Come on you remember those Chirstmas mornings where you stared at that "big present" wondering what it was. Or looking at those small ones wondering if it was possible that the gift you were begging for was in one of them. This thread is dedicated to those amazing Christmas mornings.

#1 Playstation - I originally wanted a N64 but my brother kept saying "no you want PLAYSTATION!" He talked about the system as if it were a mythical technology, especially since I didn't know what a Playstation even was just that it was a gaming system. When I got it I was amazed and those 3D games were just wow. I couldn't believe what I was playing (before I use to just play my SNES and watch my Genesis collecting dust). But Gran Turismo (demo), Tekken 3 (demo), Crash Bandicoot Warped, and Rugrats was just amazing. I spent hours sitting in front of the TV and playing the games. Oh and my Sister then discovered that she had motion sickness as she couldn't play 3D games. Truly amazing time.

#2 Playstation 2 - As everyone always says this had to be the biggest jump in 3D graphics EVER. Seeing Madden 2000 in action at the demo kiosks was just jaw droping. The players actually had FACES and I can see the mesh on their jerseys! When I got the system with Crash Bandicoot, NFL 2K2, and Tony Hawk 3 I was amazed. It wasn't as awesome as the Playstation (I was older probably) but it still was awesome.

#3 Razor Scooter - While kids were either into bikes or skateboards I was in scooters. When I go tmy first scooter I was so happy. I never got that good as the best I've ever got was doing 6 inch gravel grinds, 5 second manuals, and 180's. But it definately gave me a lot of fun in my younger years.

# 4 Family DVD Player - While it wasn't for me after the worst Chirstmas morning ever (I only got really that's all I got). Though after seeing my mom's cousin's DVD player she really wanted one. After seeing the clarity and just the coolness of them I really wanted one. Eventually we got a really high quality one with The Lord of the Rings movies in which ended up being my favorite of all-time (well so far at least and maybe The Dark Knight may have topped it). But yeah it was cool but not as awesome as the others.

Posted by Punk Rebel Ecks Sun, 04 Jan 2009 20:32:45 (comments: 22)
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Sun, 04 Jan 2009 21:24:14
I guess Game Boy Colour with Pokémon Red would have been the most anticipated.

I can't even remember the Christmas I got SNES... I don't remember being really excited, at least not "OMG NINTENDO 64!!1" excited. I remember playing it in Wal-Mart but I don't know if I really asked for it or conveyed that I wanted it that much.

Ghostbuster house and car is probably pretty cool as well.
Sun, 04 Jan 2009 21:24:23
I don't normally receive too many gifts at X-Mas. The two that I remember most vividly were the ones I hoped and begged for the most, and finally received:

(1) The Nintendo Entertainment System (with R.O.B. the Robotic Operating Buddy and the Zapper Light Gun). Yup, the original one that started it all! We could never afford much, and to this day, I still don't know how my mom managed it. I think she actually got a second job and third job, working at Service Merchandise and a Gas Station to get this for me. Once opening the wrapping paper, it took me a few moments to wrap my head around receiving such a gift! Ignoring everyone else opening their presents, I hooked it up to the family TV and started to learn how to play Gyromite; I was absolutely mystified at how the Robot interacted with the game on the TV, and thought it had to be some kind of magic. Before I knew it, everyone else had gone to bed and the only thing illuminating the room was the TV and the Christmas Tree lights; I had been hypnotized and played for hours into the wee hours of the morning. After one or two more rounds trying to peg the damn dog in Duck Hunt, I finally went to bed.

Sometime in the next few days, with a bit of money that I had gotten from my Grandparents, (Thanks Grandma! Sad )   I made my Dad take me to Crazy Eddy's to get that Super Mario Bros. game everyone else was talking about. The rest is history...

