Image result for top 100 video games of all time

(Totally random stock image of top games that has nothing to do with my list. But it looks cool.)

Welcome to my much more than top 100 games of all time list. Why is it not 100 because I found a way for my list to not be all Zelda, MGS or Mario games. I also hate the idea of only putting one or two per franchise, this is about individual games and some franchises are so good all their games are in the top. But that makes for a boring list so I wanted more games in.

The compromise I came up with is to bunch similar quality games together as one entry (example Galaxy 1 and 2). There could be two, three, maybe six games in one number. The idea being they are very close in quality so no reason to break them into separate ranks. I will order them from least favorite to favorite within that rank.

This is also a favorites list meaning if one game is ahead of another it does not necessarily mean I think its a better game, I just might have a deeper history with that game. Now toward the top of the list my favorites and what I believe to be the best games ever made are one and the same. It was not easy to pick the games I did, I constantly removed some games, put others in, rearranged the ranks many times. Ive always known my top 25 or so but the rest has been fun to explore and figure out which games have been my favorites over all these years.

Its actually kind of late so I will start officially tomorrow. But before I go I'll leave you with a few games that just missed the list.

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So funky and fresh but didn't make it.

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The splatoon games, one of the best online competitive "shooters" I've played. Slightly out of the splat zone.

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FTL, such an addicting simple yet extremely deep game. A classic but just missses the mark.

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The Longest Journey, Incredible story and the best traditional point and click adventure game I have ever played. Excellent game but lets be real, adventure games aren't my thing.


  • 100. Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil Outbreak
  • 99. Rogue Squadron 2
  • 98. Nights
  • 97. Destiny
  • 96. Astro Bot
  • 95. Pixeljunk Eden
  • 94. Tomb Raider 2
  • 93. Sim CIty 2000
  • 92. Splinter Cell Blacklist
  • 91. Panzer Dragoon 2 and Panzer Dragoon Saga
  • 90. Shenmue 1 and 2
  • 89. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and 3
  • 88. Nioh
  • 87. Tetris
  • 86. Darksiders
  • 85. Assassin's Creed 2
  • 84. Portal 1 and 2
  • 83. Dragon Quest 8
  • 82. BloodBorne
  • 81. Ecco the Dolphin 1 and 2
  • 80. Dead Space 1 and 2
  • 79. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
  • 78. Kingdom Hearts 2
  • 77. Mortal Kombat 1, 2 and 9
  • 76. Uncharted 3, 4 and Lost Legacy
  • 75. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
  • 74. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • 73. Rayman Origins and Legends
  • 72. Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow
  • 71. Crash Bandicoot 2
  • 70. Silent Hill
  • 69. Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite
  • 68. Bayonetta 1 and 2
  • 67. Donkey Kong Country Returns
  • 66. AM2R, Metroid Prime 2 and Metroid Zero Mission
  • 65. Final Fantasy 6 and 12
  • 64. The World Ends With You
  • 63. Hollow Knight
  • 62. Chrono Trigger
  • 61. Metal Gear Solid Ghost Babel
  • 60. Dragon Age: Origins
  • 59. Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors and Sonic Adventure 2
  • 58. Mega Man 2
  • 57. Halo 1 and 2
  • 56. Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga and Paper Mario 2
  • 55. Devil May Cry 1 and 4
  • 54. Horizon Zero Dawn
  • 53. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
  • 52. Tie Fighter and X-Wing Alliance
  • 51. Gran Turismo 1 and 3
  • 50. Tekken 3
  • 49. Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds and Oracle of Ages/Seasons
  • 48. Sonic 1, 3 and Knuckles
  • 47.  God of War 3
  • 46. Super Smash Bros. Melee, Brawl, Wii U and Ultimate
  • 45. Metroid Prime 3
  • 44. Ratchet and Clank Going Commando and A Crack in Time
  • 43. GTA 3, 4, 5 and Red Dead Redemption
  • 42. Mass Effect 3
  • 41. Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 3D World
  • 40. NFL2k1 and ESPN NFL 2K5
  • 39. Ninja Gaiden
  • 38. Deus Ex
  • 37. Shadow of the Colossus
  • 36. The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion and TES5 Skyrim
  • 35. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution and Virtua Fighter 5
  • 34. Okami
  • 33. The Last of Us
  • 32. X-Com UFO Defense
  • 31. Fallout 3 and New Vegas
  • 30. Resident Evil, Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil 5
  • 29. God of War 2 and God of War 4
  • 28. Red Dead Redemption 2
  • 27. Metal Gear Solid 2
  • 26. Devil May Cry 3
  • 25. Batman Arkham Asylum, City and Knight
  • 24. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker and Skyward Sword
  • 23. Final Fantasy 7 and 8
  • 22. The Witness
  • 21. Phantasy Star Online
  • 20. Half-Life 2
  • 19. LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2
  • 18. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • 17. Doom
  • 16. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • 15. Super Metroid
  • 14. Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3
  • 13. Uncharted 2
  • 12. Castlevania SOTN
  • 11. Resident Evil 2, Code Veronica and Remake 2
  • 10. Metal Gear Solid V
  • 9. GTA Vice City and San Andreas
  • 8. Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World
  • 7. The Legend of Zelda,  A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening
  • 6. Mass Effect 2
  • 5. Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
  • 4. Metroid Prime
Posted by Dvader Wed, 16 Jan 2019 06:47:24 (comments: 456)
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Fri, 01 Mar 2019 13:40:41
Legacy of Kain.... So freaking good. Maybe my #1 candidate for a remake provided they keep Kain's voice.
Fri, 01 Mar 2019 15:09:48

