So Capcom has come out with the news that they are offering upgraded versions of two very recentely released games.

Thanks to Leo on SUPER SFIV:

Before we dive in, we should explain what Super Street Fighter IV is, and more importantly, what it isn't. This is not a downloadable add-on for Street Fighter IV. You may be wondering, as we did, why Capcom didn't simply release Super Street Fighter IV's additions as downloadable content in the same way that Fallout and Grand Theft Auto IV received massive updates by way of DLC. However, Capcom has decided that the new game will come on a separate disc. Ono explained that when Street Fighter IV was originally being developed, certain aspects of the game code weren't laid out in such a way as to support the features that are being added in Super Street Fighter IV. While Capcom had initially considered making SSFIV's content a download pack of some kind, it became clear that just tacking the new content onto the old game wasn't going to be possible. As a result, SSFIV will be released as a standalone disc that won't be sold at full price. But, the producer explained, before you get rid of your SFIV disc, be advised that SSFIV will offer current SFIV owners a bonus that Capcom isn't revealing at this time.

And I just updated today on RE5 Alternate edition:


Famitsu has new information to Capcoms resident Evil 5: Alternative edition (jap. ' Biohazard 5: Alternative Edition') announced. Producer June Takeuchi says that there is a new episode with Jill, which is about two hours long in the play. These additional elements were planned already since the development normal resident of the Evil 5. However Capcom could not offer it as download, because the innovations and additions are much too large. With the Motion CONTROLLER can be steered not only the pistol, but also swung the knife. In the alternative edition is contained the normal original version of the game, equally is possible for co op play. Additionally it is to contain also a whole row at new costumes and of outfit.
Release: Spring 2010 (Japan)
Taekuchi confirmed RE5 alternate edition for 360. No word on the controls though.
So come on Capcom two recentely released games, two recentely revealed upgraded editions and two identical reasons for not having this as DLC.
"Capcom could not offer it as download, because the innovations and additions are much too large"
So this is a company that can port RE4 to the iPhone and mobiles. A company that ported Okami and RE4 to Wii as well as GC games that you could already play on the system like RE0 and REmake. A company that can triple pack DMC games. A company that can put out a million versions of Streetfighter 2 and put RE2 on PS1, DC and even.... an N64.
This is a company that will most likely port the Umbrella Chronicles games to the new motion controllers on PS3 and Natal.
Am I suppossed to believe that a few new costumes for RE5 couldn't be done as DLC? If this new content is only 2 hrs long then put it up seperately as a download RE on PSN. Sony have already said that games can be patched to include motion, Capcom couldn't do this for RE5? Nope, they saw how gamers lapped up RE4 Wii Edition and now want a second cash cow.
A few new characters for SF IV and a bit more? Come on, as IF this wasn't planned from the start. SFIV ships missing key characters like Dee Jay and T Hawk? And the title just so perfectly fits for the upgrade edition?
Do I think that the new versions are a good idea? Do I think they make commercial sense? Do I think people will enjoy them? Yes, yes and yes.
But please Capcom, don't BS us on the reasons why. I've read enough of their excuses on the ASK capcom boards to last a lifetime.
Posted by gamingeek Tue, 29 Sep 2009 12:52:05 (comments: 30)
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Tue, 29 Sep 2009 13:31:25

I don't really take issue with Super Street Fighter IV.  This is how the series has ALWAYS been handled.  When you got a Street Fighter game, you always knew that a second or even third version was never more than about a year away.  There is plenty of precedent for it, so no one can get justifiably upset about it.

RE5 on the hand is a different story.  Sure they rereleased RE4 several times, but each time it was for a different platform, and by the time they released the Wii version they were launching it at a discounted price.    Had I bought the original RE5 I'd be pissed that they're following it up with a new version of it so quickly.  I suspect there's a lot of pressure from Sony to do so in this case.  

Tue, 29 Sep 2009 14:31:11

robio said:

I don't really take issue with Super Street Fighter IV.  This is how the series has ALWAYS been handled.  When you got a Street Fighter game, you always knew that a second or even third version was never more than about a year away.  There is plenty of precedent for it, so no one can get justifiably upset about it.


We're not kicking it like back in the 90s though.


There are different technologies now. I do not believe that Capcom would lack the foresight to include plug ins for new characters in SF IV. Super SFIV was always planned and so they should admit it. There is no shame in that. What I object to is them finding excuses for it.

RE5 though they should patch for motion controls and release the extra 2 hr campaign on PSN.

