Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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robio (2m)
That's a weird way they put it. I'd agree that there's a lot of games on the PS2 that look prettier than most of what's on the Wii, like Final Fantasy 12, God of War 2, etc. But that's because there was a real effort to put graphically impressive games on the system by the industry's top talent for a span of 6-plus years and really push it as far as it could go.
I used to wonder how much further the Cube and Xbox could have been pushed if they had that level of commitment. Obviously the Wii destroys the PS2 technically, but unfortunately the Wii is also the only system that has ever had this philosophy that's almost anti-graphics and anti-hardware. Its like an excuse for lazyness.
Edgecrusher, in the past I would have agreed with you. But look at all these guaranteed great games that have turned out to be flops or not as great as hoped. Lair, Infinite Undiscovery, Fable, Force Unleashed et al. These are the games that people cite in forums for reasons as to why their console of choice is looking good, then a good proportion of these games "fail" in the end.
And then look at suprisingly good titles which have surfaced like Boom Blox, De Blob or Endless Ocean or Bionic Commando Rearmed. I've gotten over that whole - guranteed good- looking game thing. You don't know until it comes out.
Yeah, it is an excuse many developers are using. Most of these graphic pushers are put to work on the other systems, leaving the C-team to do the Wii version. Some games like Wii-sport and brain training do not require state of the art graphics, but the more traditional games could use the power.
Screw these lazy ones, Go Mushroom Men! This is the only more "traditional " game left in 2008. I am using the word traditional very, very loosly here.
I can guarantee that Sin & Punishment 2 will be fucking awesome. And Sasuke's has seen Little King's Story as GoTY.
I can guarantee that Animal Crossing: City Folk will be effing awesome too. GOTY 2008! Woot!
I am so making a comic about your GOTY 2008 statement! Plus a sequel to mine Little Kings Planet = GOTY!
Hamster, if you haven't already download Sin and Punishment NOW!
Oh yeah, I forgot about downloading that. I might do that later tonight when I get home.
Fracture is another one, remember Euphoria? Wii can't do Euphoria, hence it's a last gen machine with no good games. Turns out Force Unleashed is a big disappointment, Fracture despite its morphing landscapes is shit and that leaves us with an animation system which barely anyone notices in the first instance. Again the only reason I'm mentioning this is because I vividly remembering people rattling off lists of games as to why the future of one system looks all roses.
Then when the roses wilt and drop to the floor, they just quietly dust them under the carpet and start hyping the next round of guranteed great games. Resistance and motorstorm were well hyped and Resistance apparently wasn't the Halo killer and Motorstorm got middling to poor reviews. Hell I've even been guilty of this, I was highly anticipating Red Steel's release and that was far worse then it could have been. I'm just saying that there isn't much point saying that the "big" games are guaranteed good and the little ones aren't.
When a game like Endless Ocean turns out to be as fufilling and great an experience as Mario Galaxy then I'm a pretty satisfied gamer.
Poor Reggie. Can't please those ugly, hungry core gamers. They're the devil, I tells ya.
You would think that EA would have done a double pack of the Burnout games GC didn't get.
Pink devil's I say!
I see what you are saying. It is very sad to see PR's going this way when they are winning. Remember how arrogant SONY was when talking about hardware especially future specs? This year definately seems to be weaker then the last 2 years from Nintendo. Here's hoping that next will fair better and that what we got out of the conference was just a drop of the....WAIT WTF a 2D Sidescrolling Claymore game!!!!!?!?!???? DAY ONE!
EDIT - In a way I do agree with Gamingeek I mean alot of these "hyped" games seem to be hyped just for the sake of it and turning out to be shit. I mean Killzone 2 and Fable II? Didn't the originals suck ass?
Excite Truck and Medal of Honor.....
Anyway I think you people don't understand where Edge is coming from he WANTS those big games geared toward serious gamers. So far the Wii only has 2 announced Capcom vs Tatsunoko and Monster Hunter 3. Other then that it is just a bunch of niche titles or titles from small and medium developers.
One of the site's forefathers.
You can't expect Nintendo to say that the 3rd party's should step-up! Pissing them off now, would be a bad idea!
Telling them to step it up? Not really. Forming deals for them to make more serious games like the other two hardware companies do? Sounds like a good idea.
One of the site's forefathers.
Hehehe, Reggie said plethora.
To be fair, Fable II seems to be shaping up as the game the original one never came to be, but that's beyond the point. The thing is, the so called Nintendo core gamer is pissed off right now because they look left and right (meaning, Sony and MS's way) and they see huge amounts of exposure for a good number of interesting games of varied genres; all they get is third party shitty efforts between the few and far between high profile first party games.
And the worst part is, the system does have a number of interesting games so far (Boom Blox, DeBlob, Endless Ocean) that are overlooked even by Nintendo fans because the big N is doing a SHIT job on making those titles known to the public. It wouldn't be surprising AT ALL if a handful of similar games (i.e. good-to-great, but painfully overlooked) came out in the upcoming title batches only to find dismal sales and lukewarm reception, while Reggie talks his ass off about WiiFit and WiiMusic and WiiSHIT.
I know Microsoft does that often, it is probably too expensive for Nintendo's liking. I hope they are at least investing their money to hire and educate new talent, in the longterm this could be even better than making deals.
Too expensive for Nintendo? *looks at sales charts and yearly revenue*....let me just say that I HIGHLY doubt it.
And the thing is that they aren't educating new talent either. What was the last "new" high quality company that gave way from Nintendo? Retro? Good Feel has only done an average or slighty above average platformer from talks so they probably aren't one.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yes, too expensive, as in the profits do not justify the costs. As much as I would like it, Nintendo is not going to spend lots of money to buy support. Nintendo was always a conservative company, and they will probably remain so!
About the second point, how do you know if they are educating new talent or not?
They are. Iwata trains poker players with his unperturbed face.