Dead Space 1 and 2 were such fantastic games, loved them both.

As for what’s coming up next probably more classics that should be rated higher or lower depending on your point of view. Nyaa

Given the clue of friendship though I’m going to guess that it may be some Mortal Kombat games.

Fri, 01 Mar 2019 18:35:55

Slightly bummed that Dead Space 1 and 2 were squeezed into one entry, but reading it and 🤔🤔🤔 thinking about it it makes sense. If I had to squeeze my 25+ years of gaming into one list I’d probably do the same at some point too. 👍 Looking forward to more!

Sat, 02 Mar 2019 05:56:20

78. Kingdom Hearts 2

Image result for kingdom hearts 2

Image result for kingdom hearts 2 bosses

Growing up in south florida meant Disney World was just a few hours away. A lot of my childhood was spent in the happiest place on earth, my dad had a collection of every single Disney animated film so I knew Disney inside and out. So when Square announced they were making an action RPG focused on traveling to Disney movies with a mix of Final Fantasy characters I was super excited. Kingdom Hearts was a fun game that used the Disney license so well with levels in many of the classics. The gameplay was a bit rough though, the combat stiff and simplistic, the whole thing could be improved. And Kingdom Hearts 2 did just that, expanding combat, creating a far more in depth gummi ship, better bosses and a great selection of Disney themed worlds. Lion King was there! You can be a lion and fight Scar along side Simba, how cool is that.

The collection of worlds is the best in the series. Nightmare Before Christmas, Pirates, Tron, Mulan, and the big four of the early 90s. Now for some reason the level design took a big hit, a lot of these worlds consisted of small flat areas which is a shame. The focus was absolutely the combat and it became a good to great combat system, further amplified by critical mode in final mix which makes this one of the best action RPG combat systems around. Needed to customize Sora with the right equipment and skills is a must on critical. The star of the show are the amazing boss battles especially against the optional ones which all have their own themes and tactics. Who would have though a silly Disney game could make a game that requires skill and planning.

But what I love most about KH2 in particular is how bonkers the game is, crazy ideas happening at all times. Crazy japanese game design is seen all over, it is a game philospohy I rarely see these days. It's a game unafriad to try simplistic mini games from Tron light cycles, to flying around the magic carpet in Aladdin, or singing along to Under the Sea in the Little Mermaid world. The gummi ship expanded greatly and I spent a lot of time finishing every mission, its a fun diversion. This felt like Square at the top of their game, wild production values, epic cutscenes and a game that always surprises. I am currently in the middle of KH3, the levels are so much more improved and combat has way to many new additions which I think is detracting from the skill based combat of 2. I think when KH3 gets a critical mode it will join KH2 in this list.

Sat, 02 Mar 2019 16:28:35
The story starts to go off the rails KH2, but aside from that, the game was an improvement from the original in every single way. Excellent choice.
Sat, 02 Mar 2019 21:13:02

Great music? Trippy underwater exploration? Yet you won't play Endless Ocean! That game is such a zen experience you'll trip yourself it you get deep enough into it.

I really need to play every game on this list, except Kingdom Hearts 2. Nyaa I did begin Dead Space, but it didn't stick. So maybe I can skip that, too.