Tue, 29 Sep 2009 16:25:43
i think it was archangel (or maybe dvader) who said it best one time in the ggweekly when edge brought up the issue of annoyance towards companies releasing beefed up/ spruced up / director's cuts/ GOTY etc editions of existing retail games, as new retail games.  if the original game was worth it for the person at the time then subsequent editions being released shouldn't stop it from having been so.  it doesn't bother me in the least to offer these incentives to latecomers some time after the original game has been out nor does it make me feel i was cheated.

HOWEVER they should try not to punish the early adopters, and arguably their best customers.  that is why i very much agree with GG that they should give those people the chance to buy added content or revisions as just that instead of forcing them to either buy the full game again or miss out (i'm sure capcom's talk of a "discounted price" and a "surprise" for owners of the original SFIV will hardly make it worth it).  as they aren't going to do that,  i just can't bring myself to buy the same games i own and it will no doubt piss me off to miss out on the new stuff (it's human nature).
Tue, 29 Sep 2009 16:51:55

bugsonglass said:
i think it was archangel (or maybe dvader) who said it best one time in the ggweekly when edge brought up the issue of annoyance towards companies releasing beefed up/ spruced up / director's cuts/ GOTY etc editions of existing retail games, as new retail games.  if the original game was worth it for the person at the time then subsequent editions being released shouldn't stop it from having been so.  it doesn't bother me in the least to offer these incentives to latecomers some time after the original game has been out nor does it make me feel i was cheated.

HOWEVER they should try not to punish the early adopters, and arguably their best customers.  that is why i very much agree with GG that they should give those people the chance to buy added content or revisions as just that instead of forcing them to either buy the full game again or miss out (i'm sure capcom's talk of a "discounted price" and a "surprise" for owners of the original SFIV will hardly make it worth it).  as they aren't going to do that,  i just can't bring myself to buy the same games i own and it will no doubt piss me off to miss out on the new stuff (it's human nature).


Yeah that was me. Anyway what each individual finds to be 'worth it' will vary. I've always been pretty satisfied with Capcom myself and how they bring out 'revised' games or semi-sequels if you will. I've purchased numerous games of their's like this ie. Resident Evil 4 for GC then Wii, Street Fighter II, Championship Edition, Turbo, Hyper, Super, etc. so I'm pretty confident that they'll throw in enough stuff to make me happy enough to pick these new revisions up. I look at Street Fighter IV to Super SFIV as being more like a sequel myself anyway.
Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:02:39

More info on this RE5 episode:

Producer Jun Takeuchi shared a few additional details on the new episode with Famitsu. The episode was originally planned as part of the main RE5 release. However, during development it was decided that it didn't quite fit in with the flow of the rest of the game.

Because the development team believed fans would love a chance to play as Jill, they considered offering the episode as download content. However, it ended up being too large to be offered as a download, leading to the retail release.

The new episode will not actually be a part of the main game. Players will have to select it as a separate mode from the game's title screen.

You can expect a two hour play experience from the new episode. In terms of content, Takeuchi said the taste is more horror than the rest of RE5.

Aside from the motion controls, the new episode offers a similar play experience to the rest of RE5, with Jill taking over for Sheva. The game can be played cooperatively online and offline.

You even have to select it seperately from a menu. This could be made availible on PSN, no doubt. If its too large, split the download like Hydrophobia which is a full game in three parts.

Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:13:39

Archangel3371 said:

bugsonglass said:
i think it was archangel (or maybe dvader) who said it best one time in the ggweekly when edge brought up the issue of annoyance towards companies releasing beefed up/ spruced up / director's cuts/ GOTY etc editions of existing retail games, as new retail games.  if the original game was worth it for the person at the time then subsequent editions being released shouldn't stop it from having been so.  it doesn't bother me in the least to offer these incentives to latecomers some time after the original game has been out nor does it make me feel i was cheated.

HOWEVER they should try not to punish the early adopters, and arguably their best customers.  that is why i very much agree with GG that they should give those people the chance to buy added content or revisions as just that instead of forcing them to either buy the full game again or miss out (i'm sure capcom's talk of a "discounted price" and a "surprise" for owners of the original SFIV will hardly make it worth it).  as they aren't going to do that,  i just can't bring myself to buy the same games i own and it will no doubt piss me off to miss out on the new stuff (it's human nature).

Yeah that was me. Anyway what each individual finds to be 'worth it' will vary. I've always been pretty satisfied with Capcom myself and how they bring out 'revised' games or semi-sequels if you will. I've purchased numerous games of their's like this ie. Resident Evil 4 for GC then Wii, Street Fighter II, Championship Edition, Turbo, Hyper, Super, etc. so I'm pretty confident that they'll throw in enough stuff to make me happy enough to pick these new revisions up. I look at Street Fighter IV to Super SFIV as being more like a sequel myself anyway.

