Platform | OVERALL |
Xbox 360 | 7.30 |
Overall | 7.30 |
This wont be a formal review, if you want to know what this game is like just read a previous AC review of mine, its the same game. I want to get into the subject of when is a series reached its over saturation point and how do you rate a game that maybe well made but is simply too much of the same thing. Look at it this way, if Revelations is your first AC game it would be pretty amazing. It still has the exact same gameplay, has all elements that made the past games great. I would recommend 2 and Brotherhood way before this one but still if you look at it in a vacuum this is actually a great game. We don't live in a vacuum, I have played all previous AC and the last two were clearly better than this one. The new additions add very little, like the tower defense mini game which I didn't care much for. The missions are some of the most uninspired. The city is the least interesting in the series. Bombs are a nice weapon addition but it could be abused. I did find the extremely weird Desmond levels, which feels like some indie puzzle game found on steam accidentally ended up in an AC game, to be a nice diversion. I would say this is game is worst than the last two and better than the first game BUT the first game being an original title I feel this should be ranked as the worst AC game. But how do I score this. Playing it I enjoyed myself but I felt I accomplished nothing, if I had never played it I wouldn't feel any different. This game clearly shows that the formula was in desperate need of change. So in terms of its place in history and whether playing this game is worth your time when there are other games exactly like it but better, I would say this is an average game at best. But if I look at it from just what I played, ignoring all the outside factors, it is a very good game. I decided to simply give it some of the respect it deserves, by no means is Revelations bad, its very good. There are plenty of people that dismiss the game and call it "horrible" simply cause it is very redundant. But you know what I enjoyed this game more than some of the original but actually average in quality games I own. So where do you stand on this, how do you go about scoring or ranking a game like this. |
Posted by Dvader Thu, 23 Jan 2014 21:21:50
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Archangel3371 (4m) robio (9m)
I liked Revelations a lot, even though its more of the same and not as interesting. It reminds me of Tomb Raider 3 back in the PS days....yes still a quality games but not different enough from past entries, not as interesting, not as fresh as other games coming out, etc.
Its still better than AC3. AC3 has the same problems as Revelations, but with a boring main character and a boring setting.
Is this the handheld one?
Foolz what kind of vacuum do you live in, a Hoover?
Thank you and goodnight *bows*