Sun, 03 Mar 2019 19:25:31

77. Mortal Kombat 1,  2 and 9

Mortal Kombat cover.JPG

Image result for mortal kombat 1

I had some big obessions growing up and in terms of video games for a time Mortal Kombat rivaled any obession I had. I was like 9 when Mortal Kombat hit, video games were cute little games with cartoon characters, I wanted more. I was at the age where I wanted to see the edgy stuff, it also didnt help that my dad would watch Arnold, Stallone and Van Damme movies with me. So around the school playground I would hear talk about this arcade game where you see people rip off heads or tear out a heart, I was extremely intrigued, what is this magical game. One day I was at a local arcade and I saw it, graphics I could not believe, they were real people fighting and the blood so realistic. I watched the arcade demo reel play, the character bios would flash across the screen, cool as hell shit like a thunder god, a dude with a metal plate in his face and two badass ninjas. I was in love, I need this game at home so I could play to my hearts content.

Mortal Kombat 1 was massive key game for my childhood because it was the game I used most to defend my position as a Genesis owner versus those damn SNES kids. Our lunch ours were filled with debates on what was better, once I got Motral Kombat on Genesis with the blood code I had one of the best arguments. SNES is for kids (says a 9 year old) Genesis lets you see the full fatalities, I was never more proud to be fanboy. ABACABB, I will never forget the blood code and I know every fatality by heart. I played Mortal Kombat 1 to death and honestly I don't even think it was that good, it was cheap with its CPU battles. Goro was annoying as hell but I learned how to beat them and some how I got lots of satisfaction playing it. But I wanted more and Midway gave us more almost right away with the much improved sequel.

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I don't think I was ever has hyped for a game as I was with Mortal Kombat 2. When I found an arcade that had MK2 I would go by many times just to play and imagine what it will be like on my Genesis. The marketing campaign of MK2 was the biggest in gaming at the time. Posters of the blue logo obscured by dark clouds and lightning where all over the gaming magazines. Mortal Tuesday!!!! A day I would obsess over, I would open up a maagzine just to stare at the ad and dream of finally owning MK2. Mortal Tuesday came and I made sure I had great grades and could buy a game for my reward, and so I had it day one and what I game it was. The roster was so much more interesting, new comers like Baraka, Milenna and Kitana stood out. Reptile and Shang Tsung were playable from the start, two big characters from the first that are finally playable, so cool. The color pallet was much brighter so it made the blood and fatalities stand out more. What a huge expansion to the fatalities, two per character, stage fatalities and bonus finishes with friendship and babalities. To me beating this game was about seeing every possible finishing move, not just completing the story mode

Part of the appeal of MK are the secrets, remember no internet back then so all these secrets were shared by school gossip or reading magazines. Who was the Toasty guy, what did it mean. Who is peaking through the trees in the background? Stories of a super mysterious hidden third character that was all black. This is what made the lore and exploration of the game so intriguing, because at its core MK is a really basic fighter, not that great. But dressed up with fnatastically creative characters and a deep story that continues from one game to the next and now you have something that builds brand loyalty. Scorpion has alway been my guy, "get over here" and "come here", the harpoon move is the best in fighting games. Fuck Sub-zero and all you losers who think he is better, lol.

Then there was the movie, cartoons and MK3, I consumed it all. Something happend with MK3 though, perhaps it was the loss of Scorpion in the bease game but it never connected with me. I do recall being pissed that PS1 got MK3 but Saturn did not but my patience paid off because Saturn got Ultimate MK3 when it hit. Still by then MK craze was dying down and I was kind of done with it after 3, I skipped MK4 entirely.

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My love for MK was on hold. I would play the occasional side game like Mythologies Sub Zero (awful) and the surprisingly good Shalon Monks game. I tried one of those PS2 era MK games, Armageddon I think. The story was too bloated, tons of characters I didn't care for and the semi 3D fighting engine was not great, it also sucked for fatalities. MK vs DC was the low point, they were grasping at straws at that point. A drastic change was coming, a soft reboot which brought me back into the fold. Mortal Kombat 9 brought back the orginal cast from the first three games, back to 2D combat, classic and new fatalities brought to life in stunning details. Every level recreated and this game would have a story mode that would tell the story of the fan favorite first three games, I loved the story mode. It also helped that for the first time MK had a fantastic fighting engine, finally it felt like a proper fighting game, it felt balanced and deep. The online modes were well done with a mode that felt as if you were in the arcade waiting your turn. It had the massive graveyard of secrets to unlock which I loved. The game was PACKED with kontent. Mortal Kombat 9 is the best MK game for taking it all back to basics, giving us all our favorites and turning the old school gameplay into a modern fighting game worth playing.

Mon, 04 Mar 2019 03:15:52
After MK3 I was completely unaware that series even existed until MK9. I knew they were still making games, and I think in one they Incorporated weapons maybe? But I never touched one. I was never a huge fan of the series, but it almost seems crazy that there were 5 MK games, not counting spin-offs, that I couldn't tell you the first thing about.
Mon, 04 Mar 2019 21:38:44

Honestly I'm not sure which exact Mortal Kombat games I've played, but I assume it was 1-3. Played them on computer, and wowee did they look incredible. They always felt a bit shallow compared to Tekken 3 (which I played after them, anyway), but they looked so good it didn't matter! The film was hilarious, too.