(2) Quite a few years later, I got one of my other most coveted videogame gifts. I had saved up to get myself a Sega Genesis, but didn't have enough money to get myself the one game I wanted most: The Revenge of Shinobi! Somehow, mom came through again. Everywhere I went for the rest of that holiday season, my Genesis came along with me. It got hooked up to whatever TV was available, and I amazed my most distant of relatives with my game playing skillz as I bested Spiderman, Batman and even Godzilla with my awesome Ninja Magic. I think I got a little TOO excited though when I reached the Ninja Disco... Heh, dad started to wonder about me at that point, but I was having too much fun to care! Happy

Sun, 04 Jan 2009 21:25:09
Hmm, this is a tricky one.  When I've received consoles, they've been for my birthday (N64 which was definitely the biggest, GCN, PS2, Xbox. NES might have been Christmas, but I believe I was about 2-4 years old at the time).  Though I just noticed something weird--I have memories from before I had the SNES, but I completely cannot recall how or when I got it.

The DS I got for Christmas, but I knew I was getting it (I was the one to get it from the store on release day).  Doesn't make the system less awesome though Happy  I recall finding GoldenEye crammed hidden inside the box of a clock-radio I received (that is just sadistic BTW).

Honestly, this computer monitor I got this year may just be it.  I wasn't really expecting to get it given I knew of several other things I was getting, and it is just really nice.

EDIT: Thinking more about it, I could have a much better list based on birthday.  Harvest Moon 64 which had completely vanished off the face of the earth I got.  A couple years when I was young 5 I was able to just go to the store and pick out a game (Adventure Island II and Super Mario All-Stars FTW!).
Sun, 04 Jan 2009 23:06:21
having been brought up in a working class family i never got expensive presents for christmas or birthdays or ever and games consoles etc were always out of reach so i never even asked...

except for one ... which i knew was affordable so i cried and begged for it and i got it in the end, and both me and my sister were the happiest people in the world at ages 6 and 10 respectively.  it was a generic atari 2600 with 16 games built in.  i played that thing until it practically died.  near the end i had to stick toothpicks and matches into the cartridge slot to hold the game so that it would work and i had to literally stand on the start button for it to start
Sun, 04 Jan 2009 23:12:50

phantom_leo said:
I don't normally receive too many gifts at X-Mas. 
I never got gifts during Christmas, because it was a purely religeous holiday for my family. But I did get gift from Sinterklaas and New Year. So it evens out.
Sun, 04 Jan 2009 23:19:50
Iga_Bobovic said:

phantom_leo said:
I don't normally receive too many gifts at X-Mas. 
I never got gifts during Christmas, because it was a purely religeous holiday for my family. But I did get gift from Sinterklaas and New Year. So it evens out.

American Christmas (in practice) = Sinterklaas, so that counts.

Sun, 04 Jan 2009 23:29:44

Yodariquo said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

phantom_leo said:
I don't normally receive too many gifts at X-Mas. 
I never got gifts during Christmas, because it was a purely religeous holiday for my family. But I did get gift from Sinterklaas and New Year. So it evens out.

American Christmas (in practice) = Sinterklaas, so that counts.

 Yeah, but they lacks the black dudes! And Sinterklaas is only for children, once you know he is long dead, then you have a different celebration called "suprise". You and your friends buy present for each other and write poems. You still refer to Sinterklaas in poems and stuff.

I heard Sinterklaas is based of Saint Nick (d'oh) and Odin. You know with the white horse walking on roofs and stuff. Man, they replace Sinterklaas with Odin. If you are bad, instead of taking you to spain in the sack, Thor will drop the hammer, on your face!

Mon, 05 Jan 2009 00:17:15

Iga_Bobovic said:

I heard Sinterklaas is based of Saint Nick (d'oh) and Odin. You know with the white horse walking on roofs and stuff. Man, they replace Sinterklaas with Odin. If you are bad, instead of taking you to spain in the sack, Thor will drop the hammer, on your face!

That's the coolest thing I've ever heard!

Have a fuckin' bad-ass Christmas, and to all a good Knight!

Hells yeah!

Mon, 05 Jan 2009 03:55:24
The real story of little red riding hood.

A 3 minute animation by my sister involving canibalism. Fun!
Mon, 05 Jan 2009 05:23:45
SNES in 1994, PS1 in 1999 and a PS2 in 2003.

Funny thing about the PS2. The day beforehand, I wanted to buy my brother something, so I bought him a copy of  Gran Turismo 2. The next day when we GOT the PS2. I was enraged.
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