Gunman shot by Pokemon GO player he tried to rob
Now they're fighting back
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robio (5m)
Yes GG multiple lock on only works with a laser upgrade. So I found some hidden paths yesterday that took me to some new levels and boss battles. Some meh some great. I love one against a giant robot gorilla where in free mode you switch from flying to a walker to avoid attacks, it feels like I am in a transformers movie.
I still find the game to be all over the place with quality. The levels have gotten so much harder and now dodging is very necessary but I am trying to aim so my focus gets divided. Because motion and analog are two different inputs I don't coordinate as well. Even switching motion off I find myself wanting to aim at stuff away from where I am moving so I want the controls on. No matter what I do it doesn't feel right.
Did you try inverting the sticks to match motion? That way you move with the stick and use the motion control for more fine tuned aiming.
GAF on NX is pretty interesting, I thought it would be hated but it's like a 55/45 split between love and hate the idea.
A 540p handheld makes sense, it can easily double up for scaling to 1080p.
Vita has a 540p screen and most people say its great.
I have no fucking idea what I am watching here. This is madness. The BBC news is doing a (live) news report talking and walking with the man in the UK who claims to be the first guy to catch all the Pokemon. They are playing Pokemon Go live. On the BBC news. Right now. Live.
So weird.
Okay here is a post from one of GAFs more technically minded posters
Thraktor, Blu and some others are well respected on GAF for their tech knowledge.
I don't want my brain to explode, it's always been up is down and down is up.
But I remember when you played Zombi U and said that you could no longer have that stick setup. I had the same problem with Wii U. With shooters, the sticks have to be literal, up is up down is down. I bet if you tried that it would make the game easier for yourself, especially as that is how the gyro aiming works. Practice with it.
Anyhow on NX:
"Those controllers seem more like an evolved wiimote+nunchuk for me: you hold each half in each hand. I bet they have motion sensors and probably even IR pointing capabilities. That would enable Just Dance on the go, for example."
Remember when Ubi said the new Just Dance was coming to all motion controlled machines?
I don't like the idea of detaching the sides of the thing and having two pieces of a controller. I hope they have a normal controller that you can sync up to the dock station or whatever.
BTW...I just found out that you can use a Super Nintendo controller to play Genesis, NES and GBA games on the Retron 5. This is badass....I never thought to try. Let's face it the Snes pad blows the Genesis one away.
I just thought of something. If these controllers break off the NX into 2 independent motion controllers........ and if the NX handheld/screen slips into a VR head shell. You basically have wireless VR out of the box.
You can probably snap the two halves together for single controller but it would be pretty cramped.
NX carts hold more than Wii U discs do and those are 25gb
Vader. why don't you want carts? Honestly, that's my favorite thing I've heard about this system. This isn't like N64 carts or something....modern day carts have tons of storage space. Not to mention the improvement to loading times.
And you wont need game installs.
How it will work with these PS4/XB1 games that have you buy a disc, install it, then download a 20gb update though...
How would updates work? An internal memory card like the DS?
Spanish Forum leaked NX specs in May
Edit: Fuck me.
Edit2: Better translation.
New info.
SSD drive.
Okay, that blows my mind.
Screen sold by itself so used for touchscreen only. Less than $200.
Tegra N1? X1s successor?? Which means it will be minimum 1 teraflop roughly as powerful as XB1 and might even be closer to 2 teraflops, slightly more than PS4. It can use tech inside game carts to bump up performance like the Super FX chip??
EDIT: Now my mind is going crazy.
That story says the unit will be either $100-$200 based on the screen size. It's been hinted that NX might have multiple form factors. So what if they sold a small screen version for $100 you might buy for your kids, and a larger screen version for $200? And that Spanish forum said that it can be upgraded via cartridges like the Super FX chip? Nvidias tegras are SOC small form factor square-ish chips. What if there were actually two cartridge slots on the NX unit. One for games and the other was an expansion port. You literally plug another N1 into it for better performance.
Nvidia have the NVLink super fast connection interface. What if they worked it into this?
EDIT: I misread the story. Its saying that the console itself will be a small thin box for $300 and the screen is extra and connects to it. So people could just buy the box and use it as a screenless home console then. But see what the dude says?
"All I can say is that is not the Tegra X1 but his successor, which is modular and can improve its graphical capacities using cartidge modules (!)."
EDIT: Mind blown again. Remember hte SCD patents where it had multiple modules connected to each other to daisy chain units for better performance? If the N1 is modular and can improve performance with added modules, what if you could daisy chain these plain thin NX boxes together to make a system as powerful as you choose to?
I don't care about a screen. I will use it as a normal console so the screen is useless to me.
That's good then, according to the rumour posted in May, you wont have to pay for one.