Overall 7.80
Going to put this review in here:

Dragon Age 2:

Usually sequels expand and take what worked on the first game and do everything bigger. In some strange twist dragon age 2 shrinks the game world down to one city and a handful of locations. If not for the great characters and good combat system this game would feel like some bad bioware knockoff.

The story takes place in the city Kirkwall and you stay there as time passes and become a major player in the events that occur around the city that eventually shape the world. From a story perspective it is an interesting way to tell a story but it makes the scope of the game feel so small. Prepare to see the same 15 areas over and over. New quest, it tAkes place in a location you have been to a bunch of times already. The game world is pathetic, it's ugly, nothing is memorable and it is the single biggest reason why this game is so hated by some.

The story and characters remain the strength of the game. The cast is not as interesting as the cast of origins but they do all grow in interesting ways. The meat of the game comes from seeing the stories of your companions, the main quest is jokingly short. As usual choices you make shape the story and effects your party. By the end former allies may turn on you depending on which sides you take. The ending is truly phenomenal and makes the journey getting there worth it.

DA2 had a simplified combat system or so they say, on consoles we never had the tactical display so the combat did change all that much. For sure the combat is far faster paced and required more use of combo attacks and positioning. Enemies are more aggressive, many times coming in huge mobs. The game requires good use of the tank, healer, dps classes. Leveling up gives 1 skill point and each character has about 5 different skill trees they can invest in, not the most complicated system but there is enough differences to make your choices matter. The inventory system is streamlined to the point where your team members don't even have customizable armor. Clearly not the deepest RPG but combat remains interesting throughout and there is a nice sense of progression.

Everything in this game felt so strict, there were no elements outside conversations and combat. No mini games, no puzzles, not one surprising gameplay moment. I enjoy RPGs that feel like a grand adventure, this game did not. If not for the great story and characters I would be trashing the game but it still plays very well and it is very engaging. It is easy to hate this game, I still greatly enjoyed playing it but it felt like it could have been so much better.
Posted by Dvader Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:08:43
Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:09:12
Copied and pasted from my phone, so it maybe a messy review.
Sat, 15 Nov 2014 00:28:53
Ha I just realized, as good as Witcher 2. Yup that is about right.
Sat, 15 Nov 2014 00:42:45
I see why the score is too low, you played the 3DO version. Nyaa
Sat, 15 Nov 2014 00:48:27
LOL yes. Amazing that the 3DO version was playable.
Sat, 15 Nov 2014 09:38:31
Witcher 2 was much better than DA2, but both games are above an 8/10 to me.
they tried some odd things with this game and they all made it worse.

Its bio ware's Resident Evil Zero.
Tue, 18 Nov 2014 11:36:56
Nice review.
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