Wii U8.30
Overall 8.30
I feel churlish giving this game an 8.3

But this isn't my first rodeo and this isn't Ubisofts' first AC game anymore.

AC4 is a large, fairly generous game and makes huge strides in some areas than the risable AC3. There are stealth improvements, more places to hide, better visors, tracking etc. More kill moves. It's still fairly simple as far as proper stealth games but its moving closer and closer to the Splinter Cell ideal.

Unfortunately, whilst the game has some good gameplay segments and scenarios, these things repeat again and again.... and again... and again. Till you reach the end. Sure sailing a junking ships is fun, but when the game is forcing you to junk 40 ships in a row to gain an upgrade to progress in the next mission, it doesn't feel fun then. When you reach your 3rd or 4th similar plantation like stealth segment you feel like you are caught in a time loop.

Combat is just as boring, simplistic and pointless as ever. There is no real platforming. But the setting is really nice to be in and fufils your childlike Pirate wishes.

The repetition isn't contained to the campaign, although there is a massive map and lots of icons on the map, it's all pointless repetitive bullshit and doing it just feels like ticking empty boxes for the sake of it.

But, it's miles better than AC3, miles and miles and is a decent game in its own right. Just work on the missions Ubisoft please, more variety, more platforming.
Posted by gamingeek Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:29:32
Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:42:32
On the Wii U side of things, you get offscreen play as one would expect and it works very well and looks good on full brightness too.

The additions are in the second screen displays. I know a lot of people like to dismiss or joke about the gamepads contributions to some games, but in this case I found it to be indispensable.

Your onscreen radar is a small circle that, when sitting away from the tv is about 1 inch wide. Your Wii U gamepad display is 4-5 inches, less than a foot away from your face.

Sure you can get a fullscreen map if you pause the game, but this is a stealth game, and you want real time movements of NPCs and ships. There were many occasions where the normal game displays failed me, eagle vision etc, but where the U pad came through, showing troop positions, movements and importantly which direction they were facing you so can sprint from cover to cover when they aren't looking at you.

It's also very useful for sailing, there are danger zones with enemy ships and cones of vision and the usefulness of a second screen was patently obvious. It also helps very well in the mist soaked sailing sections, so you could go faster without having to worry about crashing into rocks in the mist.

Whilst it's hardly using the pad in the most innovative or extensive way, it's usefulness shines through again. In stealth games, like Deus Ex hr Directors cut, this pad sings, we need more stealth games on U.
Mon, 27 Oct 2014 20:56:04
I'm glad I was able to push you forward to finish this game & enabled you to write this review.
Mon, 27 Oct 2014 21:50:23
lol Is your first post actually longer then the review itself?
Tue, 28 Oct 2014 03:30:31
All negative stuff then one sentence saying its better than AC3. 8.4! Nyaa
Tue, 28 Oct 2014 04:32:24
Better than Shadows of Mordor.
Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:53:36
Archie, it was supposed to be part of the review, belatedly added.

Vader, my first proper paragraph is full of praise.
Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:22:24
Lies! You are part of corrupt gaming journalism as well. #gamergate Nyaa
Wed, 29 Oct 2014 20:10:16
I've got nothing against accepting monies from VGpress members for reviews.
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