Monster Games producing new game for Nintendo
Top Secret - EXITEEE?
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SupremeAC (4m)
finally, i'm holding soul bubbles, the full game, in my hands, in my ds, and..
that could be the single most ingenious, high-quality game on a handheld i've seen in my life, and i just finished the first couple of non-tutorial levels in it.
the sound, the vision, the feel of this game are just so right. not to mention the serious technology so unobtrusivley making the game tick.
big thanks to the powers at play, and all the kind gaffers who drew attention to this masterpiece. you guys rock.
My comic is on the frontpage! Awesome
Really? I always thought you were really old because you state that you've been gaming since gaming has existed.
No it said 1984 from the studio that did the comics and 1987 from when the cartoon was published.
One of the site's forefathers.