I did that back in the day. No more though!

I got RE5 and SFIV and I wont be getting new versions because I can't buy the same game twice like MP trilogy etc.

I dont object to these new versions at all, but I dont think Capcom are very honest about their reasons for doing (or not doing) things.

Wasn't there some controversy over RE4 on GC vs PS2? I think Robbie back on G-spot found evidence that seperate ways had been cut out of the GC version shortly before release to stick it on the PS2 version or something.

Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:27:09

gamingeek said:

Archangel3371 said:

bugsonglass said:

i think it was archangel (or maybe dvader) who said it best one time in the ggweekly when edge brought up the issue of annoyance towards companies releasing beefed up/ spruced up / director's cuts/ GOTY etc editions of existing retail games, as new retail games.  if the original game was worth it for the person at the time then subsequent editions being released shouldn't stop it from having been so.  it doesn't bother me in the least to offer these incentives to latecomers some time after the original game has been out nor does it make me feel i was cheated.

HOWEVER they should try not to punish the early adopters, and arguably their best customers.  that is why i very much agree with GG that they should give those people the chance to buy added content or revisions as just that instead of forcing them to either buy the full game again or miss out (i'm sure capcom's talk of a "discounted price" and a "surprise" for owners of the original SFIV will hardly make it worth it).  as they aren't going to do that,  i just can't bring myself to buy the same games i own and it will no doubt piss me off to miss out on the new stuff (it's human nature).

Yeah that was me. Anyway what each individual finds to be 'worth it' will vary. I've always been pretty satisfied with Capcom myself and how they bring out 'revised' games or semi-sequels if you will. I've purchased numerous games of their's like this ie. Resident Evil 4 for GC then Wii, Street Fighter II, Championship Edition, Turbo, Hyper, Super, etc. so I'm pretty confident that they'll throw in enough stuff to make me happy enough to pick these new revisions up. I look at Street Fighter IV to Super SFIV as being more like a sequel myself anyway.

I did that back in the day. No more though!

I got RE5 and SFIV and I wont be getting new versions because I can't buy the same game twice like MP trilogy etc.

I dont object to these new versions at all, but I dont think Capcom are very honest about their reasons for doing (or not doing) things.

Wasn't there some controversy over RE4 on GC vs PS2? I think Robbie back on G-spot found evidence that seperate ways had been cut out of the GC version shortly before release to stick it on the PS2 version or something.


Yeah there was that controversy with RE4 GC/PS2. I didn't pick up the PS2 version of the game because it didn't look as good and I didn't care for the way it felt using the Dual-Shock controller. For me I think the sore point of that whole ordeal was basically just the timing of the announcement more then anything else.

Anyway I typically don't care myself about any 'reasoning' a company may give for something, all I'm really interested in is that it's good and is worth my money.
Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:38:18

I dont know how you guys can buy games you already own. In general the smattering of new content just doesn't justify the price tag for me.

If I could I would sell the old game and then see if the recuperated cost would cover the better edition.

In the case of RE5 alternate edition I think the reasoning is very important because instead of paying for the 2 hrs of extra content you have to pay for the full game which you already own to get the new content. Makes more sense to be concerned now.

There will be a 360 version too, would you not prefer to just have it on XBL and download it as a standalone?

Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:45:49

gamingeek said:

I dont know how you guys can buy games you already own. In general the smattering of new content just doesn't justify the price tag for me.

If I could I would sell the old game and then see if the recuperated cost would cover the better edition.

In the case of RE5 alternate edition I think the reasoning is very important because instead of paying for the 2 hrs of extra content you have to pay for the full game which you already own to get the new content. Makes more sense to be concerned now.

There will be a 360 version too, would you not prefer to just have it on XBL and download it as a standalone?


Yeah I believe there will be a 360 RE5: DC version as well. Honestly I'd rather get as much of my game content as possible on a physical medium. Now whether or not this particular game will be worth it for me remains to be seen ie. what differences it brings overall and how much it costs. Right now I like the sounds of it and going off of my past experiences with Capcom it'll probably be worth it to me to want to pick it up.
Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:54:00
I almost never rebuy a game unless its MGS or RE and only if there is worthy new content which usually there is. RE4 wii edition had the inclusion of Separate Ways which is like 5 hours long. It had the revamped controls as well and it was a discount price. RE5 Alternate seems to do the same with the controls but 2 hours is pathetic. Plus I dont know if I want crappy PS3 controller in one hand wand in the other motion controls. This should be DLC but its Capcom so it does not surprise me.
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