thx - things r not great. pain spread to both arms + travelled up the whole arm(s). not too happy with gamrs/press/pubs/devs either, so hav no urge to post. can't play gams eithr
GG! I really hope the best for you man. I would ask you a bunch of questions about what is going on but then I realized that would force you to write. Just rest and I really hope the doctors can get this under control.
Is the worsening of symptoms a temporary thing?
no idea, c-ing doc mon again. my theory is i was using tpp smal wrist binding which ultimatly did mot harm than good. got rid of thm yesterday
I really hope the best for you man. I would ask you a bunch of questions about what is going on but then I realized that would force you to write. Just rest and I really hope the doctors can get this under control.
Sorry to hear that GG, get well soon.
Gaminggeek! Miss you man....stay strong & we will be see you when the time is right.