can head butt you. Losing to a no-armed opponent really sucked, but it was something that could definitely happen. Once again, this was so stupid and over the top funny that I always enjoyed it. Oh, and you can also end the match with the finishing move that would decapitate the opponent.

The game almost didn't get a home console release. Apparently the developers had a SNES and Genesis port near completion when Nintendo said, "not on our system". The Genesis one did come out after numerous attempts of getting it passed, but not until 1996, when the Genesis was more or less a dead system. While the extreme violence was one reason it wasn't getting through the approval process, the fact is the port was notoriously bad. If you actually check out reviews on it, it's one of the worst games on the console. For that reason, it was always a treat to go to an arcade and find a copy of it. It's just wasn't available anywhere else.

So Vikings decapitating guys with chainsaws, combined with the idea that this game was almost forbidden makes it one of those games that I will always look back on fondly. It was the very definition of "dumb fun", but at the end of the day I suppose the only thing that matters is "fun."
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 16:04:05
I should steal your idea and do a Top 100 Atari 2600 games or Top 100 Golden Age Arcade Games list. Nyaa

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your list! 👍
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:58:35

Wow. Was not expecting to see Time Killers on there. Definitely takes me back to my arcade days of yore. Played it briefly. Very briefly. LOL

Fri, 15 Mar 2024 18:39:39
Ravenprose said:
I should steal your idea and do a Top 100 Atari 2600 games or Top 100 Golden Age Arcade Games list.

I thought about doing something more niche like that, but after 20 games on a single platform that gets hard. You should do it though.

Archangel3371 said:

Wow. Was not expecting to see Time Killers on there. Definitely takes me back to my arcade days of yore. Played it briefly. Very briefly. LOL

That's probably longer than most people played it, and they're better for it suspect.
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 23:03:39
robio said:

That's probably longer than most people played it, and they're better for it suspect.

Most likely. LOL

I often wonder if the game was real or if I just dreamt it up because I never see anyone else ever mention it.

Sat, 16 Mar 2024 17:51:03
#99 Metropolismania


Metropolismania is one of those games that is kind of hard to describe without sounding like an idiot. It's basically a cross between SNES SimCity and Animal Crossing. The social sim aspect of the game actually outweighs the city building.

Theoretically your character is there to build a city. But he's not really building the city so much as trying to keep people who live there happy and keep their bitching to a minimum. Residents of the town or city actually have a complete meter. And each one will have their complaints and will tell you how important the complaint is. Are they mildly irritated? Are they really annoyed? Are they ready to take your life or just leave the city? That meter basically lets you know what the priorities are. And the more you fix things, other opportunities come along, which is a nice way of saying other things get broken.

Sometimes you can just bribe your problems away, but usually you have to fix problems by building something new. The problems range from a small time crime wave, to not enough coffee, to a cult moving into town. Things get bizarre. Ultimately, that's why I loved it so much. The whole game was a pretty strange experience that didn't really exist on a console before.

The game was definitely ahead of its time in its concept of gameplay. That said, it did look like ass. Supposedly it was made for the N64 and based on the visuals, I think It's probably accurate. However, it was also only $20 new, so the good folks at natsumi were aware of its ass aesthetics. And that's probably one more reason why I was willing to pick it up and have an absolute blast with it.
Sat, 16 Mar 2024 18:46:13

A game I never heard about. Kind of rare.

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