And yes, the best time for edgy, mature content is when you're a child. Happy

Tue, 05 Mar 2019 06:24:21

76. Uncharted 3, 4 and Lost Legacy

Image result for uncharted 3

Image result for uncharted 3 plane

Uncharted became THE playstation franchise during the PS3 generation. I feel each PS gen we ask who is the mascot of the PS, well it was Nathan Drake during the PS3 due to the incredible trilogy of games Naughty Dog developed. The second game remains the pinnacle of the series which means the third entry was a slight letdown but still epic in many ways. The setpieces in particular might be the best in the series and some of the most mindblowing sequences of any game. That airplane mission is better than most movies and you get to play it! An entire cruise ship turning upside down with you in it! These moments of awe and excitment are what makes this series standout and Uncharted 3 was filled with them, almost too many as it felt a tad unbalanced. The third games pacing was off, it had a few chapters where it was trying to tell a story and left the player with almost nothing to do. But once the action started it was balls to walls crazy.

Uncharted 3 brought some improvements to the series like a deeper melee combat system, deep as in its not a puddle anymore but its still pretty shallow. At the very least it made fist fights look like a hollywood brawl. Something happend with the gunplay, there was a whole uproar at release at how aiming just didn't feel right. A later patch fixed some of this but that stain kind of stayed with Uncharted 3. Then there was the expanded multiplayer mode with more maps and coop missions, I spent many hours playing it with members from here and the RoF. It never reached the highs of Uncharted 2's multiplayer but it was a great time. The core gameplay is so solid and the journey was filled with so many memoriable moments that it overshadows any complaints, Uncharted 3 is one of the best PS3 games.

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PS4 comes around and Naughty Dog wants to make another award winning game after their dark turn with TLOU. Out goes Amy Henning and in comes Uncharted 2 directors Druckman and Straley. Uncharted 4 was going to be griiter, more grounded and have a heavy emphasis on story. Thats all great, I just want shit to explode and shoot people. Indiana Jones didn't need to talk about feelings, why does Drake. Well the result is something of a mix bag but I cannot deny the artistry at work and the excellent story which was told. For one Uncharted 4 is one of the most gorgeous games ever made, the locations you visit are stunning and incredibly varied. It's the longest Uncharted game but a lot of it is filled with just walking and talking, it has the fewest setpieces in the series but the one big one it does have is mindblowing. I think I spend more time taking pictures with the photo mode than I did play the game.

So there is a tradeoff, pacing has gone to shit but the gameplay is better than ever with fantastic upgrades like the grapple hook which makes navigating the larger combat areas a joy. Vehciles are introduced as are open areas that allow Drake to explore optional points of interest in one chapter. It was kind of half baked, clearly ND just testing the waters for a more open game in the future, still it was nice to have some freedom. Then there are the little moments of story that really stands out like having a dinner conversation with Elena where you play Crash Bandicoot. The back and forth between Nathan and his brother who is a compulsive liar is the best dialogue in the series. It is one of the best narratives I have seen in gaming, who knew that Indana Jones could have a story that can make you emotional and has depth.

I got Uncharted 4 early from some dude who knows another dude who has a dude that gets them from some south american country, I don't ask I just get the games early. I was extremely hyped because I felt this could rival the second game. For a few days I played this before reviews and was getting hounded for impressions. I wish I could have said it's the follow up to 2 we always wanted but having gone hours with only one gunfight I knew this was a different animal. Like 3, Uncharted 4 got pieces right, it's gameplay enhancements and the mastery over storytelling from the character models, the voice acting and direction sets Uncharted 4 above 3 for me.

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Image result for uncharted 4 lost legacy train

A year later we got an expansion which became a stand alone game, Lost Legacy. It's shorter, the story doesn't have half the emotional impace but my god is the action a large improvement. Setpieces are back including a train chase to rival the one in 2. A massive open world chapter with awesome optional tombs and puzzles to solve. The pacing was great and the action beats kept coming and surprising the way the series should be. Lost Legacy managed to be better than Uncharted 4 even though it was the "expansion" game. I love these games, they take the TPS formula and inject a level of movement and creativity to the gun fights that few games ever do. They are all so well done, the only reason 1 isn't here is cause it was rather simple, I hardly replay it, good for the time but doesn't hold up. The rest of the series is so much fun to go through, characters that are so well fleshed out that you can't help but love them. This is a series I will revisit many times.

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