Overall 9.20
Holy shit I never reviews doom?! Oops, ok let's do this quickly then.

It's fucking Doom!!! Shoot bang, blood everywhere, chainsaw that shitty picky demon, run, jump, ahhh monsters everywhere!! Heavy metal music is blasting, fuuuck yeah blew you up you son of a , holy shit spawning everywhere, eat my BFG!!!!

Crazy action, actual well designed levels that isn't a damn cooridor! There are secrets. There are keys to open doors, remember that! Lots of upgrades to acquire so that you can kill more shit in more awesome ways!

There is a whole LBP mode where you can play doom user levels! A piece of shit multiplayer mode! Wait that's not a positive... who cares you can ignore it! It now has a new add on arcade mode where you blast your way to high scores!!!

This game is fuck awesome!!!
Posted by Dvader Fri, 23 Dec 2016 19:35:52
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 19:50:00
I would like this game.
Fri, 30 Dec 2016 10:29:38
What's wrong with the multiplayer? These would be GREAT multiplayer mechanics.
Fri, 30 Dec 2016 19:01:07
It's kind of messy, it just doesn't feel as good as any number of other FPS multiplayer shooters. But it is different so you may like it.
Sat, 31 Dec 2016 09:58:34
Not including PC-only games, KZ2 is the only multiplayer FPS since Halo that felt good, though. Nyaa
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