Massive Halo Development Leak
Over 25 years of Halo material leaked. news
Analyst: Nintendo Under Pressure For Earlier Announcement
"It is actually getting so bad with those leaks that they might cause Nintendo to release information earlier than planned." editorial
EA Knocked Back Plans for Dead Space 4
"They just said, no, we're not interested right now, we appreciate it, blah blah blah" news
Playstation Boss Mentions Reviving Old Franchises
But no further details. news
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I’ll wait for the Pro version then.
Gameboy wasn't backlit either.
The mega bomb thing doesn't seem to affect them at all either.
It says I played 95 games for a total of 1255 hours.
660 hours of that was Snowrunner.
140 hours on Octopath 2
140 hours Ace Attorney Apollo Justice trilogy
They do a month by month tally and Snowrunner and Ace Attorney took up like 4 months each.
Go Aggies.
Good move. I have been reading American Promethus for what feels like the last 8 months.
Holy crap.
My Switch play has been virtually nonexistent this year.
Top 3 games played are all less then an hour.
1. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
2. F-Zero 99
3. Nintendo Entertainment System Online
My backlog is huge. Games are so cheap on the eshop I buy 5 at a time usually.
Just bought Doom 2016, I held off for ages but the motion controls in Duke Nukem reminded me that gyro controls make everything better.
You play as a robot Ninja in a metroidvania. I loved the demo and just saw a NWR video review.
They say it rivals Ori and the Blind Forest.
I never received an email. I wonder if I could check via the website?
I played 10 games for a total of 230 hours. Imput in 127 hours in Paper Mario TTYD.