study on how gaming habits change with age
competitive games become less attractive
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Dvader (10m)
I have been playing Rocket League ofc, S2 just started with a new rank system, uncommon drops post-matches and some other nifty tweaks.
Also Firewatch, which I just beat. Great dialogue and VA.
And Subnautica, which is a neat Early Access game I picked up during this past Steam sale.
What about you duderinos?
Whenever I'm out and about killing beasties or just exploring I make it a point to just run around collecting all those little trinkets. Then when I'm at the mission board I just pick the gather missions where I've already collected those items. I've been doing a lot of the side missions to help me level up.
I've mainly been playing Xenoblade Chronicles X but also briefly played some Black Ops III and World of Tanks.
I've played lots and lots of The Witness.