Overall 3.70
Adrift is a video game version of the movie gravity without any of the good stuff from the movie. This was hyped as a VR title as if puts you into a suit floating in space around a destroyed space station. Why the station is destroyed is the mystery and that story unfolds through tape recorders you find as you play. This is basically a walking simulator, well floating simulator. You do nothing but go to the next point of interest, listen to crap and try to keep your oxygen level up by using the tons and tons of ways to get oxygen. It's incredibly boring, it's the gone home of space.

Let's start with the VR which is the only interesting thing about this game. Yeah it's neat, seeing the eath below you, watching objects float by in 3D. It could probably make you sick but I never felt sick will playing. The graphics are actually good but the framerate was a bit rough for me. Still the same thing happens with this game, since I use a controller I just feel like I have a screen on my face, I do not feel like I am floating in space.

The controls are decent, it takes a bit getting used to but soon you will be floating around like a pro. Every movement takes up oxygen but everything is carefully placed so there is always oxygen canisters to grab. The only way you can die is if you decide to explore (waste of time) or take the wrong route when out in space (look for debris lines to guide you) as long a s you stay on the path the game has for you you should be fine. And that's basically the only gameplay mechanic there is, nothing else happens. You travel you activate computers as the game tells you and you grab oxygen. This lasts like 5 hours.

The base itself is pretty huge, it has a center hub with four stations attached to it that all extend outward pretty far. If this game had actual exploration and let you navigate the world solving puzzles it could have been a great setting. But nope, this game wants you to do nothing. The story itself is meh, look developers you are not good writers, you are video game makers, stop trying to be something you are not.  At least the game is fun to control and the whole concept of being in space gave me the little enjoyment I had out of it. VR also helped.

These kinds of games need to be stopped, they are awful. They shouldn't be praised. They are nothing more than elaborate poorly written novels.
Posted by Dvader Wed, 10 Aug 2016 19:21:38
Fri, 12 Aug 2016 17:18:13
Wow normally negative reviews get more attention.
Fri, 12 Aug 2016 17:33:43
Sorry, I haven't even heard of this game. Hard for me to laugh about it without any kind of Interest.
Fri, 12 Aug 2016 18:27:05
Oh, sorry...

Bohh! Hiss! etcetera etcetera ...

Everything I've read about this game had a negative vibe to it.  I guess no one was surprised by your review or score.
Sun, 14 Aug 2016 13:47:14
Are you kidding me with this shit? Why not spend your time just bashing your head into a brick wall?
Sun, 14 Aug 2016 16:11:30
Could have been playing Splatoon Vader. Son am disappointed.
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