It's been about 5 and a half years since I did my last Top 100 list. Due to my OCD and compulsion to constantly create lists in my head I think it's time for an all new Top 100.

My first thought was to reevaluate the old top 100, but fuck it, it's easier to pick 100 new games that I didn't have on the list last time. In the past 5 and a half years I've played more than I usually have, largely due to COVID. And in that time I've played a lot of new great games.

Plus, when I made the last list, I avoided adding multiple games from the same franchises. So I can dip back into the Dragon Quest pool and a few others.

Anyway stay tuned. Starting tomorrow we're doing this shit again.
Posted by robio Fri, 15 Mar 2024 01:46:14 (comments: 171)
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Wed, 15 May 2024 23:20:32

Really enjoyed Suikoden. Also played 2 and 5 which were also very good. The fifth one was my favourite. Really dug the idea of trying to find and recruit all those characters to fill up your castle.

Thu, 16 May 2024 01:44:21
I only just played the 2 last year. Enjoyed it, even though it was a much slower paced game. One of these days I'll have to check out another in the series. I know a "spiritual successor" to the series just came out, although if I recall the reviews pretty much hammered it and said go away.
Thu, 16 May 2024 01:53:59
robio said:
I only just played the 2 last year. Enjoyed it, even though it was a much slower paced game. One of these days I'll have to check out another in the series. I know a "spiritual successor" to the series just came out, although if I recall the reviews pretty much hammered it and said go away.

Yeah, that’s Eiyuden Chronicle. It’s on Game Pass and I’ve been playing it on and off. It’s not bad but it’s also not as good as Suikoden.

Sat, 18 May 2024 04:21:16
robio said:
#76 - Little Big Planet


Somewhere out there is a hacker who I need to thank. Thanks to the great PSN hack of 2009 or 10 or whenever the hell that was, the Sony gave out a variety of games as an apology. I chose infamous, which was a darn good game in its own right, but the one I am most thankful for was Little big planet.

LBP was a pretty remarkable game. By the late 2000s, 2D platformers were pretty much a dead genre. Even Nintendo wasn't making very many of them anymore. But here comes Media Molecule with this amazing Game that not only is extremely fun, but it absolutely feels fresh and unlike any other 2D platformer. Quite a feat really. Between the sackboy character, the craft world, it's floaty physics, sticker system, and everything else it felt completely unique. Everyone took notice, even Nintendo. Reggie himself said it should have been a Nintendo game. Pretty high praise.

What really need the game special though was a feature that wasn't that important to me. The level creator. And well, I might not have cared much about it, a giant community sprung up of people who were devoted to the game and would spend hours making levels and even attempting to recreate other beloved games. One person who really enjoyed this would be my son.

My boy was about 7 years old or so when I let him play LBP for the first time, and he was completely hooked trying to play People's games, and make his own. For whatever reason he was really hooked on all of the horror games that were being created. I would be sitting on the other side of the house and I would hear this shrill shriek from a little kid that would then turn into giggles as he would replay these same levels over and over and over, and yet still find a way to be surprised.

It was also through this that he pretty much destroyed My old PSN account. At the time I wasn't comfortable with him having his own account, so I'd let him use mine. That way if any undesirables tried to message him I could see it. That wasn't the case, but what did happen was hundreds of other young kids who were playing this game sent him friend requests and messages to ask if he wanted to play. My inbox was ultimately filled up from this and eventually I had no choice but to Nuke the account. Thanks kid....

That kid also turns 18 and graduates high school in about a week. Time definitely flies. So, whenever I think of LBP, I immediately go back to him as a little kid having an absolute blast playing by himself and his obnoxious online friends. So once again, thanks. Hackers. Probably never would have touched this game had it not been for you guys.

What a story. I loved this game so much, a magical time. I was in my mid 20s though, I might grow up one day lol.

Sat, 15 Jun 2024 14:15:21
#74 - Mega Man X


One of my favorite things about the 16-bit era was seeing what developers would do with all the extra power for existing franchises characters that we grew to love in the 8-bit era.

Mega Man was a little bit late to the party since Capcom couldn't stop releasing NES versions of the series, even after everyone else had moved on. But that might have been for the best, because Mega Man X was super polished when it came out. The game got a real story, the Boss fights were better than ever, and In the new armor added a whole layer of abilities and ways to explore the levels.

It's also one of those games I forget how much I like. I bought this damn game three times over the years - when it originally came out, on the Wii U store, and then again on a Mega Man X collection for the PS4.

But my very favorite thing about the game was a secret that I didn't discover until probably 20 years after it came out. One of the secret power-ups that Dr. Light had for Mega Man was Ryu's fireball. When the game was originally made, Street Fighter was the hottest thing in the world, and Capcom knew it had to sprinkle a little bit into all of its other games. I'm sure I was very late to the party in this discovery, but who cares? Being able to do a hadoken as Mega Man was one of the greatest little moments that gaming has ever offered.
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 14:51:42

I rented it a few times. I never knew about the Hadoken thing. I'll have to try that sometime.

Sat, 15 Jun 2024 15:44:17

Mega Man X is my favourite game in the franchise, such an excellent game. How can not mention the amazing soundtrack? The hadoken secret was indeed very cool.

Sat, 15 Jun 2024 21:11:42
I think it's the best game in the whole Mega Man series, though I have some emotional attachments to others in the series that I'd rank higher. But it's definitely my favorite post 8-bit era. In fact, it's almost kind of sad how the series immediately plateaued and then got so much worse after a few years. I guess the Zero games were a step up, but Christ they were hard.
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 23:55:06

I never did play the Zero games. I keep eyeing that Zero Legacy Collection every time I see it on sale.

Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:36:45
I've played a couple of them, but I don't think I've ever gotten particularly far in any of them. They just seemed borderline cruel. Maybe they're easier with a proper controller. I only played the first first few on handhelds, and action games on handhelds have never really worked out well for me.
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