To bring you up to speed on the last day.  Due in part to incorrect handling of the server recovery, recovery went to reinstall.  The data on the installation became completely inaccessible.

So the site has been restored along with the entire server being recovered to a new OS installation, and some data unfortunately has been lost between yesterday morning and now.  Particular apologies to Bugs for his heartfelt blog which will unlikely be restored.

Avatars are not something that was backed up, so you'll have to reupload those.

The process is still ongoing on the rest of the server.  And yes, it's 3am.
Posted by Ellyoda Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:11:19 (comments: 15)
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Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:26:31
I appreciate you staying up to get the site back on for us.

In future though, if the choice is between you staying up and the site coming back, please sleep.  I'm sure we can all go without a day of not discussing video games.

Just send out a tweet instead saying what's up.

Hope your day gets better from here.
Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:36:56
I'm not at home -- I'm at work.  This affects more than this site.
Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:40:29

Ahh. I did not realize that this site was hosted by a company you had direct links to (based on your tech podcast from a few months ago).  That's much preferred (that it's something you have more control over).

Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:50:42
Also note that the site will be slow for the next day or so as there are a lot of files restoring, so there's a big hit from all the file i/o.
Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:53:28

My whole huge Majin post is gone!!!



Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:56:22

It was so vivid, I cant forget a thing like that.  I remember you said it totally sucks, something about a large brown koala.

damnit, I gotta go, another big storm is coming.

Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:58:11

So Yoda, is it backed-up to tape or another drive somewhere?

Thu, 16 Dec 2010 10:04:06

R.I.P. All lost content! Sad

Thu, 16 Dec 2010 10:08:13

Glad to see we're back.  Thanks, Yoda!

Thu, 16 Dec 2010 10:14:39
Yodariquo said:
To bring you up to speed on the last day.  Due in part to incorrect handling of the server recovery, recovery went to reinstall.  The data on the installation became completely inaccessible.

          So the site has been restored along with the entire server being recovered to a new OS installation, and some data unfortunately has been lost between yesterday morning and now.  Particular apologies to Bugs for his heartfelt blog which will unlikely be restored.

          Avatars are not something that was backed up, so you'll have to reupload those.

          The process is still ongoing on the rest of the server.  And yes, it's 3am.

No apology necessary buddy.  I will write another blog on the same subject once we are going stable again.

Thanks so much for your hard work in trying to get this place back up.  Personally I think you should concentrate on your exam revision and preparation at this time and put all else (including vgp on the back burner for a few days).  The people here are grateful for the work you are putting into this regardless, don't lose sleep and jeopardise your revision to do it even faster

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