76| 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors

Released: November 16th, 2010

Avaliable On: Nintendo DS

For most of the Nintendo DS's lifespan, if you were to ask someone what the best adventure game was on the system you would almost unanimously get the Phoenix Wright series as an answer, with possibly Hotel Dusk as the sole exception. Being the best in the genre for the portable was quite a title as due to its touch screen and portability it became the go to system for adventure games, specifically point and click and visual novels. Four months before the release of the system's three dimensional successor, a new game for the aging handheld arrived. Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (often called 999 by sane people) was yet another adventure game for the platform that began making rounds. It quickly became a cult hit due to its unique storyline, relatable characters, and mysterious setting.

The gist of the game is that the player has been abducted and put on a ship. They wake up bewildered in a small room when it begins to fill up with water. The only exit is locked and needs a specific combination to open. The player then has to solve a series of puzzles in order to figure out the correct combination to open the door. When they exit the room eight other strangers emerge. It turns out all of them have been kidnapped as well. Suddenly the intercom for the ship comes on and apparently all nine passengers are being tested as they have a set amount of time to figure out all of the puzzles and leave the ship or else the ship will sink. As one could imagine, there is some initial sense of discord as strangers don't always seem to want to work together. To capitalize on this, according to the intercom, the broadcast is just a recording as the one who put all the passengers on the ship and is the brains behind the operation is one of the nine passengers among them.

The introduction perfectly sets the tone for the game. Story and atmosphere wise, the entire game is built on the lack of trust. Passengers are often divided into teams in order to go into specific rooms to solve puzzles. Obviously not everyone trusts one another so being forced to work with others they aren't comfortable with makes for some great dialogue and story telling. Suspicion seems to take constant priority as each character and even the player constantly guess who is the one really behind this twisted experiment and why. To further peak the player's interest, each character is unique and has an intriguing background. In a way the player bonds with the characters, but knows that they shouldn't get too attached as they all seem to have some type of skeletons in their closet.

The introduction also does a good job laying out the actual gameplay. The entire game progresses as such: engaging puzzle in room -> lengthy story segment -> rinse and repeat until the end. This is the game's biggest flaw by far. It is just far too repetitive as the same basic formula is repeated over and over again. To the game's credit many of the puzzles are very well done and memorable. However, some are also a huge headache. At times the puzzles are just a bit too cryptic and the fact that the room's can be confusing to navigate through doesn't help. Still if the player puts their mind to it they will be able to clear the room, and there is a certain satisfaction one gets from the "aha!" moment one gets after being stuck on one step for fifteen minutes and finally figuring things out.

Last but not least, the game has a fantastic soundtrack that everyone should listen to. Its electronic beats mixed with suspenseful chords really give the game its own identity. The soundtrack also ventures into music that sounds a bit unsettling, as the game really capitalizing on the question of "who is this person and why are they doing these things to us?"

999 is one of the last games in the DS's long list of adventure titles. Over the years it has gained a strong cult following and the Zero Escape series is one of the most recognizable in the genre. If one is curious to see just how the series got its start or is merely interested in a game that will keep them guessing both with quality puzzles and opaque story, you can't go wrong with 999.

Posted by Punk Rebel Ecks Fri, 15 Apr 2016 06:28:11 (comments: 8)
Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:34:03
Love reading these. Clues me into a lot of games I've never really looked into before. Thank you.
Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:59:55
Loved the game, but the sequel killed the series for me... There were unfixed bugs that would corrupt your save file and I was always too afraid to play it!  Sad
Fri, 15 Apr 2016 12:13:14
gamingeek said:
Love reading these. Clues me into a lot of games I've never really looked into before. Thank you.

Thank you. This is a big reason why I do this. As I said before, a lot of times with these types of lists you see the same exact games on them over and over again. I'd rather create a controversial list than a safe one.

phantom_leo said:
Loved the game, but the sequel killed the series for me... There were unfixed bugs that would corrupt your save file and I was always too afraid to play it!  Sad

It's virtually impossible to get because you have to do a specific set of things to get it. There is also a patch for it IIRC.

Fri, 15 Apr 2016 12:18:22
Punk Rebel Ecks said:

It's virtually impossible to get because you have to do a specific set of things to get it. There is also a patch for it IIRC.

Not on the 3DS. I even tried the digital version. Tried playing it twice, crashed the entire system on several occasions and I eventually gave up.

Fri, 15 Apr 2016 15:15:30
phantom_leo said:

Not on the 3DS. I even tried the digital version. Tried playing it twice, crashed the entire system on several occasions and I eventually gave up.

Seriously? When I played it there wasn't so much as a hiccup. Maybe you could try looking up a FAQ of what to avoid? Or maybe it was a firmware issue?

Fri, 15 Apr 2016 23:40:06

This is one of those games I would have played for sure, if I could bring myself to play on handhelds. I just can't do it.

Sat, 16 Apr 2016 00:19:01
edgecrusher said:

This is one of those games I would have played for sure, if I could bring myself to play on handhelds. I just can't do it.

The third game is coming out on Steam.

Sat, 16 Apr 2016 05:25:04

I had been meaning to play this.  And also the Hotel Dusk sequel which only GG played in the entire world.  One day.

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